Math Help Slope Equations .

The line [math]L[/math] has equation [math]4x+2y-3=0[/math]. A perpendicular line passes through the point [math](2, 5)[/math]. What is the [math]y[/math]-intercept of this perpendicular line?

If this is homework help then take the lesson learned here to apply to other, similar problems. I'd start by rewriting the line's equation in the form y=mx+b:4x+2y-3=02y = -4x+3y = -2x + 3/2m = slope of line = -2 (still with me?) So the slope of a perpendicular line must be  -1/m = 1/2So perpendicular line has equation y = x/2 + b (STILL with me?)Now plug in given point's coordinates:5 = 2/2 + bwhence b=4Giving final equation of the perpendicular line:y = x/2 + 4

Need Help Math Slope Intercept Equation?

First convert the standard form equation to slope-intercept form:
5x + 6y = 7
divide through by 6:
5x/6 + y = 7/6
y = (-5/6)x + 7/6
parallel lines have the same slope, so solve for the parallel equation:
-8 = (-5/6)(7) + b
-8 = -35/6 + b
-48/6 = -35/6 + b
b = -13/6
Parallel equation is y = (-5/6)x - 13/6
The perpendicular equation has a negative inverse slope:
y = (6/5)x + b
-8 = (6/5)(7) + b
-8 = 42/5 + b
-40/5 = 42/5 + b
b = -82/5 = -16 2/5
Perpendicular equation is y = (6/5)x - 16 2/5

Math help, slopes, x and y values?

since the slope is given,
let x and y can be represented by a line, y=10.473x+c
to find c, substitute any of the point,
i.e. x=0.7, y=7.35
thus implies y=10.473x+0.0189

if y=5, 5=10.473x+0.0189
x= 0.4756

Math help!! write in slope-intercept form the equation of the line that passes through the given points....?

first you use the points to find the slope (m). m=(y-y)/(x-x) staring the the second set of points.
m=(-7-7)/[2-(-5)] = -14/7 = -2

now use y-intercept form. plug in whichever set of points you want. i'll use (2.-7). the form is y=mx+b. b is the y-intercept.


so to write the equation you would write: y=-2x-3

Math Help?! Find slope of Tangent Line and write Equation?

we will find the slope of the equation by derivative method .
y=(x^2-35)^4 at x=6
derivative of y at x= 6
= 4(x^2-35)^3 * 2x
= 8x(x^2-35)^3
put value of x= 6
= 8*6(6^2 -35)^3
= 48*1
slope of this function is 48
At x=6 , y= (6^2-35)^4

the equation of tangent line
~(y-1)/(x-6) = 48
~ y-1 = 48x -48*6
~y-1 = 48x - 288
~ 48x -y = 287

Hence the equation of tangent line is 48x-y =287

Math Help Slope-Y-Intercept?

slope intercept form just means solve for y.

4x - y - 3 = 0

add y to both sides

4x - 3 = y


y = 4x - 3

Once in this form, the number attached to x is always your slope, and the number by itself is always your y intercept.

slope = 4, yint = -3

to graph it, just make a table of x and y values, and plug your x values in.

example, if x = -2 what does y equal?

4x - 3 = 4(-2) - 3 = -8 -3 = -11

x y
-2 -11
-1 -7
0 -3
1 1
2 5

Now just plot those points and you have your graph


Need help with Math dealing with Slope?

1). y - y1 = m(x - x1) is the point-slope equation, and since we are given (x,y) and the slope we can write:

y - 2 = 3(x - 1)

Y = 3(x - 1) + 2

Y = 3x + 1

2). Well, 5 is the slope itself, in the above equation, because "m" in the point-slope equation is the slope itself. So we know the slope is already equal to 5.

The slope formula is m = y2 - y1/x2 - x1

So to calculate that slope we need to plug in some number (two in fact) to get our set of numbers of x and y:

Re-arrange the equation first!


y = -5x + 7

Let x = 1, then y = -5(1) + 7 = 2, so when x = 1, y = 2 and we have the point set (1, 2)

Let x = 5, then y =-5(5) + 7 = 7 - 25 = -18, so when x = 5, y = -18 and we have the point set (5, -18)

We now have our set to calculate the slope:

y2 - y1/x2 - x1 = (-18 - 2)/(5 - 1) = -20/4 = -5, there! We prove that it is true!

3). When lines are parallel, the slopes are the exact same but the y-intercept (b) is different.
Remember that m is the slope or in this case, re-arrange the equation to y = 3x + 4, so in this case, we know that the slope which is 3 has to be the same in both equations, but the 4 has to be changed to 10. So the answer is y = 4x + 10.

4). Okedoke! Follow what I did in 1 and 2 for, (3,8) and (5,10)

m = y2 - y1/x2 - x1 = (10 - 8)/(5 - 3) = 5/2, so the slope is 5/2 (which also is 2-1/2 or 2.5 decimal. Let's use these!

The point-slope form is:
y - y1 = m(x - x1)

So let's pick the set (3,8):

y - 8 = 5/2(x - x1)
y = 5/2x - 3 + 8
y = 5/2x +5

We could also say:

y = 2.5x + 5 if we use the decimal form of the fraction 5/2