Imperfect Vs Preterite Usage In Spanish

Are there any really good tricks to remember when to use the Preterite vs. Imperfect tense in spanish?

I understand. It can be a problem. A quick way is to think about how you would record the past. Either video or snapshot.

The imperfect is an ongoing past like a video.
I used to ride my bike everyday.
We always sang when we cleaned the house.

The preterite is a completed past action like a shapshot.
I fell off of my bike and broke my leg.
He kicked the ball.

Think about these:

I was talking on the phone(video) when my mother got home. (snapshot)

I was doing my homework(video) in the kitchen while my mother cooked dinner.(video)

I ran the 100 in just under 6 seconds. (snapshot)

The door slammed shut. (snapshot)

I hope this helps you to sort it out.

Preterite vs. Imperfect (spanish help)?

It depends on the context of what you want to say.

If you actually purchased the ring, you would use the preterite: "El anillo me costó (amount)." This is because the preterite is the tense used to describe a one-time action that took place in the past (you only bought the ring once).

If you did not buy the ring, but are merely commenting on a ring you saw in the store, you will use the imperfect: "El anillo costaba (amount)." This is because the imperfect is used to make descriptions in the past (you saw the ring at a point in the past and are describing it by saying how much it cost).

Preterite vs. imperfect in Spanish?

Spanish has two past tenses: preterite and imperfect. There are some guidelines to know when to use either one:
1. The preterite is used to describe completed actions in the past.
Ex: Yo aprendí italiano hace diez años.
El cocinó hoy para mí

2. When you are expressing mental state's changes or feelings, you use preterite.
Ex: Me alegré con la noticia.
Se enfermó del estómago.
This is usually expressed with a reflexive form.

3. The imperfect is used for ongoing past actions. These actions tend to be interrupted by another
action. Ex: Estaba comiendo cuando me llamaste. (I was eating when you called me)

4. You also use the imperfect when you want to give some information as a background to the principal action.
Ex: Era un día muy lluvioso,había mucha humedad.

5. The imperfect is used to express mental state or feelings
Ex: No me sentía bien.
Estaba triste.

6. Use imperfect to express simultaneous actions
Ex: Mientras comía, hablaba con mi padre.

7. Imperfect is used to express habitual past actions
Ex: Yo iba a clases de inglés dos veces por semana.

Remember that the preterite refers to completed actions in the past, and the imperfect refers to ongoing past actions.

Hope this helps!!

Difference between imperfect and preterite for spanish?

Okay, when using imperfect, you are referring to things that were on going in the past (things you did more than once or with frequency) Example : Yo siempre me levantaba a las seis de la manana (I always used to get up at six am)). The imperfect is also used with time and setting the scene (by this, I mean you are describing what was happening around you at the time (the sun was setting, the wind was blowing, etc...)).

Also, with the imperfect, there are certain phrases that you should keep an eye out for that show things happening often (todos los dias, siempre, nunce, cada (manana, verano, etc))

As far as the preterite goes, again, things that happened in the past, but are over and done with and typically occured once. Example : esta manana, yo me levanto a las ocho(this morning, I got up at 8:00).

Again, as with the imperfect, there are key words/phrases to be looking for (esta manana/tarde/noche, anoche, el otro dia, ayer, etc.)

When talking about something that was going on when something interrupts, you can use both preterite and imperfect. The ongoing action (what you were in the process of doing) you would use the imperfect. The action that interrupts the ongoing action would be in the preterite.
Example : Yo miraba la television cuando me llamaste (I was watching tv (ongoing action) when you called (interruption).

I hope that helps. it's all about memorization. there's tons of irregular verbs in the preterite, but only three in the imperfect (ir, ser, and ver). It just takes practice. this is an extremely difficult topic for English speakers as we don't really have this in English. best of luck to you!

When to use preterite versus imperfect for Spanish?

Hi, so I'm having problems with knowing when to use which one in a sentence. I know how to conjugate the words, but my problem is. How do I know when to use what? And please provide sentence examples. Like what should I look for in a sentence that indicates which word to use?

Thanks a ton!

Links are fine as long as they make sense :)

Spanish Question - Imperfect vs Preterite?

if u can't put it on a calendar or a specific date in a diary then use the imperfect if u can then use the preterite ! in this case you would use the imperfect ...
gustar = gustaba
ver = veia ( accent on the I )
diverterse = me divertia ( again accent on the I )

your sentence :
primero me gustaba ir a la escuela - yo siempre veia mis amigos, y me divertia mucho.

Native Spanish speakers - Imperfect vs Preterite?

Thank you very much for answering my question!

The preterite is all types of past tense. There are many types of preterites.

Imperfect is a type of preterite.

At first, you should know that there are two large groups of verbs: indicative and subjunctive mood.

There is the preterit perfect of the indicative or subjunctive, and also the preterite imperfect of the indicative or the subjunctive. Is easiest to use the indicative mood.

The indicative mood is also divided into two groups: simple and compound. In the indicative mood is preterite perfect simple, preterite perfect compound and preterite imperfect (simple). The preterite imperfect compound doesn´t exist.

-The preterite perfect simple is the verb used when you are talking about a past action that has finished and has not connection with the present.
For example:

-The preterite perfect compound is the verb used when you are talking about a past action that has finished and is related to the present. The formula is ''haber+verbo'' (have+verb).
For example:

-The preterite imperfect is the verb used when you are talking about an action that began in the past and it is unclear if it has completed or continue.
For example:

For a biography it is best to use the preterite perfect simple and preterite imperfect.

-Él nació en Madrid - He was born in Madrid. (Preterite perfect simple).
-Él empezó a escribir cuando tenía tres años - He began to write when he was three. (Preterite perfect simple).

-Él escribía en una periódico - He wrote in a newspaper. (Preterite imperfect).
-Él vivía en Barcelona - He lived in Barcelona. (Preterite imperfect).

I hope to have helped you and not having confused you more xD

Bye! :D

Do I use the Imperfect or Preterite tense in spanish when speaking about someone who is deceased?

Correct. You would use imperfect to talk about what they used to do, meaning repetitive actions in the past. Preterite is only for one time actions with a specific time or date. For more general repetitive actions in the past (like 'used to' do something or 'ing verbs) you use the imperfect.