My Teeth Feel Like They

Why do your teeth feel lose after you floss?

Your teeth do have some natural mobility to help them withstand the forces of chewing, biting, etc. There are several reasons your teeth may start to move more, but it is hard to tell without seeing your teeth or radiographs. If you have lost some of the bone that holds your teeth in ("alveolar bone") from periodontal disease, the teeth are more able to move. Periodontal disease is often caused or exacerbated by poor oral hygiene and cigarette smoking. This is more common in older people, but can show up in younger patients as well. Teeth can also become slightly mobile from grinding your teeth or changes in your bite (new restorations, etc.). The best idea would be to keep up your oral hygiene (brush every morning and every night, floss 1+ times/day) and schedule a visit with your dentist to make sure everything looks good.

Why do my teeth feel like they're popping?

I realized that when i start to get stressed out my teeth start to feel like they pop. It's the front teeth and it's a weird feeling. If i push in slightly with my lips then i push out with my tongue, it feels like a pop in place. What could this be? Is it most likely from stress and me constantly pushing on them?

My teeth feel like they are being pressed together?

I always feel like my teeth are being pushed together and i get this constant pressure. The only thing that relieves this pain is clentching down really hard and grinding my teeth or putting things between my teeth. It hurts but its feels good at the same time. what could be causing this?


Why does the wire on my teeth feel chalky?

Just finished with invisalign. Got wires on teeth to prevent my teeth from moving back to how they previously were. The top wire feels like, a wire. The bottom wire feels all chalky and I can hardly tell theres a wire there. But I know there is because, well I just know theres one there. Will the chalky feeling go away?

Why do my teeth feel like they moved overnight?

well i used to grind my teeth when i was little but i stopped now that im 12 yes i know still young, but maybe you are making your teeth loose from grinding them, or you might be pushing on them too hard that its moving them around. If you do it in your sleep try putting it in your mind that you wont do it say it 20 times or more, if its during the day then try getting a nother habit like chewing gum or something