New Copyright Counter-notification Youtube

YouTube Counter Notification?

Are you sure you got the copyrights of the video/audio/or other contents in it? And your dispute is legal?

If you are 100% only then contact youtube and let them know about your problem. However, when there is a copyright claim next to video their is a link to dispute the case.

If your counter notification is denied in that case you have to directly contact Sony and explain the situation.

I hope when you had disputed the case you had submitted enough evidence/proof about your video.

In my experience when Sony Japan claim copyrights it is mostly on gaming video for music.

Why is my Copyright Counter-Notification on YouTube taking longer than 14 days and how much longer at most will I have to wait?

On December 9th, I filed a copyright counter notification and was told, "Thank you for your counter notification. It has been forwarded to the party that sent the takedown notification. If we receive no response, your material will be restored in 10 to 14 business days from today. Please understand that submitting additional counter notifications for this URL will not accelerate your video s reinstatement." Today is December 26th, and it s almost December 27th, and I have yet to receive any type of response or notification. At most, how many days will I have to wait to receive a notification? Also, would filing an additional copyright counter-notification speed up the process?

Youtube Filing a counter notification?

I recived this email
Thanks for your email. We received multiple notifications from various
content owners regarding unauthorized content that has been uploaded by
your account(s). When we're notified that a particular video uploaded to
our site infringes another's copyright, we remove the material as the law
requires. Federal law requires that we terminate accounts when they are
found to repeatedly infringe copyright. Because you have had other videos
rejected in the past, we are unable to reinstate your account. Users with
suspended or terminated accounts are prohibited from creating new accounts
or accessing YouTube's community. You will need to resolve at least one of
these penalties before your account can be reinstated. You may be able to
resolve at least one of the following video removals by filing a

after I sent a complaint about my account being disabled

please someone, how do I take these videos off so I can get y account back?

Can we deal with law suit of copyright counter notification in YouTube sent to me if the you tube uploader is not from my country?

Stealing is still stealing and considered a copyright infringement even if they are in a different country. So the question you asked is specifically for a different country… just take that out the equation and pretend they are in the same country… there’s your answer.Dr. Dre was sued by the way for stealing this from someone in India

YouTube DMCA counter notification denied?

For example, I uploaded a hockey game I recorded Canada Day 2016, then I posted to YouTube then they blocked in mobile devices and I disputed it for fair use then the copyright owner reinstated the claim then I appealed it (because I believe it's still in fair use) then taken my YT video down then I filed a DMCA counter notification then 5 days later, my DMAC counter notification is denied, saying in the email I recieved that they think that I do not have the rights even though I really have the rights.

What happens when you submit a counter notification on youtube?

Counter-notification means you are disputing the right of the copyright owner to claim its own property. They have 14 days in which to sue you in federal court after you file. Otherwise, YT is authorized (but unlikely) to re-enable your video. Also, you can still be sued, even if they never notified YT and you never counter-notified. The statute of limitations is 3 years after you remove the illegal copies.

"Basic copyright infringement" simply means you're using copyrighted stuff without permission and is still infringement even if you don't make any money on it. If you do make money, that is also a federal crime.

You cannot possibly have an iTunes song that has "not been released." If you actually did have a pre-release song (or software) and you published it without the permission of the producers, you would be immediately arrested for felony copyright infringement, not to mention sued for all the money you will ever have from any source for the rest of your life.

On the other hand, because you are obviously unaware (or uncaring) of the property rights of others, perhaps getting arrested for music piracy would be a good way for you to learn to respect those rights.

Would it be okay if we all went to your house while you were at school and watched your TV or played with your stuff without any permission? Hey, it's not like you're using it at the moment, right? We weren't hurting anything. We didn't steal anything. "I hate those stupid trespassing laws."

False counter-notification?

i think i falsely submitted counter notification on youtube, i got 2 strikes because of some company called molebeat and i thought they were just full of **** so i submitted counter otification saying my videos were removed by mistake i dont think that they have rights to remove my videos, btw what i uploaded was anime trailers and i thought it was fair use to upload them without permission cause they are commercials so what will happen next? will i go to jail or something ? lol. maybe those guys had legal permission after all.

What will happen if my counter notification is wrong on YouTube?

first of all .What is counter notification ??A counter notification is a legal request for YouTube to reinstate a video that has been removed for alleged copyright infringement. The process may only be pursued in instances where the upload was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled, such as fair use. It should not be pursued under any other circumstances.(Source : Google)Who forces counter notifications??Counter notifications must be submitted by the video’s original uploader or an agent authorized to act on their behalf, such as an attorney.What will you do when counter notification is wrong on your video??According to google :If your video was removed but does not fit the criteria above, you may want to seek a retraction, or simply wait for your strike to expire.

Can send false copyright notification?

Yes. Not only they can but they are doing it shamelessly for a long time. They are highly unprofessional and all I can say from my personal experience is they are a bunch of illiterate goons running this company. They even threaten to send people to your office if their DMCA fake request is rejected by Google after counter notification. I googled to verify if is it just me or they are doing this with everybody else. After finding some instances I decided to take some time and put it to the light of general public.Google GroupsHave a look at this complain. They don’t even verify before filing the notice. That guy was simply punished for his creativity and got a youtube strike which was never undone. How ironic is that. An anti-piracy company take down a youtube video which was cleverly fighting anti-piracy. Shame for its recruiters (200 NotOut Productions)Here is another professional email written by CEO of company Girish Kumar - Anti-Piracy Outfit Threatens Pan-Indian Torrent Site Ban - TorrentFreakThe owner had already removed the file yet the CEO of aiplex didn’t bother to verify.A lot of instances can be found on the internet. They think if they are fighting anti-piracy, they are above the law and can do anything they want including threatening people.I hope this post will serve as a reference to anyone who has been exploited by them for no reason. I encourage you to share your experience in comments or as a separate answer.Thanks

If someone submits counter notifications on YouTube regarding a copyright strike, that are false, what will happen to the YouTube account?

Your account will get shut down until a You Tube rep takes a look at it.This has happened to me twice and can be truly frustrating! You have to submit an appeal from the link they guide you to. (Warning* Do this only once - Every time you submit an appeal after your initial one you will be moved further back in the review line) You can also communicate through email here (Don't spam): youtube-disputes@google.comYou just have to wait, if you know you didn't do anything wrong and followed the rules then you have nothing to worry about. Assure yourself by making sure you didn't commit any copy write infringement.