Is It Weird For Someone In Their 30s To Look Up To Someone In Their 50s

Is it okay for men to look at underage girls?

Nothing wrong with looking (prefeclyl natural) but only loser dirtbags would say or do anything to make you uncomfortable.

Do men in their 40s and 50s look at women in their 20s as legitimate dating options?

Speaking strictly for myself. Entertain the possibility? Yes. Consider it feasible? Not unless I meet a very unusual woman in her 20s. Most women I meet in their 20s don’t have enough experience to avoid the stupid games that I hate. Heck, it’s not even like the majority of women my own age avoid those kinds of games.On a pure 20s-vs-40s/50s women level, the younger women have more energy on average and have a body that hasn’t been affected by gravity for as long. Neither of these are factors that would serve as a basis for a successful relationship with me.Then, let’s flip it around. How many women in their 20s would be happy in a relationship with someone like me? I’m almost totally out of touch with their culture. I don’t have the energy to do the things I did in my 20s, and I wasn’t even a party person then. I’d be far more interested in cuddling up on the couch with Netflix or a book/e-reader than going out for a romantic dinner, or worse, drinking and/or dancing.To be honest, I think the latter issue is the larger one. Either causes incompatibility issues, and frankly, I’ll pass on “eye candy” for a better chance at a healthy relationship. That said, if I met a woman in her 20s where I thought that we had compatible interests and a reasonable chance at a healthy relationship, sure I’d try it. I’m not biased against them or anything, I just think that I’m more likely to find that in someone a bit older.

When you are in your 50s, do people in their 30s look very young to you?

Yes, to me they do. It all started when my kids were in High School and a few of my daughter's friends were in some halftime dance show in pretty skimpy clothing. At that very moment, I suddenly realized that I was old. My next thought always, those are daughters of parents I knew very well! We go to church together and we go to athletic games to chear our sports teams.OMG, what kind of person stairs at high school girls in skimpy clothes and not feel somehow creepy. Ding, Ding, Ding, I feel old again.I agree with other posts in that in my perspective, people look younger than they did when I was young. And I'm bad at guessing ages.So basically when I see a woman who is 35, I'm thinking she is probably still in HS, and I probably know her father. And a woman who is 35 might think that is cute, but they are a woman and want to be thought of as a woman rather than as a HS teenager.It's hell to get old.And from experience, women 35 and younger don't even see me, I've become invisible. So I think it goes both ways. I think they are kids and they think I'm old. And I don't mean that in a derogatory way.As a sidenote, a great way to fool people is to have a picture of your family at your desk from many years before, like when your kids are in lower elementary grades.Honestly, I had asked for new pictures each year, but either I didn't get them or I put them someplace else. But I got into trouble when our young secretary realized my daughter was getting married. She was sure I was much younger. There was no funny business going on, but I could see where someone could manipulate others by only having pictures of their children when they were young

Can someone get discovered by a modeling / acting scout in disneyland?

That would only be possible if some off-duty scout just happened to be at Disneyland with his or her family for personal reasons and just happened to see someone. But scouts do not go to Disneyland specifically looking for models. Most scouts look at the pictures being sent to agencies or at photos that come from people in the industry (photographers, stylists, makeup artists, other models, editors, etc) who refer a potential model to them

You can't tell a scout - most are people in their 30s-50s who look like they could be anyone's spouse, parent, boss, etc. The head scout at my old agency was an overweight woman in her late 50s with gray hair who looked like she could be someone's grandmother -- but she had been in the industry for over 30 years and knew what type of girls were going to make the big money

Why do certain adults find it immature or childish for someone in their 20s or 30s to be playing video games?

One of the things I’ve most lamented about becoming an adult has been that there seems to be a relatively short list of socially-acceptable ways to enjoy yourself.DrinkingGoing to clubsGamblingSmokingDoing drugsHaving sexBuying luxury stuffWatching sportsIf your interests are outside of that list, it’s not necessarily bad, but you’re a little bit weird and there’s something a little bit wrong with you. Watching TV is probably the most acceptable thing that isn’t on that list, but if you’re watching TV it should really be sports, and if it isn’t sports, that’s a little bit weird.At least that’s the message I’m inundated with through advertisement and films, and I have to make an active effort to find people who want to do things that aren’t on that list. When I was a kid, it was pretty easy to find people who wanted to play laser tag, go play at a playground, play at an arcade, play a board game, or whatever else. Now, all those things are pretty niche.By comparison, if I don’t want to go to the club, if I’m not interested in the football game, if I don’t drink, or not just that, if I don’t have a list of my favorite drinks and an explanation as to why I prefer some brands over others, etc., I’m a little bit square. That doesn’t mean I don’t have redeeming qualities; it just means I “don’t get out much” and I “don’t party.”That said, just because those activities are in the mainstream of adult entertainment doesn’t mean there aren’t activities outside the mainstream that aren’t still popular. There is a massive community built around video games and it’s not that hard to find people who are part of that community. It is niche, but still a big niche, and obviously, once I’ve put in the effort to find people into stuff that isn’t mainstream, their reactions to my hobbies are more positive. It’s just, they are not mainstream.If you’re mostly interacting with people who agree with the notion that the only acceptable adult entertainment has to involve some degree of vice, then yeah, they’re going to think anything that doesn’t have vice is “childish.” I wouldn’t worry about that though. Instead of lamenting how the mainstream judges you, remind yourself of how toxic the mainstream is, and what a good idea it is to not participate.

Do younger looking people in their 40s-50s suffer less age discrimination than people who look their age?

Looking young is fine if you are an actor or a playgirl/boy. But in the corporate world its quite a disaster. I am very young looking and throughout life I was treated as a person much younger than what I was. I am now 40 but look like I am in my late 20s. What this means is that very few people take you seriously.I missed several career opportunities mostly due to people having an impression that I am too young for the role. I do have 2 masters degrees and am competent in my job. But face to face people get distracted by the boyish look. So respect then becomes an issue. So I think older looking people tend to get promoted more especially if their skill level is similar to a younger looking candidate. If you are balding, dour face, sagging countenance and heavily built/pot bellied then you will be entrusted with more. I have seen this happen several times and even among women those who dress more conservatively and older fashion tend to go into more senior positions compared to their more younger looking and trendier female peers. So younger looking people will face discrimination at work. Outside it is other factors like race, class, caste, job, which will matter more than anything. If you are dating then younger looking helps if you are female but not necessarily if you are male unless you are into young girls which most men past 40 don't have the energy or mindset for.

What should one do in their 20s to avoid regrets in their 30s and 40s?

Noticed something funny?People in their 30’s purchase a house on a massive loan.Why?So that when they do become old, they can live in it.So what they do is buy a house for a 30 year mortgage or loan and work their ass off for the next 30 years to pay for the loan.Funny thing is - they are working like a dog - spending their entire youth chasing, running and making - so that they can live in a house during their old age.Funny right?And they do not even think of the possibility that - maybe, just maybe - they may die before hand or that something may happen before that - which can change the entire course of their lives.So what these people and many others like them do is - live for the future.First and foremost - How do you know you will live until the age of 40? or 30?How do you know you may not die within 1 year? Next month? Next week?How do you know?The fact is - no one knows!Everyone likes to assume or believe they will live until the ripe old age of 75 or 100. It is nice to have an Optimism Bias but it is better to be practical and realistic.No one knows if you or I will live until the age of 30 or 40.And whatever advice I may give you today - may not be applicable in another few years.Why?Because you have changed, people have changed, the environment has changed and our world has changed.Given a planet where the technology changes every few weeks - you seriously want someone to give you advice for the next 10 years?Well - if you really want something worthwhile to keep in mind and heart….here would be the advice I would give.Live everyday as if it were your last day on the planet.Do everything that needs to be done - so that if you were to die tomorrow - you would live your life knowing - you have no regrets.That doesn’t mean live it recklessly or take a credit card and blow it out it completely. What I mean is - do those things money cannot buy and those things that do not hurt others. And live in a manner that is true to your value system. And where ‘living for the future goes’ - cross that bridge when it arrives.Remember - do not waste what you have right now - for hopes and anticipation for a future you have not seen and do not know if it will ever come.That is why what you have right now - is called “The Present”.Loy Machedo

Do many women in their 50's like to date guys in their 30's?

It doesn't matter. Some women who throughout their life date only older guys, which is stupid, realize they can like whoever they want and find themselves falling for someone younger. Age isn't a problem. You've got the same chance of making it than anyone else, possibly a better chance because you both are more wise knowing age, color doesn't matter. When you find that special someone just right for you, DON'T let others opinion influence your decision. You really think they are a lot wiser than you? Find your soulmate. Men usually go first by 10 yrs, so that evens it out a little. PLEASE trust me. Religious differences may cause a problem. Do you both have the same morals…wanting children, that could possibly be an issue, if you both can't agree…But age…nooooo…..if you get along and are happy…go for it. Do you know how hard that is to find? You better go get her, because if she is worth it….someone else is going to see it. But nothing is set in stone….start dating…have an adventure and be happy. Never let others influence you….you will regret it. Love everyone, be kind and go with your gut…your heart and you won't be disappointed. Listen to everyone else you will….good luck.