Making Out With A Geographic Tongue

Geographic tongue?

Haha! Omg my mom used to tell me that when I was little, she used to say that she could tell when I was faking sick cuz when i was actually really sick my geographical tongue turned a whitish I always had to stick my tongue out when I was trying to get out of school so she could see the color to see if I was being legit or not. I had forgot about that till now. But anyway, to the actual I dont think anyone can tell....or at least no one that I have ever kissed has said anything bad. My hubby hasnt ever told me that I have a "weird" tongue and he would have told me by now we have been together 10 years so we are pretty honest by now. So anyway I am thinkin no, noone can tell. Happy Kissing!!!!!

Geographic tongue after dipping?

Geographic tongue is actually a harmless condition. There is not a lot known about the cause but many people have it with no complications. Geographic tongue can be irritated by hot or spicy foods and in some people alcohol. My best guess is that you already had this condition but in a mild form and that some additive in the tobacco irritated it and made it more pronounced.

As far as the sore on your lip, I think that is also from dipping. Oral cancer most commonly shows up on the sides of the tongue towards the back of the throat and on the floor of the mouth. While it can occur in other locations it is much less common. It the sore appears like a white patch or velvety red patch speckled with white then I would definitely get it checked ASAP. Otherwise keep and eye on it and if it doesn't heal in the next week or so or appears to get significantly worse then I would see the dentist.

*Interesting note* If you truly do have geographic tongue then you may see it more pronounced if you are starting to get sick from a cold or something. I have had a couple of my patients report that they known when they are about to get sick from their geographic tongue.

Could I get a tongue piercing with a Geographic Tongue?

I have a geographic tongue also, I don't understand what difference it would make... Go ahead and get your tongue pierced or split if that is what you want. Check with your dentist though, they would be the best to answer the question. Though I'd say you may get a recommendation not to pierce your tongue because of the ball damaging your teeth!

If you want to do it, you may want to talk about the precautions you will need to take after you get it done (like when you can safely remove the piercing if something goes wrong). My brother had it done and I can remember him living off KFS potatoes and gravy for at least a week.

Geographic tongue, dentists.. and weed.?

I'm 16 years old. I live life the way I want to so before you go off about how drugs are bad, just know you won't be making a difference.
I have reason to believe I have a thing called geographic tongue.. if you don't know what it is.. Look it up, you will find pictures. Mine isn't quite as severe, if i have it at all.
There is a tiny circular spot on my tongue maybe a centimeter in diameter without what is known as papillae, or the little bumps. It's completely smooth in that little circular area.
So my actual question is.. not if I have this.. so called Geographic tongue.. it's that if i were to go to the dentist to get it checked out.. would they know that I smoke weed?
I'm very small, thin, light, whatever, and I smoke every single day. Most days it's actually twice.. My teeth are fairly white and pretty healthy looking. So i'm just wondering.. will they notice? I'm not ignorant enough to smoke before I go or anything, so it's not like they would smell it.. Thanks for the help in advance.

Is geographic tongue contagious?

It's simple, really. I was at a friends house one day. We ended up making out. I found out through a discussion we had a few days later that her toungue was really sensitive to certain foods. She eventually told me that she was diagnosed with "geographic tounge" at a young age. Now, considering the fact that I made out with her, should i be concerned?

i mean, i read up on it a bit and found out that its more common in females... and u can get it through poor diets or having too much processed foods or food high in sugar, blah blah.. i'm in great shape and i have an outstanding diet.

so i just wanna kno if its contagious. thanks for reading

Help? My friend has geographic tongue?!?

My friend has geographic tongue. and she is freaking out because she thinks hers is going to end up looking like this: [WARNING: ITS REALLY GROSS]
:\ shes sending me all these gross pics. that one was the worst.
can geographic turn that bad ordinarily?

also is there anything she can't eat
or anything to help it.. not be so noticable.. or to go away
i looked it up and people wrote that it was incurable. is that true?

Does anyone know a way to get rid of geographic tongue?

apply candid mouth paint.. helps if there is a fungal infection along with it.. topical corticosteroids help if it is symptomatic... geographic tongue however is associated with psoriasis.. some times it is also seen in ppl with pernicious anemia.. so there may be an underlying systemic cause too.. its better to rule out the underlying causes..

I made out with my girlfriend who has geographical tounge and now i have a sore throat whats going on?!?!?!?

Whats a geographical toungue?