Is It True That All Substances Are Composed Of Charged Subatomic Particles

Which one of the following subatomic particles has appreciable mass and lacks a charge?

B. Neutrons are part of an atom (ie..subatomic). have mass and no charge. Protons are subatomic, have mass and a positive charge. Electrons are subatomic and have a negative charge. An element is not subatomic. It is a pure substance made of atoms, all of which have the same atomic number. A molecule is not subatomic. It is made of 2 or more atoms functioning together as a single unit.

Type of substances that conduct electricity?

Substances that conduct electricity have ionic compounds (Non-metal + Metal) in them. Substances that don't conduct have molecular compounds (Non-mental + Non-metal) in them.

Hope this helps : )

Is salt composed of atoms or molecules?

Common salt,sodium chloride, like many other substances forms a crystal in its solid phase. Although we treat it as though there were salt "molecules" (we give it the formula NaCl and talk of moles of it in that way), in solid form it is a crystal lattice where any one Na could be considered bonded to a number of Cls and vice-versa.

You could consider the whole crystal to be one macro-molecule, but that isn't really a helpful concept when considering its chemical reactions.

In solution, its ions are freed from the crystal structure and can move freely and independently.

So really, there are no NaCl molecules in the way that there are H2O, O2, Cl2, or CO2 molecules for example.