Moving Out When I Turn 18

Pros and cons of moving out when I turn 18?

If your parents are gonna foot the freight there are no cons only pros. What would not work if you are not required to pay the rent and other items associated with renting an apartment.

You live on your own now, you understand the pros and cons of living on your own, why would it be necessary to have someone else opinion of living on your own.

I hope this is some benefit to you, good luck.


Can your parents stop you from moving out once you turn 18?

If you can support yourself you can.

Can my parents stop me from moving out when I turn 18?

My parents and I haven't been getting along since I started dating my boyfriend. I don't know why they don't like him, he treats me better than anyone has ever treated me before. I'm planning on moving in with him after I turn 18. We're getting an apartment together. My boyfriend just quit his job a week and a half ago and has been putting applications in almost everywhere where we live. But my parents keep saying that if he doesn't get straightened out, then they're not letting me leave. Can they do that? I mean I'll be 18, if they physically try to keep me there, I can call the cops and they'll have to let me leave right? I live in PA, so any help I can get would be greatly appreciated. I'm driving myself insane trying to make sure that they can't keep me there longer. HELP!!!!!

Can I move out while on probation when I turn 18?

I'm a probation officer, and here in Indiana, juveniles can stay on probation as long as the court wants to order them to be on probation. It doesn't matter if they turn 18 or 21 while they are on probation. What's important is that they were under 18 when they committed their offense. As far as the court is concerned, the person is still legally a juvenile until he or she completes all his terms of probation or is unsuccessfully terminated from probation.

I can refuse to allow a juvenile probationer to move out of his/her parent's home even if the probationer has turned 18. I can also insist on the probationer following the established curfew even though he/she is over 18.

You really need to discuss these issues with your probation officer. The standards may be different for your state, or your officer might be more lenient or more strict.

Can i move out when im 18?

You are free as a bird.

A suggestion: Save every little penny - spend nothing for as long as you can. Stay there as long as you can bear and then get out. It takes a lot of money to get started and you burn thru cash quickly when you first move out. You should consider a roommate. You will need three month's worth of rent up front, plus any furniture and kitchen stuff (buy second hand and plead poor at garage sales). Plus there is utility start up, phone, poissibly internet, cable... you also need an emergency fund in case you lose your job. See? Save save save and then get the hail out.

Moving out when Im 18 to live with my boyfriend, any advice?

Unless you have a bad home life or can't stand living where you are living right now, don't do it. I am 18 right now. Don't ever rely on his money because you never know where the relationship will head. It's advisable to finish high school before making a big step like that. Do you know where you will be next year and what you will be doing? Do you have a reliable source of income? Can you be assured of a job where you are going to live? Your local library should have some great books.

here is a good website as well. I really advise you to look ahead even just one or two years before making a huge step like this when your not even out of high school yet.

I want to earn money to move out when I turn 18, because my family is really unstable and they don't care about me. I am 15 right now, but I turn 16 in December. Is there something I can do?

I started working when I was 12. There’s always something you can do, especially in your neighborhood. If your neighborhood is shady, get yourself to the closest one that isn’t.You can offer help with weeding, or cleaning, or babysitting, or shoveling in the winter, or washing cars in the summer. Or find local businesses willing to hire minors. The local corner store bagging or prepping food? Bussing at a restaurant? Delivering newspapers? (Do kids still do that?)I have a local HS kid, I believe he’s a senior though, do yard work for me. This is really a great area to get into if you can. It’s both satisfying and can be very lucrative. And since landscaping companies charge so darn much for basic services, I’d much rather help a HS kid stash some cash. PLUS, he’s so eager he does a fantastic job.Truly, whatever you decide to do, not matter how menial ALWAYS do your very best. A good work ethic is dying today and people in my age group can see that. We’re always going to hire the kid who shows up, who communicates well, and who does the best job they can. Take pride in your work and you will do well.As an aside, I’m sorry your family sucks. The fact that you have enterprising ideals is a testament to your character. I wish you luck and success in your future!

Moving out the day I turn 18! But, not so sure about a few things...?

I fully intend to move out of my parents house the day I turn 18 for reasons I would prefer not to say. But i'm worried about a few things that come when you are no longer supported by family. First off, I do have a trust fund of about 25,000 that I will get when I turn 18. And in Washington state there is a program called running start where high school juniors and seniors can take college classes along with a few high school classes, and I'm doing that so I'll already have some college credit. However, I've never worked a real job before (I'm not allowed to get one) and I don't drive at all (again, not allowed). I'm only 16 so some people may think I'm a little young to be thinking about this but i think i need to start planning really soon. Am I in good or okay shape to move out and can anyone help me, like make any suggestions? Thanks

Can a 17-year-old move out of their house legally before turning 18 in NC?

I am a 17-year-old girl living in NC and I wanted to know if i can legally move out if I only have 5 months till I turn 18. I am not only moving out to just have freedom, my home life is terrible. My home-life is absolutely dreadful, my mom is trying to send me away but I do not do anything wrong. I am a senior in high school, make straight A's and everyone that knows me as a picture perfect daughter. I need a way out of this situation. So, if i get a job, have a place to live, have a car, can i legally move out at 17 & 6 months old.