My French Bulldog Has Been Vomiting Bile Foam And Undigested Food For The Past Day.

If my dog eats a bunch of cooked chicken-wing bones, should I induce vomiting?

Just went through this with my dog! From calling her vet and googling, this is what we learned:- Most of the risk is actually to the throat/esophagus, not the intestinal area, so do NOT induce vomiting.- There's a chance of injury to the abdominal area, but it's not likely: keep an eye on him/her and watch for an arched back when walking or other signs of discomfort. If in doubt, call the vet.Our dog was totally fine (in fact, rather pleased with herself). Good luck!

What should I do if my dog is throwing up yellow/white liquid/foam?

This is normally just a bit of stomach acid and it's ok for them to vomit this up, the problem is why they're doing it.One of my two dogs sometimes does this after eating grass, in which case I ignore it. Recently she ate the cap of a water bottle, some of the plastic got stuck, and trying to retch it out some of this foam came out. She also once ate the stuffing from a dog toy and did vomited this about 6 times, and then I was worried, but it was over pretty soon and she was fine. She sometimes also eats fox shit, and then throws it up, and keeps vomiting until there's nothing left except this foam.You can guess that the other dog is my favourite one!If they are sick once or twice and there's not much in it I wouldn't worry, especially if you know the likely cause like one of the above examples. Keep and eye on them and make sure they have some water. If their stomach is sensitive then maybe give them some bland food for the next meal (e.g. scrambled eggs).If they don't have much of an appetite when you next feed them, or if they're lethargic, or if they keep on vomiting, take them to the vet immediately.Better safe than sorry!