I Want To Lose 10 Kg Weight In 20 Days What Should I Do

How can i lose 10kg in 40days?

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don't eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It's not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym - a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

I want to lose 10 Kg weight, I am 30 years old and 77 Kg. What should be the genuine time to expect 10Kg weight loss?

Loosing fat of the body is more important than reducing weight.A muscular body may weigh more than a fat body but still look lean. It's the fat that's the troublesome element. 7500 unused / unwanted calories result in weight gain of 1 kg.Just loosing weight will do no good. The lost fat weight must be replaced by muscles and that's the Key. This is because if you loose weight without muscle gain, it will result in making you weak and appear weak.Loosing weight / Gaining muscles is 15% Exercise, 15% Sound & Proper Sleep and 70% diet.Cardiovascular exercises like brisk waking, jogging or running helps in loosing calories. But the moment you stop cardiovascular exercises the calorie burning stops and moreover it does no good in muscle gain.Whereas if you indulge in extensive weight training, it not only aids the loss of calories but also the calorie burning process goes on for 36 to 48 hours. Cardiovascular exercises are very important, but they should be done with a sole aim of enhancing your stamina.Go for compound exercises like Squats, Dead Lift, Bench Press, Fly, etc. These compound exercises help in reducing fat and muscle gain too.Have protein rich diet, drink lots of water and remain hydrated. Fast food, Fried food, Food stuff loaded with preservatives should be avoided like sin. Always eat home made food including greens and seasonal fruits. Green tea twice or thrice helps to increase metabolism. Have proper and Sound sleep. Stay cheerful and try avoid taking stress. If possible do some breathing exercises in the morning. Wish you all the very best.

How do I lose 10 kgs in 20 days?

No,you cannot reduce 10kgs in 20 days healthily.Don't be fooled by internet blogs and fitness packages. You can reduce upto 5-6 kgs and shed maximum of 7 kgs. Fasting and eating very less that you don't meet your calorie requirements of the day often causes health issues. Following proper diet with intense workout plans help you lose weight fast.Diet:Classic diet scheduleBefore Running, eat a small bowl of cereals or take some low carb foods.Morning - green tea with fruits (except banana) and 2pcs of whole wheat toast.After 2 hours fruit juice(except lemon)At lunch boiled vegetables with 2 egg whitesBefore workout, oatmeal or brown rice which will provide sufficient energy and nutrition.After workout, boiled chicken breast 150-200gAt night,fruit salad.Workout Plan:Start with running in the morning. Run for 2kms.While running, alternate between running,jogging and walking repeatedly to attain the fixed target.During workout, perform strength exercises for 40 mins. Intermittent gap of 10 minutes between strength exercises and cardio is necessary. During the gap,take a light food with complex carbs and proteins which will give you enough energy to do cardio and help reduce fat. Intra workout shakes can be taken.Perform 20-30 mins of heavy cardio exercises. After 30mins, take boiled chicken breast. Perform legs exercises and don't run next day. Train your upper body and lower body equally.Greens and spinach must be included in the afternoon diet. Avoid dairy products, ice creams, chocolate (less intake will be appreciated) junk foods, and fast foods.

Can I lose 10 kilos in 20 days?

In terms of proper weight loss i.e. losing fat, I’d say don’t try it.  Roughly speaking, you need a calorie deficit of 500 cals/day to lose 1lb/week.  You’re talking about losing more than 7lbs/week, so would need a calorie deficit of 3500/day.  That’s not healthy, given that the total recommended calorie intake for a woman is 2000 calories/day.  You might be able to achieve it by practically starving yourself while doing several hours a day of low intensity exercise that is mainly fat burning, but you may well damage yourself in the process, and as soon as you revert to a normal diet your body is likely to put a lot of that weight straight back on.If you’re talking about cutting weight just to hit some arbitrary number for one day only before bouncing back, then there are techniques used by athletes in certain weight classes (boxers, wrestlers, MMA, rowers) to cut a lot of weight quickly.  But these aren’t long-term losses, they’re short term measures which rely a lot on dehydration, having minimal solids in your gut, etc to hit their weight target, then they go rehydrate and eat a load of food to get back to their normal weight.If your need to lose 10kg is sports related, then your coach should be telling you how to do it safely, but I suspect it’s not.  If you’re trying to lose this much weight for personal reasons, whether it’s a beach holiday, or trying to fit into a dress for a party, or whatever, then it’s absolutely not worth the risk.  This kind of extreme weight loss can lead to serious medical problems including organ failure.  You’re 17, you have your whole life ahead of you, focus on achieving sustainable weight loss of maybe 1–2kg/week and having long-term health.

Can I lose 10 kgs in fifteen days?

In one word NO given the fact that you stop eating completely.It may so happen that you can reduce 4–5 kgs in 15 days. But reducing 15kgs is being over-ambitious if that is your aim.Never try for shortcuts. Always do the healthy way and you will find yourself reaping the benefits for lifetime.If you want to lose weight, there is no better way than healthy eating. Do you know, weight loss is 80% healthy eating and only 20% exercise. So, focus on eating correctly and you will see results in no time.Hope this helps! If you want to know more about health tips, do let me know. I would be happy to help you.

How do I lose 10 kilos in 20 days?

HiThanks for A2AFirst, Did you gain your weight in 20days?I guess not, Losing the first few kg’s takes upto 2–3 month depending on the body type, let alone 10 kgs.I know you said it’s a priority but rome wasn’t built in a day or 10.kiddo, No matter what your reason is. You should never do anything that you would regret for the rest of your life.Start easy, Slow. I am sure with proper diet and workout, you will achieve the body of your dreams. Plus you are a guy, you can still grow. You need proper nourishment with loads of protein.If you go on diet now, not only will it hinder your growth but you will also end up risking you hair line. I hope that’s not what you want.The only workout i am going to suggest you now is early morning jog and surya namaskar.start waking up early, and jog for at least 1 km. If you can’t jog then walk, slowly increase your time and distance. Jogging is a great cardio and early morning jog will help you loose faster. It will help with your stamina and leg muscle.After jog, when your body is well warmed up, do 2–3 reps of surya namaskar, Increase once your body can handle more. But remember, never push yourself, as it can cause injury.Diet ( i hope you’re indian)less sugar, salt.cut aerated drinks and packed juiceseat more salad and fruitsAvoid junkdrink more waterHave heavy breakfast- include egg whites, banana, milk. Also if you crave for paratha then have stuffed roti. You can also have poha, idli.Lunch should be moderate- Dal, chawal, roti with salad is fine.Dinner should be the lightest- have a bowl of soup and salad or a glass of milk or dal with chapati.Between meals, keep eating almonds or fruits.And whatever your mom makes is healthy. Trust me, with clean diet you can do so much better.So Follow this plan for a month. And inbox me if you did follow it religiously. I will tell you the next step.I hope you find it helpful.Take care. :)

I want to lose 20 kg in 10 weeks. please help?

i want to lose 20 kg in 10 weeks. please help. i am now 77 kg , 1.74 cm in height, and i want to be 57 kg in 2 1/2 months. please tell me how many calories i shall take per day , and what foods , breakfast , lunch, dinner. also if i must take multivitamins every day. thanks

How do I reduce 10 kgs of weight in 20 days without gym or with gym?

1 gram of Fat has 9 Calories.1 gram of Protein has 4 Calories.Without GYMI am assuming that for 10 kg of weight loss you want to reduce fat only.So you would need to burn 10*1000*9 Calories = 90000 calories.That is 4500 calories per day. That seems impossible.2. Lets suppose you intended to lose weight irrespective of fat or muscle. Even though body will reduce weight either from fat or muscle automatically , lets suppose it loses weight from 50% from either.So you would need to burn 5 kg of fat and 5 kg of muscle.5*1000*4 + 9*1000*5 = 65000 calories.3250 calories per day. That also seems impossible. :|You can try starving your self for 20 days then also i guess you would burn around 42000 calories.So in Short not possible.With GYMYou can burn at most 500 calories in gym . So you can reduce these amount of calories , but still the number will remain too high. So not possible naturally with gym too.