Number Of Electrons In Each Shell

What is the number of electron shells in francium?

This is its electronic configuration: 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8, 1

therefore it has 1 electron in its outershell

How can I determine the number of electron shells?

Ok, I’m assuming you know the shells available to all atoms. from 1s to 6h etc. If you haven't, go look up atomic electron shells.What you want to do is take X Atom and identify is electron count. Lets say atom X is Oxygen and has 8 electrons. Pack each shell with two electrons. 1s(2)-2s(2)-2pxyz(2)(1)(1).Each S orbital gets two and p orbital by geometrical space require 3 different orientations. Also theres a rule where it is better to have all sheets filled (if only partially) rather than tightly packing and leaving one empty.Thats all folks

What is the number of electron present in one shell?

The shells in an atom are K,L,M,N… the K shell is the first shell which is closest to the nucleus of the atom, the K shell has 2 electrons. The L shell can hold 8 electrons, M shell can hold 18 electrons but the atom can attain stability if the valence (last) shell has 8 electrons. The general formula is that the nth shell can in principle hold up to 2(n2) electrons​.

What is the maximum number of electrons for each shell?

The first shell can hold 2 electrons, after that the general equation is pretty simple.2N^2Where N is the shell number. So the second Orbital would be 2(2^2)=8Orbital3 = 2(3^2)=18 electronsOrbital4 = 2(4^2)=32 electronsAnd so on for all 7 Orbitals.This is a fairly basic explanation.

What is the maximum number of electrons in each of the first 4 shells of any atom?

The other answers look like 8th/9th year chem, where students are taught about valence electrons. I suspect the shells you're asking about are the energy levels:
The electron shells are labelled K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q; or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; going from innermost shell outwards. Each shell can have one or more subshells, s, p, d, and f. Each subshell has a max. number of electrons.
The first energy level/shell has only an s subshell, which holds 2 electrons.
The second energy level has an s and a p subshell, the s holds 2 and the p holds 6, so the max for the second shell is 8.
The third energy level has s, p, and d shubshells. The s and p still hold 2 and 6 each. The d subshell holds 10, so the max for the third shell is 18.
The fourth energy level has s, p, d, and f subshells. The f subshell holds 14 electrons, so the total for the fourth shell is 2+6+10+14 = 32
Beyond the fourth energy level, you would get into theoretical subshells, which is why you were only assigned the first four.

Why do only a certain number of electrons occupy each shell? Why are the shells arranged in certain distances from the nucleus? Why don't electrons just collapse into the nucleus or fly away?

Electrons being quantum entities can not be thought over in classical manner as you think.We have to study electrons in atom by quantum mechanical methods. For example they can be studied by Hartree- Fock self consistent method with single particle approximation. In such calculations we get wave functions for all the electrons numerically. If we plot radial wave functions as functions of r ,the distance from uncles, we find that absolute squares of these functions have maximum values at certain distances from the nucleus. Such feature of wave functions explain the shell structure. The restriction on the number of electrons originates from Pauli’s exclusion principle.

What is the maximum number of electrons each electron shell can hold?

I assume we are talking ground state electrons, right. For principle QN=1, there are 2 electrons. For QN=2, 8 electrons. For QN=3, 18 electrons. For QN=4, 32 electrons. Etc. Just count the elements in the periodic table.

How many electrons in each shell of an atom?

That's because there are several different answers, depending on how you ask the question.

(Question 1) What is the maximum number of electrons that each shell could theoretically hold?

The maximum number of electrons in each shell is given by the formula 2n², where n is the number of the shell. So the first shell (n=1) can hold 2(1)² = 2 electrons, the second shell can hold 2(2)² = 8 electrons, and the 7th shell could theoretically hold 2(7)² = 98 electrons.

(Question 2) What is the maximum number of electrons each shell realistically holds?

Beyond the 4th shell (n=4; 32 electrons), shells NEVER receive their full theoretical complement of electrons because real atoms just don't have that many electrons. Due to a peculiarity in the way shells are filled with electrons, the ACTUAL maximum number of electrons in each shell is as follows:

1st shell = 2 electrons
2nd shell = 8 electrons
3rd shell = 18 electrons
4th shell = 32 electrons
5th shell = 32 electrons
6th shell = 18 electrons
7th shell = 8 electrons

If element 119 is ever synthesized, we'll have to put an electron in the 8th shell.

(Question 3) What is the number of electrons in each shell of a(n) _________ atom?

Again, it's kind of weird how electrons fill into shells, so this answer isn't as straight-forward as you might think. If you use the rules from Question 2, you can accurately assign electron numbers to each shell all the way up through argon, element 18. After that things start getting complicated. For example:

Argon: 2,8,8
Potassium: You'd expect 2,8,9, but really it's 2,8,8,1
Calcium: 2,8,8,2
Scandium: You might expect 2,8,8,3, but instead you get 2,8,9,2
Titanium: 2,8,10,2
Vanadium: 2,8,11,2
Chromium: You expect 2,8,12,2, but it's really 2,8,13,1
Manganese: 2,8,13,2

See what I mean? Once you get into the nitty-gritty details about electron placement and stability, the question you've asked becomes increasingly difficult to answer without writing a book. I hope that helps. Good luck!

Cerium has how many shells?and how many electron on each shell?

If you're going just by the principal quantum number n, then there are:

2 electrons in the first shell (1s2)
8 in the second shell (2s2 2p6)
18 in the third shell (3s2 3p6 3d10)
19 in the fourth shell (4s2 4p6 4d10 4f1)
9 in the fifth shell (5s2 5p6 5d1)
2 in the sixth shell (6s2)

Why is there a limited number of electrons on each electron shell?

The answer you are looking for is the Pauli exclusion principle.Now, you may be thinking, this just says that no two fermions can occupy the same quantum state- since each electron in an orthogonal orbital can either have an up or down spin (e.g. differing spin states), the spherical 1s orbital quantum state can be populated with at most two electrons with opposite spin. If that explains the first shell, what about subsequent shells?image from Electronic OrbitalsIf you solve Schrodinger's equation for hydrogen, (or helium positive ion,) you get a single spherical quantum state for the ground state. As you excite to the 2 or 3 level, there are an additional three states each that are orthogonal in addition to the 2s and 3s, called 2p and 3p, which are at right-angles (hence "orthogonal") in three dimensions, called px py and pz. Excite to the 4 or 5 level and you introduce the five d states, dxy, dxz dz², dyz, and dx²-y². Each of those orbitals, quantum states, have a pair of electrons of opposite spins. So.1s = 2e-2s + 2px + 2py + 2pz = 8e- 3s + 3px + 3py + 3pz = 8e-4s + 4px + 4py + 4pz + 3dxy +3dxz + 3dz² + 3dxy + 3dx²-y�� = 18e-ad nauseum. Add 6s,6p, 5d, and 4f and you get 32 electrons. Go any further, and you go past the point of stability into a realm of radioactive elements, where higher order physics starts to get involved and the approximate models derived from the hydrogen atom break down due to relativistic effects.The electronic configuration of an atom (and molecule) can be validly treated as linear combinations of these orbitals, called the LCAO-MO approximation theory (Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals {form} Molecular orbitals). This theory is an approximation because to form the true quantum mechanical picture, you would have to sum over the entire infinite set of orbitals and all their possible combinations, including higher order terms (nonlinear, e.g.polynomial rather than just linear combinations), but this approximation theory actually provides predictive value and highlights many of the trends observed in spectroscopy and other properties derived from the QM picture of the electronic bonding of molecules.A similar but unrelated approach uses combinations of the atomic orbitals to form hybrid orbitals, In the Valence Bond Theory, the 2s and 2p orbitals are combined (added) to form four 2sp₃ orbitals that help explain the tetrahedral form of molecules such as methane.