My Dog Is Sick One Minute But Better The Next

Puppy was sick 1 day, next day he feels better, then he gets sick again? Is it really Parvo?

i bought a 9 week old Pomeranian puppy on Sunday. he was fine the first couple hours after i brought him home but then got really sick (sleeping a lot, not eating or drinking, vomiting clear fluid, and diarrhea with a drop of blood) the very next morning i brought the pup in to the vet to get him checked for parvo. The test came back negative but the doctor thought it was a false reading since my dog had all the symptoms of the disease. So i let him stay at the vet for treatment. Yesterday the veterinarian called me and told me my dog was doing a lot better and i would be able to bring him home the next day as long as he was still doing good. well this morning i called the doctor to make sure everything was still okay but he told me that Todd (my dog) "took a turn for the worse". I asked him what was wrong and he told me that he was just very lethargic (he was still doing pretty good otherwise). He also told me that when a dog has parvo a lot of the time they will get better one day and then get worse the next day. i was wondering if this is true?? Is it possible it could be something else besides parvo? Could Todd just be depressed from being in isolation? I trust the doctor because he's helped my puppy this far but i just want to know what other people have experienced with cases like this. So if you've ever had a dog with parvo I'd like to know your story and how your dog acted through out treatment.

Can a rabies vaccine make my dog sick?

Any pet can have any reaction to any vaccine at any time. But having said that, in 12 years I have never seen a reaction traced to a Rabies vaccine. Could it happen, though? Yes it could.

We do check records to see if Rabies shots are due, unless the owner can't tell us where it was given. If your dog was wearing her Rabies tag, then it should have the name of the hospital where it was given. There's also a date on it as to the expiration date.

The worst reactions to vaccines would be cancer, but I've only seen that in cats. And it makes a knot where the shot was put in. (some shots cause knots that are certainly not cancer, though)
Another type of reaction would be shock/hives/trouble breathing/swollen face, which will happen very soon after the injection is given. Our docs tell us that it can happen up to 7 hours after the vaccine is given.

Soreness where the shot went in happens fairly often.
Vomiting and diarrhea can happen, but usually the same day or next day.

While it could have to do with the Rabies vaccine (like I said I've never seen that, but I suppose anything's possible) I think it's from something different.

Take her back to the same vet and have it checked out. Your dad didn't do anything wrong here. It is not legal to have a dog without a current shot, and it's the pet owners' responsibility to keep up with the rabies certificate and tags. If the doctor thought for a minute that your dog was ill, he'd have never ordered the vaccine be given. It sounds like they also ran some type of blood work. Maybe that was a heartworm test or other blood work??

I work for an excellent hospital, and we would've given the vaccine, too, if we knew it was overdue or couldn't find out where the last one was given. We never hesitate to give it over again. Better to do it twice than to not have it.

Are you sure her neck is ok? When a dog suddenly cries out like that, it's often the neck. also, she isn't wanting to go to her water bowl. I would mention both those to the vet. So your dad will owe the vet for another visit, but that's just part of owning a pet. You treat them just like a family member. If you had surgery and then got sick soon afterward, your dad wouldn't hesitate to take you back to the doctor, right??
Good luck
vet tech

My dog is sick one minute, but better the next?

so my 9 year old Pomeranian will be sick for about 6 hours, then bounce right back to normal?! She's done this about 5 times now. And only started doing it this year.

When she does get sick, she get extremely lethargic, and stands with her back arched up. And she just looks so uncomfortable. But she still eats and drinks normally. Overall she just looks like she's in pain. But then in about 3-6hours she's totally fine again!!

She does have epilepsy, could this possibly be a form of a seizure? because she was recently put on different medication for her seizures.

And yes we've taken her to the vet many times, and they say that it's a problem with a disk in her back. But it just doesn't seem like that's really the case. Because after those 3-6 hours she totally fine and literally jumping around.

If you know what this possibly could be please please help me. If my mom doesn't figure out what's wrong soon, she is considering putting her to sleep. And I can't imagine life without her. Please help. Please.

How can someone love you one minute but hate you the next?

About 2 weeks ago BF came over my house. It's been an on going issue about the guy downstairs and is smoking! The smell comes up to my house! BF hates it! There is nothing I can do about it! so every time he comes over he complains! I'm so sick of trying to please him nothing is good enough! he hated my dog! I found a new home for him, He hated my bed! I I changed it! Anyways I was so sick of him coming over criticizing my house! so I told him I was sick of his whining and to stop being a Bi**h! It was wrong of me to say that but I can only take so much! he took my half of my money for my rent and took off! He said he never wanted to see me ever again! and that I run my mouth to much! what Puzzles me is the day before all this He loved me I was his world he wanted to marry me he missed me! I don't get it! how can someone have a 3 year relationship with someone and then get mad over something stupid and never want to talk to that person ever again!??? So now he made plans to vegas this weekend with some Buddy's and I found out he bought a new truck! I'm struggling I have a 9 year old little boy I don't have the other half of money for my rent because he took it! I made a police report! how can someone love you one minute but never want to talk to you again the next!???

Will my dog get sick from eating this?

My dog got into my mocha frappe drink from McDonald's. I left the room for one minute and when I came back she had spilt it all over my floor and was lickig it up :/. Will she get sick since it has like chocolate and stuff in it? Should I take her to the vet or anything? I really don't know. Please help!

My boyfriends dog gets carsick. Anyone know of anything to help it?

There are exercises that he can run with his dog to help him get used to the car. Start by having the dog in the car without moving it, and then just going on short expeditions that last about 5 minutes. Taking lots of short trips, starting at about 5 minutes and gradually increasing it to about 20 minutes, will get him more used to being in a moving vehicle. Just practicing these exercises has helped a lot of dogs to get over their carsickness. Don't feed him before taking him out. He's only more likely to throw up on a full tank.

These exercises are likely to help, but some dogs just get carsick no matter what. In this case, get recommendations from the dog's vet. Sometimes you can buy ginger biscuits and give a couple to the dog before a trip, as this seems to help nausea. If nothing helps, your best bet would be to get a sedative from your vet that will put the dog out just for a certain length of time.

Reasons why a dog would throw up and later on die?

With 3 dogs getting so ill so quickly, I'd be very concerned about an accidental poisoning.

You or someone at home should be checking he house and yard for anything the dogs may have gotten into, paying particular attention to human and animal medications, plants and household chemicals. IF you find something, call the vet immediately to report what the dogs ate and try to bring in a sample of it.

It's possible they all have some sort of virus, but they became ill within MINUTES of one another, which would suggest that they all ingested something toxic.

Good luck!

ETA: If you still have the vomitus, bring that to the vet--they may be able to determine the poison from the vomit sample.

Also, check the trash can that had the chicken bones in it. It's possible something toxic was in that trash, and the dogs got into it because they smelled the chicken and ate the toxin along with the chicken bones.

As someone else said, a neighbor who isn't fond of your 7-10 dogs (not sure I counted correctly there) threw some chicken laced with a poison into your yard. :(