Ps3 Help Internet Error

PS3 Error 80711005 Help?

First of all recheck the Error code # to make sure it is correct. Then go here and put it in to see what it says and it will help you if it can.
You will see on the right hand side of the page to type in the error code for it. I tried it and it said it was not in system so either that is not in there yet or it was copied off wrong (I copied and pasted what you put down so I know I did not put it in wrong). Hope this helps.

I can't connect to my ps3 internet, error 80130182?

My question is, have you tried just going to the Internet Browser to actually test the connection?

Network > Internet Browser

If you have done that and it's still not working, then you may need to change the connection type. If it's wired, make it wireless or if it's wireless, make it wired and see if changing it that way helps.

Another thing you could try, and some people have gotten it to work this way, is to completely turn off the PS3 by the back power switch, wait about 5 minutes, then turn it back on and test the connection then.

From there, if that's still not working, then you may need to set the IP address on the PS3 manually:

Settings > Network Settings > Internet Connection Settings > Custom

Then when you get to the IP Address, select Manual and input the necessary information.

You may need to reset the router one or two more times throughout this process jut to make sure it properly connects.

Finally, if that's not working, then there may be something else wrong and I would be at a loss without actually being there to work on it myself as I've never had problems connecting after following these steps.

So good luck!

Ps3 internet conection failed dns error?

Try restarting you router and modem. Turn off your modem first, then router. Wait about 30 seconds then turn on your modem first, then finally your router. Everything should work again.

May I ask, what's your wireless router brand? And if you need help, email me at because I had this problem not to long ago and I fixed it today.

No internet connection with PS3, DNS error?

my friend had this problem and i fixed it for him

- turn off media server connection under network settings

- if you are using linksys router, put in as the URL and then press enter. user name: leave blank, password: admin
once you get on the router's page, look for applications and gaming then click on it. find the DMZ tab after you clicked on applications and gaming. enable the DMZ and type in random 3 numbers. i put in 110 to make things easier so just put in 110 then save settings(DMZ will be your IP address)

- on your computer, click start, run, type in command then press enter. you should see a black screen come up. type in ipconfig/all and then you will see a list with bunch of numbers.
now go on your ps3 and set the IP manually under custom.
so just put this in

IP Address:
Subnet Mask: already set for you
Default Router:
Primary and Secondary DNS: look on that black screen with a list on it for the DNS. most likely its going to be and

once you got all of the numbers in, just run through rest of the connection settings, dont touch anything, just go right through then save settings

if you dont have a linksys router then it should be very similar with other routers...

email me at and let me know if it did or not

PS3 Internet Connection Problems?

WiFi or Ethernet connection?

If WiFi, try hooking the PS3 up directly the the Ethernet cable (looks like a big phone jack)

If Ethernet, Call your ISP (Internet Service Provider) for further assistance as this is 99% of the time their fault and not Sony's

No secondary DNS? Need DNS and PS3 Internet connection help?

I want to connect to the Internet via my PS3, and I've entered all the settings except for the secondary DNS, which apparently doesn't exist in my computer. I used command prompt, but in the ipconfig/all screen, there is only one DNS server. I tried connecting my PS3 by just keeping all the values of the secondary DNS at 0, but once I tested the connection, I got an error code (80710102). Suggestions to fix this problem?

Can I connect my ps3 to the internet with my phone?

If you are using a smartphone with Wi-Fi feature, then go to the settings and search for WiFi Hotspot or any similar name and turn it on. If needed you can even keep WPA/PSK security, it doesn’t matter. Then go to your PS3 connection options and scan for WiFi. It should pop up the name of your hotspot. Connect and give password. Done.BTW why do you want your PS3 to connect to your phone?! The bills will rip the roof! The PS3 has capacity to take 1 GB in just 30 mins through just gaming! Think twice before pulling this stunt.

What is a DNS error on the PS3?

The ps3 dns error shit can be easily solved.. all you need to do is make setup on network settings , then internet connection. Make wired connection then ok and use custom. Make use of the below setupDHCP Host name: Do not setDNS Settings: ManualPrimary DNS: or DNS: or AutomaticProxy Server: Do Not UseUPnP: EnableThen save. You can reference [Solved] PS3 DNS Error 80710101 and 80710102 for setup procedure and other methods to resolve it

I got a ps3 dns error 80710103 whats this mean PLEASE HELP?

The Playstation 3 DNS error that you have received; 80710103 means that there is a problem with the connection between your internet access point and the Playstation 3. Your signal strength could not be strong enough- ( Go to settings, go all the way down to Network settings and you should see Status report to see your signal strength.)

It can be frustrating but what you can do is move the access point or your computer closer to your Playstation 3. But of course, if you are using someones else's using the WiFi, you can move your Playstation 3 closer, in which direction your strength seems to be getting stronger. Also what you can do is sort of troubleshoot with your modem or router. Try turning it off and then back on. Your Playstation will say something that it has been disconnected from the access point but it'll be fine as soon as you turn right back on or plug it back in.

I believe that it is required or you have to have at least a 10% or 8%, (somewhere around there) to play online or have your internet signal going strong. Yes it can be confusing but look it up on the Playstation forums and you'll find your answers. I occasionally catch and it is very annoying. Hope this helps, Luke

How do I solve error 8002A548 on PS3?

I have now above query resolved.In my case issue was like this:I had been using earlier one USB dongle service, somehow new PS3 update stopped allowing PSN to login me into, while the internet was working (that is only browser and if any PS3 updates).I then had got my new Broadband (DSL) connection.  In that I first was able to login to PSN but next day it again stopped.So me and the network engineering did some troubleshooting for about an hour and here is the conclusion:The meaning of above error says something about proxy.So if you have an internet that works well with other device, just not PSN (Please see words, Its PSN, PS3 detects internet), so that is your internet service provider is using proxy server to route your internet.  The PSN somehow detects this.So now in case broadband they offered 2 services (limited plans and unlimited plans)For limited plans they used one server and via proxy the share it.  While in unlimited plans it was not the case, proxy was not used as they do not have to track internet usage by user.When we switched my limited plan to unlimited, I was able to login to PSN (Hooray moment!).  So my network provider, they allowed me and switched my limited plan to unlimited on same cost, Just to solve my error. So in end, conclusion is that use the internet service that do not apply proxy on their servers to pass on internet.  And above error will never occur because of ISP.