Is Fiesta Max Good For Syrian Hamster Also What Food Would You Recommend

I'm getting a hamster, is this a good list of supplies?

Kudos to you, dearie!
You have done your homework well, which is the thing that all responsible to-be pet owners should do. I'm sure you'll be a wonderful owner. Hope you'll find your dream hammie soon. =)

How much food do you feed your hamsters?

I spoke to the vets and other pet shops they said to me feed him 10gs twice a day in the morning and after noon because they dont eat alot i add one slice of fruit such as apple bananas. fruit chews with helps with their teeth ( but as a treat) 1-3 a week
my hamster is 1 year male syrian hamster white with brown earz and red eyes

Can I feed my hamster rat food?

I have an unopened bag of Fiesta Max rat/mouse food and am wondering if it is safe to feed my hamster. I have plenty of hamster food (and feed him fresh food too) but am just wondering if the rat food is okay too.

Can you feed Dwarf Hamsters normal hamster food? REPLY ASAP?

i've been looking for dwarf hamster food but cant find a really cheap one that is still a quality product. The cheapest quality dwarf hamster food i have found is 3.95 from Beaphar Xtra vital complete hamster food from ebay (500g) but have found a quality one for normal hamsters (does not say for which breed) from Pet Planet called Vitakraft Emotion Buity for 1.69 (300g). So can you tell me if a chinese dwarf hamster can eat it please! I'm going to buy 4 or 5 soon so reply asap!

P.S. What is the difference between Vitacraft Emotion Buity and Sensitive for hamsters? :D Tnkz

Hamster Questions.....?

First off, I am thinking of buying a dwarf hamster but I need help answering these questions so I can convince my mom.

1. How much work do they require a day?
2. Do they smell really bad?
3. If I take him/her out twice per day will it become more 'tame'?
4. How would I clean the cage?
5. What do they eat besides hamster food?

Also, please try to provide me with any other important info I should know. :)


Dwarf hamster care/diet?

I know most basic knowledge of dwarf hamsters. I do not have one yet but plan on getting on soon. I am going to make its food and I was wondering if this is a suitable diet
Mixed hamster/bird seed that includes sunflower seeds, wheat, millet( I think) and a few other seeds


Plain Cheerios


Unsalted peanuts

Maybe flax seed
I know what is fatty. If you have suggested portions or cute hamster names

Tips on caring for a hamster?

I had a hamster about two years ago. I still have her cage and wheel, but I've been waiting to get another hamster until I'm absolutely positive I have the time/resources to care for one properly. I think I want to get another one this summer. Here's some things I'm wondering about.

-What type of food and bedding is best for hamsters?
-How can I clean my old hamster supplies so it won't hurt my new one?
-What questions should I ask the pet store keeper before selecting a hamster?
-What is the best type of hamster for owners who aren't very experienced ?

Thank you! Any other tips/tricks are welcome!

I'm getting a hamster, so will someone hammy-experienced please answer my questions?

Ok, so I'm getting a Syrian hammy very soon. I have a few questions.

1. I've been looking in all the pet shops in my area, and it seems like the nicest cage is the CritterTrail Large Clear View Habitat, which looks like this: I like that it has a second level where I can put the food dish as well as a little attached carrying case, and the bottom part is quite roomy. Does anyone have any knowledge of this cage and know whether or not it's a good one? And do you recommend a different one that is available in stores? I can't buy online.

2. What is the best food for a hamster? I am willing to get a rather pricey brand if it means that it is healthier and tastier. I don't really want to get any kind of pellets because they seem so boring... Is the Kaytee Fiesta brand good?

3. Should I get a male or a female? I heard somewhere that males tend to be friendlier, but I don't know if that's true. Also, is it true that adult males get a lump just underneath their tail? Is that their testicles, and is it extremely noticeable? xD Silly question, I know, but... oh well.

4. Names! Please suggest a few names for both male and female. I don't want it to be a human name, and nothing unoriginal like Hammy or Hamtaro or anything. I want it to be unusual yet cute. :}

5. What are some fresh food treats that you are POSITIVE are safe for hamsters? And which of those should be fed in extreme moderation?

Thanks in advance, people! Please don't just copy and paste some page about hamsters. I'm already well aware of everything else hamster-related. I've been obsessing and doing research like mad. x]

Whats The Best Breed of Hamster For My Lifestyle And Personality?

I want a hamster that I can hold, pet, touch, and form a bond with. I don't want a nippy hamster that's fidgety and aggressive so that I can never pick it up. I also would like it too be semi easy to care for, since it would be my first hamster. I don't want it too be stinky and oily. I want to be able to take it out of its cage and put it in a mobile ball to run around in. I don't want an escape artist hamster. I've visited my friends house before and she had a Roborovski hamster and personally, I didn't really like its attitude and size. It was so small...we started putting it into the mobile ball and it kept slipping from our hands. He got lost...2 times. But we finally found him.

Also, I'd really prefer to have only 1 hamster. I'm not sure I can handle 2 at the time so please, no hamsters that get lonely easily and NEED a denmate.

And lastly, what type of cage, bedding, food and toys do you recommend for a hamster? Also, bottled water or tap water?

Thanks! ♥

How often/much do you give your hamster treats?

It depends on the type of hamster you have. If you have a dwarf hamster, it would be best to avoid pet store treats and fruits all together because they are high in sugar and dwarf hamsters are very prone to diabetes. Instead, you can give them vegetables 2-3 times a week. Things like broccoli,tofu,whole wheat bread soaked in milk,flax seed,and cooked poultry are all good. Vegetables high in natural sugars like carrots, peas, corn, should be avoided as well.

If you have a Syrian hamster, you can be more lenient with the treats you give him. I give my Syrian hamster 3 sunflower seeds a day (sunflower seeds are necessary in small amounts), and every other day I give ONE piece of healthy toppings. Every two weeks I give her a unflavored dog milk bone, and every once in a while I give her a different type of store bought treat like apple strudel once a week, etc. I also give her cat grass multiple times a week. And of course, the necessary fruits and veggies :)

I think that if you have a Syrian, you're OK. Try cutting back to a treat every other day. If you have a dwarf hamster, cut back on the store bought treats and try some of the healthier alternatives I listed above :)