Is My Lip Piercing Infected

Is my lip piercing infected?

The fact that the liquid you describe is white- pale yellow proves it is not infected, this liquid is called lymph and is a component of blood and natural to healing.

If the pus were darker yellow-green then infection is likely.

You have to use a certain measurement of sea salt - water ratio in order to not dry out your skin.
Use 1/4 of a teaspoon of sea salt to a mug of kettle boiled water, leave it to cool a bit so it's warm but won't burn you. The best option is to simply soak the piercing in the solution (put your chin in a cup!) until the water cools completely.

If you have sensitive skin rinse the area with fresh water to remove any excess salt.

Good luck with the piercing, remember not to turn or play with the jewellery and only use organic sea salt! normal table salt won't help at all.
Do not use any antibacterial soaps or Bactine, it even says on the Bactine website that it's NOT recommended for piercings. Only use Sea Salt Soaks. Any harsh chemicals will only strip the piercing of the good bacteria needed to heal the piercing as well as the bad bacteria.

Also, as a lot of people on here are clearly misinformed, if your piercing is infected you will see the following symptoms:

The piercing will be leaking a darker green-yellow pus, the area will feel hot to the touch and very sore. If this occurs DO NOT TAKE IT OUT, doing so can trap the infection under the skin and cause an abscess. You will need to leave the jewellery in to help drain the infection and your doctor will give you antibiotics. Sorted.

Is my lip piercing infected??

I have asked a question before on here about the white stuff on the inside of my lip on my piercing.. and found out its normal and its just skin from where I just recentally got it pierced.. but now I have a hard spot on the inside and the outside by piercing and I was wondering if its normal.. I would like to by someone that has there lip done..

Is my lip piercing infected?

No white pus is normal.
You should be using an alcohol-free mouthwash, not normal mouthwash.
Here is the proper aftercare-
For the inside of your lip: brush your teeth and then rinse your mouth with alcohol-free mouthwash.
For the outside of your lip: Wash the lip with unscented, anti-bacterial soap. Then mix 1/4 teaspoon non-iodized sea salt with 8 oz. distilled water and soak the lip in that.
You should be cleaning it about 3 times a day, or whenever you eat.
Are you sure it was white pus coming out? With lip piercings, there are white little lumps that come out the inside of the lip. They're just white blood cells that form into tissue that are trying to heal your lip and they're completely normal.
The same thing happens for everyone.

Is my lip piercing infected?

Some days ago my lips started itching and I got some red spots around them but they disappeared.The problem is that I had my lip pierced 2 months and a week ago and I think that my lip piercing is infected.A friend told me that I might have herpes,can it affect my lip piercing?I feel like the whole area around my mouth is itching and the area around my piercing is red,itching and has some kind of bumps around it.It hurts a little bit because I feel like it's burning!What should I do?I can't go to a doctor right now and I'm really worried.I'm cleaning my piercing many times a day,I'm using Bacitracin ointment on the outside and betadine mouthwash everytime I eat.

How do I know if my lip piercing is infected?

I just recently pierced my bottom lip and I clean it like crazy cuz i'm paranoid about infection. But now there's redness around the ring and inside my lip where the ring goes through there's a big bump and i'm wondering what i should do,can someone please help me A.S.A.P?

Can a lip piercing get infected after healing?

I've had my snake bites for about 2 years now and I clean them about every two weeks but sometimes right after cleaning them they smell like gauges.

I have studs in now but I used to wear rings and I think what happened was the inside of my lip got stretched from me spinning the rings around in circles so much and now it's made them like gauges but only on the inside.

One of my friends said he took his ring out because it kept getting infected even after he had it for about 5 months so I don't know if it's just me or what.

How do i know if my lip piercing is infected?

Oh yes...your first piercing :) I was as worried as you when i got my snakebites. Here is what you need to know:

1) Your piercing is only 2 days old! It's takes at least 6 weeks (and for some longer) to heal. Your piercing being red, crusty, swelled up and irritated is totally normal for the first week to two weeks.

2) It's awesome that you are using mouthwash and cleaning it as often as you can. But remember that your body is amazing at healing wounds. After the first two weeks calm down on the cleaning and let your body do some of the work.

3) Playing around with it will irritated and possibly get it infected. Depending on how much you are playing around with it and how clean you hands and mouth are. Sometime you can't help it but it is crucial for you to stop and let it heal for at least 2 weeks.

4) Even after it's heal make sure you keep up with the mouthwash and every other week take out your piercing and jewelry and wash it in mouthwash. The piercing and jewelry will develop a funky smell because of food and bacteria getting stuck in the hole. And cleaning it will help minimize the odor.

5) Everyone heals at differently but as long as you keep that area clean and leave it alone. you should be fine. it's probably one of the most common piercings and the easiest to upkeep and heal.

:) have fun and enjoy it

Is my lip piercing infected or just healing?

Three-four times daily is over-doing it. You don't want your piercing to dry out. Limit yourself to two-three times daily. As long as the puss is not yellow, it is part of the healing process, common for the oral region. Use sea salt to clean your piercing on the outside, week one use alcohol-free germ-killing mouthwash after eating/drinking/smoking/etc, week two limit it to two-three times daily, and week three once daily for good oral hygiene and reducing the risk of future infection.

New lip piercing infected, or just healing?

I got my lip pierced about a week ago, and I've been taking pretty good care of it (at least I think I have..?) But, just today I noticed some white..I don't know, kind of mucus-y thing surrounding my piercing that I can't get off. Is that normal for the healing process, or should I be concerned?