Is It Normal To Daydream About Death

Why do I daydream about dying?

Well, I thought when I looked at your question that the answer was simple. You daydream about dying because you're suicidal. But from reading your explanation, it seems that you are already aware of this. So you want to know why you're suicidal.

From my own experience, antidepressants don't seem to work. And psychiatrists can't read your mind.

I don't think that you're doomed to always feel this way. Things will change for you, and this is an important point to remember.

I've never heard of that thing that if you try to commit suicide once, you'll never try again. I don't believe it, anyhow. I've heard of people attempting suicide multiple times.

At least you're saying that you only "used to" cut. So you don't anymore? That's a good thing, although try to avoid scraping your knuckles as well!

Do you have any insight as to the part of you that's missing? That seems to be something you could explore in greater depth. This could be a solution for you; certainly it's better than suicide.

Call help lines if you do get very down about things. People who care for those who are suffering from mental problems won't mind if you need to access the system often. Sure, they might get burnt out (this is my sense of humour talking now!), but I think they'd much prefer that you get the help you need.

Daydreams about death?

A lot of times, usual when I'm starting to fall asleep, I'll start to imagine in my head that I'm standing in my moms room with a shotgun because some guy broke into my house and I'm scared. He'll walk into the room and stand in the doorway and I'll say something along the lines of "please drop your weapon and leave, because I will shoot you and neither of us want that to happen". It's always very brief and then I'll start thinking of different ways I could've responded, but it always starts out the same.

And randomly I'll imagine the death of someone I know. But it's not as thorough as actual dreams, I just imagine the feeling of losing them, so I'm not even sure if it's really a daydream

So a) is it even a daydream or me just imagining things?

B) why?

C) sorry for whatever awful grammar/confusing sentences I've put you through, I'm dead tired but I can't fall asleep (hence the daydreams)

Any advice/words of wisdom is appreciated

Why do I daydream about death?

It's completely natural, there was a study done about death, and the conclusion was that normal people think about death at least once a day, and if you didn't think about death that meant you had some sort of mental disorder like antisocial personality disorder. The human mind thinks about everything, like me I'm strongly against drugs but when I have nothing to do I think about doing them. It's okay to have thoughts, it's whether we chose to act on them, if you are still truly worried you can talk to a parent or a psychiatrist but I promise you it's normal :)

I daydream about dying and then seeing my family's reactions.?

.. and have for many years. I'm not suicidal and I don't cut.
I daydream about dying, and all my family members reactions towards my death.
I'm 16 and have been having these weird daydreams since I was about 10.
Its kind of like seeing the reactions of my death among my family. I hope I'm not seeing the future or anything. I don't want to have these daydreams anymore. I stop them right when I see myself having one, or at least I think of something else.

Sometimes I daydream about killing myself. I'd never actually do it,though. How many of you do that?

What you are describing is called "suicidal ideation" in clinical terminology. Suicidal ideation without "intent" and a plan to carry it out is usually not considered a psychiatric emergency. However, suicidal ideation does usually indicate a case of clinical depression that has become severe. You are on track with the idea about getting your doctor to increase the anti-depressants. You might also describe your suicidal fantasies. Note: This will not result in your being hospialized as long as you clearly state that you have no intention or plan to actually kill yourself.

I'm glad you plan to see a therapist next month, but if it is possible, please see one sooner. The reason is that with the disease of clinical depression, suicidal ideation can become more intense, resulting in stronger desires to actually take your life. Before some people know it, they are developing plans to kill themselves, writing suicide notes, or giving valued possessions away to loved ones. In other words, it "creeps up on you." Rarely does anyone just wake up in the morning and decide in one day to kill themselves, unless that person is extremely impulsive and NOT suffering from clinical depression but difficulty tolerating the frustration of life (as a general rule.)

Once you reach the point when you are seriously contemplating suicide, it is either too late to get help or you could end up hospitalized (which is costly and unpleasant in many respects.)

All the best wishes to you. Once you are either on the correct anti-depressant or the right dosage for you, you will begin to feel better. Don't give up. However, when you notice yourself romanticizing death, sometimes, it also helps to consciously change your fantasy scenario to a different (but less scary) escape.

Why do i often daydream/fantasize about a tragedy or a tragic accident happing to me? Am i crazy?

Rarely & No your not crazy at all.

Best Wishes.

Mars Mission.

14th Year Psychology Student.

4th Year Hypnotism Student.

4th Year Self Taught Music Student.

32 Years Qualified Automotive Technician.

And Part Time Human Being.