In The Movie Twilight Is The Little Girl Played My Then Same Girl As She Grew Up Or No

Did Twilight ruined the vampire mythos?

Gone are the days when vampires were identified with terrifying creatures of the night. When they were represented as enemies of humanity. That lusted only for blood and little else.

After Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, a trend was set in motion. That of portraying vampires as long-haired anti-heroes that made many a girl drool at the idea of being taken by them.

Currently, vampires as seen in Twilight, no longer have an obsession for blood but instead have a thing for underage booty. They no longer sport their trademark fangs. And they're immune to sunlight (they sparkle!) and other traditional weapons that identify the vampire legend.

My niece asked me for more books about vampires and I gave her a copy of Bram Stoker's Dracula. She hated it. Said it was boring and the vampire was way to old an unattractive (based on the description of him). Dracula didn't have a sexy bone in his body, it seems.

So.. Does Twilight represent the death of Dracula and all he represented? Will vampires continue to get more and more sissified?

How was Kristen's Stewart portrayal of Bella in the movie Twilight?

Hello all!

My opinion: (please no stone throwing)

I like the book, never thought it should be a movie, and didn't like Bella Swan in either.

I don't like Kristen Stewart at all. I saw her in Speak, and the Messengers and saw that she applied the same character to Bella. She acted like she was always confused and kinda cracked out which is honestly bad acting. She said every line the same way and never even cracked a smile! Not once!

People I think are a bit too afraid to admit that she is a bad actress because they are afraid they are some how putting down the character or the book which isn't true.

When my friends and I (I introduced the book to everyone I know who has read it. I read it first in High School when no one had ever heard of it) first heard who they where casting as Bella all of us were like NO!

I always thought someone like Emily Browning (Lemony Snickets a series of Unfortunate Events) would be better for the part.
**See below for picture reference** = ^ - ^ =

Not only can this girl act on so many levels, portraying just the person we need for our Bella, but she looks how SM described her. Heart shaped face, young, plain yet somehow pretty.

(Holla if she screams BELLA to you!)

Emily is the right age too. Anyways as for looks, lets face it girls, Kristen Stewart is a train wreck.

Thats not saying anything about the actress just that she would be more appropriate for different roles than our shy, timid, heart shaped face Bella.

Little sister watch Vampire Sucks movie?..?

I'm planning on taking my sister to see Vampire Sucks in the weekends but not sure if I should let her watch it. I can watch it but not her probably cause she's only 8. She had so far seen the whole Twilight Saga movies so far. I'm just not comfortable with the romance & swearing, that's all. So should I let her watch it?

Reasons Harry Potter is Better Than Twilight...?

JK Rowling told a better love story in one chapter- The Prince's Tale- then Stephenie Meyer did in four books for one.

Why is Twilight so bad?

What kind of person likes Twilight? It's a terrible movie, and an even worse book series. But, I'm willing to listen to the other side. So, if any fans of Twilight are out there, tell me whats so great about it? Because from my point of view, it's worse than Spongebob, and that's bad.

Any Anti-Twilight people out there, please post why you hate it. It'll be nice to know that I'm not the only person that hates this god aweful francise.