Is It Possible To Consume To Much Fruit Or Veggies

Is it possible to eat TOO MANY vegetables?

You are doing the right thing, akira, not to worry. You cannot overeat on veggies. You didn't mention side dishes, but I assume you do add a little protein to your diet, such as nuts or legumes or avocados which are a great source of protein. Tofu is good, too, though a bit harder to digest. Cottage cheese is another great protein source.

But remember - while one cannot really overeat on veggies, it is advisable to limit the intake of oils and proteins to a reasonable amount. Good to take some freshly squeezed orange or carrot juice every now and then - between meals or instead of a meal.

Are you doing some kind of physical exercises every day? You will remain always well. I eat and live that way, too, and for the past thirty years I have not known what a cold is.

Perhaps you might want to do your eating a little earlier in the day. As you know, the body sort of shuts down during sleep, and if one eats too late in the evening, part of the food remains undigested in the stomach and causes discomfort.

There is an old adage, "Eat your breakfast alone, share part of your lunch with a friend, and give your whole dinner to your enemy." There is something to this. :-)

If everybody ate like you do, akira, we would not have to worry about medicare costs sky-rocketing. My hat off to you.

Best wishes always,


Can you eat too many fruits and vegetables?

No. If you are eating a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day, then it would be near impossible to eat too much. Fruits and vegetables are low calorie, so eating a lot fills your gut without increasing your waist size. They are loaded with fiber, whose roughage would keep you very regular. A whole foods plant based lifestyle with lots of variety will ensure you get plenty of vitamins, phytochemicals, minerals, healthy fats, protein, etc. All of this good - without any carcinogenic or processed poisons, dangerous fats, proteins, or cholesterol.A real problem for some individuals pursuing such a healthy diet isn’t eating too much, but not eating enough. This is frequently why we hear of people ‘failing’ at plant based diets - they are simply not consuming enough calories to provide the energy the body requires.Unfortunately, we are all fed marketing and myths our entire lives - brainwashed to the extent that even ‘common sense’ misleads us. It tells us that, “of course you can over-do anything” or “if a little protein is healthy, then more will make me a hulk” or “too much of even a good thing is bad!” We fall back on baseless sayings and myths from the 50’s that powerful industry encourages. We don’t always have all the scientifically credible facts, and without them, we’re easily led astray. Be skeptical of everything that pertains to your health - it’s the most important thing you have… without health, we cannot pursue our passions with the energy they deserve. We can’t over-do caring about our health.

Can you consume too much fruit sugar?

Yes, you can. You can consume too much of anything. That is literally what “too much” means.Fructose, or fruit sugar, is no different from any other sugar that you consume. It gives you pure energy without any real nutrition like fibre or protein. As any other sugar, it can easily tip you over to calorie excess which in effect makes you gain weight.

Is it possible to have too much fruit and vegetables in my diet?

Of course! Overeating anything will result in negative effects on your body. Ill start with saying: If you can overeat on green cruciferous vegetables I will give you a putty medal. I don’t know anyone that does that.Fruit on the other hand….I once met a lady who had a daughter that was born with type I diabetes. She agreed to meet me at my home office. I was still a lot more animated back then so I may have scared her off with my enthusiasm and energy during our consult in which her daughter attended. I think it was 2009. Anyway, she at one point revealed what I already knew from looking at her. She “ate healthy” of course. Whole bowls of fruit everyday! As in a bowl like this:Once I had told her about just how bad that much fructose is for ANYONE on a daily basis and that this was not what is meant by ANYONE when they say “eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables” she looked all sad and slumped. I was not skilled enough yet with the whole explaining of habits and change etc. and so, she ended up going to someone that told her what she wanted to hear - that fruits and vegetables in abundance are what she should be eating. Its funny that: MANY people do this! They just go from one “expert” to another until they find one that agrees with what they are already doing (or as close to it as possible) so they can say “see, it didn’t work” etc. and continue to remain the victim and blame doctors, nutritionists and trainers for their continued ill health. Sorry, I had to put a little lesson in there as well…its never enough! :)I think that the advice should at the very least be broken down more to something like: Eat LOTS of GREEN vegetables and the appropriate amount of fresh fruit for your activity level.CF- 2017

How much fruits and vegetables should I eat per day?

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that you’re supposed to eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. But do you have any idea what that means?

Studies show that eating more vegetables and fruits has been linked to a lower risk of lung, oral, esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer–and the USDA food pyramid recommends eating 3 to 5 servings of vegetables and 2 to 4 servings of fruit a day. Which actually equals out to a range of 5 to 9 servings a day. But how do we know what’s in a serving, and how many should we eat within the combined 5 to 9 range? It has become even more confusing when the talk shifts from servings to cups, which are not necessarily the same.

Your daily fruit and vegetable needs depend on your calorie needs, which are determined by your age, sex, and physical activity level. To find out how many servings you need, I really like this calculator created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It keeps it very clear by telling you how many cups you need daily. I was interersted to find that for my age, gender and activity the calculator recommends 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables every day–how much do you need?

To get an idea of how much one cup is, here is a quick summary:

one large banana
eight large strawberries
two large plums
fifteen grapes
one apple
one pear
one cup of raw or cooked vegetables
two cups of raw leafy greens
one half cup dried fruit
twelve baby carrots
one large ear of corn
A half cup is equal to:

one half cup orange or other fruit juice
five broccoli florets
six baby carrots
one half grapefruit
one medium wedge of cantaloupe
half of a baked sweet potato
one quarter cup of raisins
five broccoli florets

How can i get my parakeet to eat fresh fruits and veggies?

i've kind of been neglecting my parkaeet, sweety bird and haven't been giving him fruits and veggies. How can i get him to eat them? I've been putting a little bit of sliced fresh carrot on top of the seeds so maybe he'll try hit.

Is it possible to eat too much broccoli?

No, it's good for you. If you ate nothing but 2,000 calories worth of raw broccoli florets all day, you'd get 110 times your daily requirement of chromium, vitamin C, and vitamin K, 43x your vitamin A, 13x your folate, 8x your manganese, 9.5x your fiber, 7x your potassium, 6x your vitamin B6, 5x your phosphorus and riboflavin, 4x your protein, pantothenic acid, and magnesium, 3.5x your vitamin E, 3x your thiamine, calcium, iron, and selenium, twice your niacin, zinc, and copper, and the right amount of sodium and carbohydrates. That, along with some sunshine for vitamin D and a little sublingual B12 a couple of times a week, and you'd be getting everything you need.

Broccoli is rich in vitamin A: its dark green color as indicates its high carotene content. Broccoli contains folate, calcium, and iron. One cup of cooked broccoli has as much vitamin C as an orange, and actually fulfills your daily requirement. Broccoli is low in calories, with only 44 calories for one cup chopped and cooked and 24 calories for one cup raw chopped. It also contains protein and fiber, along with vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Broccoli, along with other cruciferous vegetables, may be important in preventing of some types of cancer. Because of its beta carotene, vitamin C, calcium, fiber, and phytochemicals, specifically indoles and aromatic isothiocynates, broccoli may boost enzymes that help to detoxify your body and prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure. Broccoli may also help lower blood cholesterol, because it contains a pectin fiber called calcium pectate that binds to bile acids. Broccoli’s high level of the trace mineral, chromium, may be effective in preventing adult-onset diabetes in some people, because it enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from your bloodstream into your cells.

How much weight will I lose just eating fruit & vegetables?

Fruit and some veggies have carbs. You need to stick to a good diet like weight watchers. I don't think you are overweight. But, you need to have a variety of things. I drink Lipton Green tea, diet of course, so good for you, oatmeal for breakfast. Lean Cuisine dinners and Weight watchers dinners. Diet or fat free or sugar free puddings, applesauce, Mandarin oranges, I live off of this stuff.