Is Cardboard Safe For A Chinchilla

Is cardboard safe for a chinchilla?

Yes and no. If you have your chinchillla out for playtime and she nibbles on the corner of a box, then it's fine, but never give a chinchilla paper products inside the cage or they'll eat it. Paper tends to swell up in the intestines, and can cause a blockage. Also, most paper products are made with a lot of chemicals which are harmful to your chinchilla. Use plain brown cardboard without any heavy graphics or wax on it, and cut holes in it for her to hide in during playtime. If they chew it too much, take it away, or just keep an eye on her.

And please don't listen to Vita and give her popsicle sticks. You don't know what kind of wood that is, and it splinters very easily. It could harm or even kill her. Many wood types are toxic.

"Cardboard house" for chinchillas?

Its not dangerous, but it wont last long. I use empty soda 12 pack containers and trash back boxes. You can also use different sizes of boxes that stuff is sent to you in. If you want a nice, permanent house to last awhile, I would invest in some wood houses though. Heres some good ones:

Can chinchillas eat colored cardboard?

I have two chinchillas and I know they can eat cardboard but I want to know if they can eat colored cardboard..We just bought this new table saw thing and I want to cut holes in the box and give it to my chinchillas because it is really big..But it has like yellow paper on it and I dont know if that is safe. Please help! Thanks (:

Chinchilla/cardboard question!!!?

Chinchillas chew cardboard with no problems. I wouldn't give them a box that's covered with duct tape, but just plain cardboard is not a huge concern. They also love to chew on toilet paper tubes and paper towel tubes as well. Stuff one full of hay and watch them tear it apart to get to the hay. It's pretty amusing.

As a first time chin owner, I would very much encourage you to join There is a wealth of ideas on this forum, with lots of experienced breeders and pet owners who love to help new owners educate themselves as to the proper diet and care of their new pet.

Is it safe to give a chinchilla tin(aliminum) foil?

I'm going to the pet store on Saturday to buy my new chinchilla some toys and stuff but I was wondering if I could let him play with a tin foil ball till then I cannot give it a bouncy ball or a small chew toy because I know they cannot chew/eat plastic.
Can you help?

Can my chinchilla chew up my shoe box? Will it die?

Just watch the poo. If your chin has very small, unhealthy looking poops, or none at all over the next day or so, then you need to go to a vet. They don't usually EAT it, just chew it up. Only give them regular brown cardboard, or stuff that you can get from pet shops. It's best to give them safe wood chews (my girls love apple twigs). You can google safe woods for them to chew. I only give cardboard when they have playtime in the hallway. They have boxes to hide and play in, and they chew them a little of course.

Is cardboard or newspaper bad for your chinchilla?

Newspaper is fine. The ink used nowadays is nontoxic, but it tastes pretty crappy and it will stain the heck out of your chin if you leave them standing on it alone. I know of many people who line their cages with newspaper and have for many years with no problems.

Also, yes, you can use cardboard. I've used it for 9 years and the chins love it. Boxes for houses, the inside rolls of carpet (usually free at a carpet store, you just have to cut it), chubes from pet stores (but NOT the fluffy stuff inside), toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls stuffed with hay. It's a cheap, fun toy for your chin to destroy. Chins rarely eat what they chew. They usually just chew it up and spit it to the side. The chewing is the fun part, not the swallowing.

Wood chews are excellent for keeping their teeth down, but please, don't ever just go outside and pick up wood. Way too many types of wood are toxic to chins and other rodents and you could end up killing your chin if you do that. A list of safe woods for chins, You need to be sure that the wood is pesticide free, having absolutely no exposure to any chemical sprays or fertilizers, then it has to be scrubbed, boiled, and baked to remove anything that might be on it or in it.

I would stay away from pet stores to buy toys and supplies. Probably 99% of what is sold in pet stores for chins (and other pets) is not safe for them. They sell unsafe wood (peach), junk food, stale hay, and death balls (runabout balls). The two links listed in another post have excellent toys/supplies for your chins, though I would go with camphorchins personally, as the other site has become pretty unreliable with fullfilling orders. Another place you can look for supplies is in the classifieds section. There are many people there who make good, sturdy, safe things for your chin to play with. You can also take a look through the various forums and get ideas on more toys for your chin to play with, a lot of which you can make at home.

What would you do with a thousand chinchillas?

Holy crap, I’m doing good to keep up with one!Chinchillas are a lot smarter than you’d think, being rodents and all. Super playful, have pretty big personalities.My guy likes to sit and watch TV and eat kibble. He’s just like a person in a movie theater trying to find the popcorn without looking, pawing around until he grabs a piece, never taking his eyes off the screen, and when that one is gone, he’s surprised like “who took my kibble?” then goes looking for another.He also watches me play video games. Gets all sorts of upset if I miss a move that he knows I should have taken. Chitters at me and runs in circles in his cage.They eat their own weight in hay every day, and you should have kibble (ideally, timothy hay based feedstock, not alfalfa) on hand as well, and water, huge amounts of water.My guy likes to chew on stuff, and I’m pretty sure he’s not alone in that. His favorite is paper products like paper plates, cardboard, hardback book bindings.I’d bet he’d be hell on cords, the edges of wood cabinets and shelves, shoes, all sorts of other stuff.One chinchilla? Pretty awesome. Super adorable.A thousand? I’ll pass

Is stuffing bad for chinchillas?

The reason fleece is ok for most chinchillas is because it does not shred up into a bunch of loose threads. Stuffing, if eaten/swallowed by a chinchilla, can cause blockage and or impaction and can cause death.

Is paper bad for chinchillas to eat?

Hi! the thing is when I leave my chinchilla free around my bedroom she tends to eat the paper that i have for my printer and the wall paper, is it bad for her to eat it? Like; should I tell her no to do it and keep her away from it when I see her eating it? Or is it just ok?
