Is The American Parasite A Real Thing

Are leeches parasites?

generally we consider leeches to be parasites. a parasitic relationship between two organisms involves one organism benefiting while the other organism loses something. when a leech attaches to an animal, it feeds on the blood of the animal. as a result, the animal loses blood.

of course, we've actually been using leeches as a form of therapy for some time now. because leeches draw out blood, they can also draw out toxins that are mixed into the blood. you can look up leech treatment.

What is a spiritual leech or parasite (Pr.30:15)?

Geneva Study Bible footnotes say, "The leach has two forks in her tongue, which here he calls her two daughters, by which she sucks the blood, and is never satisfied: even so, the covetous extortioners are insatiable."

Wesley's Notes say, "The horse - leach - An insatiable creature, sucking blood 'till it is ready to burst. Two daughters - The following things resemble the horse - leach in its insatiableness; nothing being more ordinary than to call those persons or things the sons or daughters of those whose examples they imitate. Three - Though he begins with two, yet he proceeds from thence to three, and four, all which are said to be the daughters of the horse - leach."

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Are Indians DANGEROUS and SELFISH parasites?

I said every generalization can have exceptions. It is easy to generalize, hard to be exceptions. So you all found the time and energy to respond to a provocation while the real questions demanding immediate attention NOW are not being answered? Is this how the world works?

What is the difference between liberals, communists and parasites?

You can legally get rid of parasites.

Deke, what you should understand is that liberals arent made from education, they are made from indoctrination. Today, the schools are disgustingly indoctrinated. My generation and younger (I am 40) are the products of hippies and protesters who have become the school staff.

Quite frankly, I think you are being silly to suggest that liberals are more educated, when so many of the liberal propaganda is EASILY proven false when actual facts are present.

Al Gore is a prime example of the type of minds where liberals get their information. Al Gore has been proven time and time again to be using his influence to convince people of things that arent true.

I am more conservative than what YOU consider liberal, and I would gladly go head to head with you ANY day- IQ test, Debate before an unbiased audience, or any means on ANY subject with time to prepare- to show you that the only reason you think liberals are more politically educated, is because a liberal told you so.

A very easy way to expose the fault in your argument would be simply to refer to the current administrations lot of liberals, who apparently do not know the first thing about the Constitution, while the HEAD liberal was supposedly a professor on the topic!

The scary thing is that Obama actually taught college students about the Constitution. THAT scares me, but explains where you get your ego.