Identify The Period Range And Amplitude Of Each Function

Identify the period and amplitude for the function, y=-3sin 5x?

Depends on whether x is in degrees or radians.

In degrees, 360º is one revolution or period. so 360=5x, x = 72º is the interval where is repeats, the period.

in radians, 2π is one period, so
2π = 5x
s = (2/5)π is the period

Amplitude varies with value of x. Maximum amplitude is +3. Peak to peak amplitude is 6


How do you identify the amplitude and period?

1. Amp = 3
Period = 1/2pi

2. Amp = 2
Period = 4pi

The amp is the number that is "first"
You get the period by dividing 2pi by whatever number is attached to the variable

Here is something you can follow
For F(t) = Af(Bt – C) + D, where f(t) is one of the basic trig functions, we have:

A: amplitude is A
B: period is (2π)/|B|
C: phase shift is C/B
D: vertical shift is D

Remember though. When it's tan or cot then instead of dividing 2pi by the variable you only divide it by pi. This is because tan and cot are pi periodic

Find the period, range, and amplitude of the cosine function.?

F(t) = Aƒ(B(t − C)) + D where ƒ(t) is one of the basic trig functions

Amplitude = A
Period = 2π/|B|
Phase Shift = C
Vertical shift = D

so for y = -5cos(6x)

period = 2π/|6| = π/3
amplitude = -5, hence range -5 ≤ y ≤ 5

so None of the answers as written are correct but if replace the < (less than) with ≤ (less than or equal to) then Answer A is correct.

Find the domain, period, range, and amplitude of the cosine function. y=-6cos4x?

The function is defined for all real numbers; its domain is ( - infinity , + infinity ) .
The 4x in the argument serves to compress the period of the normal cos(x) function by a factor of 4.

The period of cos(x) is 2π.

The period of cos(4x) is (2π / 4) = π/2 .

Therefore the period of - 6cos(2x) is π/2 .

The range is [ - 6 , 6 ] .
The amplitude is the absolute value of the leading coefficient , | - 6 | = 6

Here's the graph of the function :

What are the amplitude and period for y= -2sin x/4?


y = -2 sin (x/4)

The amplitude is -2

The period would be

=> 2pi / (1/4)
= 8pi

How to find amplitude and period when given function?


f(x) = 2sin(2/3*x)

The amplitude for sin and cos is the absolute value of the number out front, so the amplitude is 2.

The normal period for sin or cos is 2π radians or 360°.

When there is a 2/3 in the parentheses times x, the new period is divided by 2/3.

New period = 2π/(2/3) = 3π radians <==ANSWER
New period = 360°/(2/3) = 540° <==ANSWER

I hope that helps!! :-)

In the equation y= -6cos(x/4), what is the domain, range, amplitude, and period?

The domain is all real numbers, for cos(x) is continious for all x.

The range, which here is given by your amplitude is y : [-6,6]

Your amplitude is of course 6.

The period of cos (x) is 2pi. So x/4 = 2pi

Your period is thus 8pi

How do you find the period of a tangent function?

For a sine/cosine function, it would be 360/b, with "b" being the coefficient before x.  For tangent, however, it would be 180/b.  In radians, 360 is 2pi and 180 is pi.

How do you find a trigonometric equation from only the amplitude and period?

Tidal range‘How do you find a trigonometric equation from only the amplitude and period?Question - some of the largest tides in the world are observed in Canada’s Bay of Fundy. The difference between high and low tides is 14 meters, and the average time difference between high tides is 12.4 hours. Find a sine model for the height of the tide H in terms of time t.’If you write the tide as [math]H = A sin(\omega t)[/math]Then A is half thetildel range [math]= 7 m[/math] and[math]\omega[/math] is [math]2\pi/12.4[/math] hoursbecause [math]sin[/math] repeats itself after [math]2\pi[/math] unitsSo[math]H = 7 sin(\pi t/6.2)[/math]