Is Being A Theist Like Making Insurance Payments Hoping To Get Paid Despite Seeing No Dead People

What is the average payout for death benefits with life insurance?

I doubt there are any statistics with this information as the number would not give you any useful information. If you are asking how much coverage most people purchase, that is also not going to help you make a decision on the amount you should purchase.I discuss this topic is more detail here.One reasonable way to arrive at an amount of coverage is to imagine what your spouse (or other insurable interest) might need in the event of your death, now and in the foreseeable future.From experience, I can tell you most people that own life insurance are under- insured. For example, someone that bought a 20 year term policy at what might have been a reasonable death benefit and dies 18 years into the policy has not taken any inflation into account.Another important consideration is the return expected on any lump sum payment from an insurance company. With interest rates relatively low, more principal is necessary to achieve the same level of income.These factors and more should be discussed as part of any financial planning to be done, and should give you a clear understanding of your needs.

Should we punish people for something done by their ancestors?

Right now there's a lot of talk around here about the government making a formal apology for slavery. There also seems to be some mindset that reparations need to be made for slavery (I'm not sure who to honestly, since no former slaves are alive anymore).

I'm not sure exactly what the mindset for this line of thought is, since anyone connected to slavery in the US has been dead for decades, but the debate continues.

On a similar note, I've noticed that any time men start to complain about how something in society is now biased against them (i.e. family court), there will often be people who will tell them, "So what? Men had it good forever. Now you can see what women put up with."

I think like the slavery reparations, people are forgetting one crucial detail. Men today, for the most part, had absolutely nothing to do with what happened in the past. I'm 23 years old and have yet to make a law that oppresses women, but still I hear how I'm somehow responsible for women having fewer rights in the past (not from everybody, but from a substantial number of people).

Let's suppose that you and I find out that one of your ancestors murdered one of mine 200 years ago. Should I be able to punish you for what they did?

Why are some white people so insensitive to Black America's problems?

white people should not be held responsible for the short-comings of black people.

black people should expect more from themselves the way east indians expect their children will be doctors and lawyers and they should continue to work to better their communities the way calvin butts has done with harlem.

my reasoning has nothing to do with obama "breaking through" or the playing field now being "level". it has to do with my own experiences with both races and realizing that the problems come from within. the way the two races react to eachother within their own communities is vastly different. when grown white people see a white person being somewhat "different", they usually chuckle and go on about their and let live. when grown black people in inner cities see someone being somewhat "different", the reaction tends to be vocal and/or hostile as i've experienced...being continually demeaned by people that seem to be just like you is crippling to the psyche and detrimental to aspiration.

it is not white people's responsibility to come in and babysit and make things better.

fyi: black people tend to chuckle at people that bring up slavery and africa as a reason for modern-day problems. try not to mention that or the term "african dispora" if you decide to become a black rights activist.

Why are some rich people always borrowing money?

You must understand the concept of velocity of money.In an inflationary economy such as ours, money is always going down in value. This is bad for people who save money, as you probably already know, because your money loses value just sitting under a mattress or even in a savings account (because they pay you such little interest.)On the flip side, this is good for debtors since your income goes up as time passes, but your debt payments stay the same.So if you buy cashflowing real estate with a loan, that can be a very smart investment. If, for example, your monthly payment is $1,000 per month, but your net rental income is $1500, then you are making $500 per month on your investment.If, however, the value of the property goes up over time, as most do, and your rental income also goes up, as most do, then your investment was doubly smart. You net worth and income increase over time, while your debt payments remain the same.Once you have accumulated enough income from investment #1 to qualify you to borrow more, then do so. Your debt can buy you more wealth bringing assets.Bottom line = use debt (which decreases over time) to buy cashflowing assets (and which increase over time).Debt is simply an accelerator. It gets you what you want faster. If you use it wisely, it builds your wealth quicker. If you use it foolishly, then it makes you poor faster.

Why do supporters of Obamacare think that its repeal will suddenly cause death and mayhem, when many can’t afford the deductibles despite paying premiums and go without care right now?

“Why do supporters of Obamacare think that it's repeal will suddenly cause death and mayhem when many can’t afford the deductibles despite paying premiums and go without care right now?”Those of us who support the ACA, aka Obamacare, know that without Obamacare, people would be even less likely to be able to afford health insurance and healthcare. Without insurance, regular citizens have to pay the vastly inflated chargemaster rates of the medical provider. Those are considerably more expensive than their deductibles.The figures you’ve heard about tens of millions of Americans losing their coverage is partly from states kicking people off of Medicaid, partly from insurance companies being able to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions again, and partly from insurance going back to its much higher pre-ACA rates of inflation. They would also lose their requirements on premium dollars being spent for care and wellness, meaning more profits off of fewer people getting their vitally needed care. Obamacare is not the best coverage, but it’s miles ahead of what we had before it became law.Losing Obamacare will cause immediate mayhem in insurance and healthcare markets. Some people will die from loss of affordable care, some will die from loss of medical access. The estimates I have seen suggest 20,000–30,000 people would die needlessly every year.The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were a pricy boondoggle. Our country has spent trillions of dollars because of a coordinated attack that killed over 3,000 people, all in an effort to putatively save more people from being killed.Obamacare cuts down on our deficits and by conservative estimates saves at least 20,000 American lives annually. While it has flaws—some of them introduced by Republicans to make it both more expensive and less effective—it has generally been a cost-effective success.It is morally repugnant to spend extra money to needlessly let people die.

Why have kids when you cant afford them?

Because people are incredibly ignorant, lack self control, have no foresight into the future, and are too materialistic to live decently on what they have.

I have 0 sympothy or them,they did it to themselves. They made the life choices that put them where they are. I feel the kids should be removed, and given to someone that can provide a decent life.

Cramping a family of 4 (or more) into a 2 bedroom apartment, and living like sardines, with 2 people working, and still so far in debt they are screwed for the next 10 years(or longer), no savings/ no retirement, no college funds, ect. SHOULD BE A CRIME! There is 0 reason for that, children deserve better. There are a ton of them being forced to live with their parents mistakes...and it's sick.

Medical crisis, divorce,death, ect. those things are 100% understandable, you can't help a tragedy from occuring. For the ones that are just that plum ignorant with what they have chosen for themselves, they should be sterile.

* The whole tax thing isn't what really bothers me on the subject (like it does so many others). What pisses me off is the fact that the kids are the ones to suffer from their parents poor choices. I don't mind the 800/mo taxes coming out of my husbands pay. Of course I would prefer that money go to better things than it does. Yes we could use that money to take a nice vacation at the end of the year, but it doesn't bother me to not have it either. I'd rather it be going to removing from the parents and placing with a decent family, the kids that it is used to feed/clothe/insure/cover daycare/ect. though.

If we can make things work well on my husbands income, $300+ health insurance, mtg, car, ect. at our ages...then I don't know what the heck is wrong with these other people that can't make it with 2 people working.