Obama Welcomes Ebola In Ny

Obama welcomes ebola in NY?

Obama the brainiac is so worried about the economy back in his home land Africa he's willing to let America fall to save it...that's are president...always there for us...Obama followers don't have any more of a clue than Obama does...I guess when we are all wearing bio suits and dying they will get the never ceases to amaze me just how stupid people can be...especially when the CDC is saying 1.4 million people could be infected by January...

Obama welcomes ebola to the states with open arms?

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Is Obama lying when he says the US welcomes the rise of China?

Every time I've heard President Obama say it, he has said something more specific, to the effect of this: he welcomes the rise of a "peaceful and prosperous China, open to the world." This echoes a frequent direct quote from Chinese officials describing how they hope to be seen by the rest of the world.For economic reasons, many Americans and American companies stand to gain immensely from China's rise as a consumer society (that is, if China is both prosperous and open to the world) by selling luxury goods, by providing high-tech goods and equipment and expertise which China can't make by itself, by catering to Chinese tourists abroad, etc.On the "peaceful" side, I'm sure that Obama would differ with his definition of this term from China's leaders, though both benefit politically from the rhetorical ambiguity of the word. The USA, as well as many of China's neighbors, would clearly prefer China to be more cooperative and less adversarial in its dealings with other countries in the region in countless ways (fishing rights disputes, maritime border disputes, trade agreements, cyber warfare, One China policy, etc etc).

Why is President Obama committing 3,000 troops to fight Ebola?

This is one of Obama's best moves, so far.  The response of the world's health organizations has been much too small and too slow.  Hopefully, the army's intervention will help shorten the duration of this epidemic.  Clearly, the police forces of Liberia and Sierra Leone have not been sufficient to counter the problem of dangerously ignorant people spreading the infection through vandalism, rioting, etc.

Will my mom contract ebola from dallas??

Ebola spreads through the transmission of bodily fluids, like blood or vomit, so simply breathing the same air as Thomas Duncan wouldn't lead to an infection. And Ebola patients aren't contagious until symptoms develop. Thomas Duncan didn't start showing signs of an infection until days after he arrived in the United States.

Why did Barack Obama appoint Ron Klain to the role of "Ebola Czar" instead of a highly qualified physician?

Well, let me answer from my work in software engineering.I've had terrible bosses who were excellent developers, and I've had great managers who couldn't write a single line of code. (The converse can be true too, of course.)The bosses who are developers have, with rare exception, an overwhelming itch to "get into the trenches" and micromanage. But since that's no longer their primary responsibility, they no longer understand at that level what's going on. Their "Oh, this is simple!" solutions would break things.The ones who know they don't know the technical aspects, and are still good ones, know when to lead and when to get the hell out of the way. They know their job is to draw the map and clear away or route around the roadblocks ahead, not to try to grab the wheel.The person overseeing the Ebola project needs to be a good manager and a good politician. They don't need to be a good doctor or medical researcher. Their job is to make the jobs of the doctors and medical researchers they manage easier, to make sure impediments to their work are removed, and to see that they get the resources they need to be effective.

When was Fox News extremely unfair to President Barack Obama?

aggressively cracks knuckles and neck at the same timeLet’s get down to business! To defeat, the FOX!The terrorist fist jab: After Obama fist-bumped Michelle Obama, Fox host ED Hill said on her show the following: "A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? The gesture everyone seems to interpret differently." Because terrorists are known for their happy-go-lucky attitude and their common use of the fist bump as a gesture of friendship between spouses.Obama should be killed: Fox News host Liz Trotta said the following in 2008: “And now we have what some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama, uh Obama. Well, both, if we could.” You can say what you want, but that’s a direct threat of assassination against the President. She continued to have a job at Fox News until she said that females in the military deserved to be sexually assaulted.Obama’s tan suit: This goddamn suit apparently signifies Obama’s a Marxist, and also that he’s a wimp. Really? That’s what passes as a scandal during Obama’s tenure?He’s a Muslim: Debunked about 10,000 times, but in 2016, Bill O’Reilly, now lounging with Roy Moore and Roger Ailes in the sexual assault lounge, said “Newly unearthed photos of President Obama in Muslim garb underscore his deep ties to the faith, which is absolute crap. That’s like me wearing a white suit and the atheists burning my image saying I’m a Christian. That’s not how it works.Not my president: Oh, you thought that liberals were the only ones screaming “Not my president”? Here’s conservative mouthpiece and man whose jawline is stronger than his racism Sean Hannity, saying in response to someone’s comment about “his President” (Obama), “Not my President.” What a snowflake, am I right?Hitler comparisons: Again, it’s not always the other side saying the things, right? Stephen Schwarzman, while on Fox News, said Obama raising taxes on private equity firms “like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939”, Hank Williams Jr. said that John Boehner playing golf with Obama was like if Hitler played golf with Netanyahu, and here’s a list of 7 times politicians did the same. Hypocrisyyy!But of course, we cannot forget FOX’s faithful coverage of the greatest scandal to ever affect the American people.SACRILEGE!!!!

Did Robert Mueller work under Obama for 8 years, as Trump's 11/15/2018 tweet claims?

Thanks for the A2A.So no, Robert Mueller worked for 4 years under Obama, but 8 years under Bush before him. How many republican presidents have appointed democrats who served before they came into office, I’m curious to know if anyone can share how frequently that happens… This is an example of Obama choosing a republican on a position in the FBI because he was a high integrity man and qualified for the job, setting partisan politics aside for a change. Thanks Obama for trying to lead by example, though it seems Trump isn’t paying attention.Public source supporting my statement:McConnell just said there’s no need for a "protect Mueller" bill. Trump already made that look silly.Mueller is a republican, so Trump can’t claim he’s a liberal partisan. He’s simply a man with integrity, which is the kind of man Trump hates with a passion. Trump wants loyal followers and sycophants, not people who think for themselves and make him stronger. That’s why he’s rated the worst president in history, even lower than those who supported slavery… He is ranked in the bottom 5% of business people statistically speaking (I give an explanation in other answers as to why this is… the simple answer is he’d be 10x wealthier if he invested his money in the average business instead of his own businesses), so why would we think he could be a good politician? He’s been convicted of more crimes than most businessmen, so why would we think he had integrity.I’ve mentioned before that Trump is telling half truths or lies almost all the times he’s talking, so none of this should surprise us, what should surprise us is why anyone still follows and supports him. His supporters have dwindled for certain, but I truly don’t understand how anyone who thinks for themselves still supports Donald Trump when he’s done so many horrible things and lied so frequently. In fact, I don’t think anyone who thinks for himself does still support Trump. He’s lost all the free thinking independents…I welcome any Trump supporters who can be polite and feel they form their opinions based on reason/rational thought to explain with reason why they still support Donald Trump. I’d love to hear some rational explanation for this behavior.

Should Obama be Impeached for being a NEO-MARXIST?

In less than 3 weeks time, Obama has given more rights to non-Americans than he has to those he is suppose to represent!
What was the first thing he did? Release the prisoners from Gitmo without even a place to send them. Now he's given children's health care to illegal aliens....Moscow welcomes Obamas plan in an 80 percent reduction in stock piles of nuclear weapons. He does not want to build deterrents to protect us. And if that's not en ought, he's doing away with our Buy America plan. He says we should not just look out for ourselves as Americans!
He's out to run the world, not America. We are very close to a Marxist Revolution, and he's sold out America!
Last night he gave an interview saying that he voted down the Buy America plan because he can't send a protectionist message to the world. Do we have to protect Europe more than America? The bill said that public building and construction should be built with American products. He's thrown that out...he stabbed the Union workers in the back! He is a NEO-Marxist! Do you think he should be IMPEACHED !

Will the Democrats be hurt politically if more Ebola cases spring up in the US?

*UPDATE*One of the nurses who was caring for Patient Zero, just herself has been diagnosed with Ebola.Authorities are blaming her for making a mistake when removing her protective gear.Wow, what idiots.  What unbelievable idiots.This poor lady made one minor mistake and she's infected.  Obvious conclusion:  Ebola is much more contagious than they are telling us.  Anybody who downplays the dangers, from now on, should be fired. immediately.   We are in a very bad situation here, and the medical authorities are losing credibility very quickly.  Next thing will happen, nurses will stop showing up to work, and the healthcare system is in crisis.STOP DOWNPLAYING THE DANGER YOU IDIOTS!