Is It Possible For Gout Pain To Be More Painful Than Mosquito Bite

What is the most painful thing in world?

I've had my share of pain and will always live in pain the rest of my life. Some of my injuries.Concussion-Have had 3, level 3 concussions. (Worst possible concussion).Compound fractures- 2 broke my arm.snapped my left arm .Broke my wrist. Snapped . Left arm was excruciating, because of the large bone.Torn Roto cuff - Pain not too severe, but very long to healCalf muscle torn in half. Excruciating, had to crawl to bathroom for about 2 months. Took 6 months to fully healRuptured ACL- Pain not bad. Surgery and rehab not bad.Torn Achilles- More pain than ACL, longer recovery. Not to bad a week after surgery.Ruptured L5– Excruciating, 2 guys had to help me get up, tough surgery and about 2 months recovery. First week after surgery was hard.Diverticulitis-10″ of intestines removed. Stomach staples. Pain not too bad. Developed Mercer, Dr. Cut stomach in office. 3 months with hole in stomach, clean 3 times a day. Not too badHerniated stomach- Installed mesh, 4 weeks. Not too badFractures- ankle, knee, left arm(6 times) right hand, right wrist, fingers. Pain is sore till they set and cast it. So, not that badNail through finger-Nail gun, hurt pulling it out. Wasn't bad except for thatKidney stones,-3 times. Hurt when passing through small intestines. Not to badHerniated discs C4,C5,T7, hurts when the pinch nerves. Chiropractic treatment helps. More of a annoying painWorst pain- Car accident suffered injury to brain stem, permanent nerve damage. Very debilitating, hard to work. Wake up throughout the night from arms,legs, shoulders, everything pretty much hurts.Nerve endings affected severely. Not just physical pain, but the mental part is just horrible.The worst pain because it never stops.Some days are just better than others,but never pain free.Just my opinion. Truthfully, any type of pain is severe in its own way. It's how you deal with it, that's the hardest.

My foot is swollen and painful and I didn't do anything to it?

You have a muscle under your foot and like most muscles it has a tendon on it that for various reasons can shorten itself up. when that happens it pulls on the back of the toes and can do the same up the side of your foot. Here is how to release that muscle so you can start walking again:
With the foot in your lap take both thumbs, side by side and place them at the back of the arch, just before the heel. Press them straight into the skin and hold a moderate pressure on them. Relax. After 30 seconds, slowly raise your toes up as far as you can, release the presssure but hold your toes up for another 30 seconds.
Now you shouldn't have any trouble walking.

Painful lump in armpit?

I Have a painful Lump in my Armpit that Will not seem to go away, I've had the lump For about a couple Weeks but it only started Hurting a little less Than a week ago.

There are also Small little red bumps That look like zits or mosquito Bites around it and a few That go down my Torso, except They don't itch or Hurt or anything. I'm not sure why I have these, I Am not somebody Who gets Backne or anything Like that.

The painful Lump is between the size of a grape and A cherry and hurts constantly, Especially When I raise my Arm. It is somewhat Hard but not Rock solid.

Can anyone Help me with What it Is, and also what I can do to help it? I put a warm Washcloth under sometimes which helps a Little bit then but gives no Lasting relief.


Can a kidney infection go undetected for a couple of years?

I don't see a "reply" function so I will just add my comments to "add detail" Jared thank you so much for your answer. No I am not on long term prednisone. And your reasons given for the dr missing the diagnosis makes sense. In fact that is exactly what happened. I really appreciate your help. Also, I don't know how to do "best answer" or I would have given you one.

Which is the most painful bone to break?

IMHO, and only IMHO, the most painful breaks are:Right or left Clavicle - Wikipedia these bones are flexed constantly, due to their participation in bracing the shoulder. They hurt when bruised or broken, and they take a long time to heal. Not the sharpest pain, but if you figure in the time to heal, you will remember breaking a Clavicle for the rest of your life.Either Patella - Wikipedia . It is painful because of all the tendons and nerves that touch it. A break from a blow will require extensive surgery and a long period of physical therapy. It will hurt for a long time, and may never return to its pre-injury functionality. There’s a reason gangsters “kneecap” people they don’t like.The Tailbone (Coccyx) Can You Actually Break Your Tailbone — Or Only Bruise It? This is the worst in my experience. After the injury my legs were paralyzed for 15 minutes, and I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. This temporary paralysis is quite common due to the conditions of the injury. Generally you suffer it from a fall, landing on the end of your spine.I did it at the end of a sport parachute jump. The initial pain is memorable, and the pain during recovery is nagging. It reminds you every time you stand up or sit down. There is very little you can do to relieve the pain. Most doctors will just say, “Time is the healer, go home and don’t sit if you can help it.” Mine took three months before I could sit comfortably.

How do you treat a swollen ankle if it may be gout?

It depends. First you need to determine that it is gout for sure. A doctor’s visit will be required. Do not self-diagnose yourself.If you want to take medication, doctor will most likely prescribe you colchicine for the swelling and inflammation. Allopurinol for long term treatment of your uric acid levels if it’s determined that you require so.For now what you can do is soak your foot and ankle in warm water with Epsom salt twice a day to help reduce the swelling. Take some ibuprofen to remove the edge from the swelling as well. You can also apply a topical cream to penetrate the inflammation.

I got a tetanus shot and it is hot to the touch, red, sore, and swollen. Is this normal?

YES, as with any intramuscular medication, there is a chance that the medication can cause muscle soreness, redness and some minor swelling. You might want to apply ice to the site to reduce swelling and soreness. Actually you should have done that the first 24 hours and then apply a warm - not hot heating pad. As with any injury, don't overly exercise it.