Questions About Hedgehogs For Hedgehog Owners

Pet Hedgehog or Rat? OWNERS ONLY?

I have had experience with only one hedgehog, and that guy I found to be rather introverted. He almost remined me of a hamster, the way they don't allow themselves to become concerned with you too much. But I don't mean to give the impression that they aren't lovable! That was just that individual hedgie. I have seen people interact with their own pets, and they seem very responsive. Maybe mine was just grouchy. He would show frustration when you kept holding him and keeping him from where he wanted to go. Quite the prsonality! He loves to explore my room, and learned to climb up onto my bed and nestle in the covers for a nap. One thing I really didn't care for is the cleaning. Hedgehog stool isn't very pleasent, but that was my personal dislike. Also, some people say that they are nocturnal, which means a rattling wheel at night. But mine slept soundly at night, so I suppose it varies.

I have owned many more rats (now I have 11!). I must say that they are a much better choice for me. Rats are, first of all, social. Keeping a single rat is terrible for it, you must have at least two. Hedgehogs are mostly solitary, but love plying with you occasionally. Rats are much more inclusive of you in their lives and never turn you down. I tend to say that they are like little dogs, with their pack formations. They are also much more intelligent and require mental stimulation in the form of out-of-cage time. Usually one hour a day is sufficient, but the longer the better. Leaving them to explore an entire room on their own can be really entertaining. I have had a few rats which were mostly cageless, and they were smart enough to get around by themselves. They do learn to live by your schedule, so although originally nocturnal, they will gradually learn to sleep at night. I also find them a lot easier to clean up after. Rats in general also litter train very quickly (females especially), but I unfortunaetly had little luck with the hedgie I had. I think you can litter train both though.

Hedgehogs legal in utah (2 questions)?

and i know if i even think of getting one im going to research alot more but... can you give me a summery of their care please

African pygmy hedgehog owners?

I been wanting to get an African pygmy hedgehog for a while now, I've done loads of research into their care etc. and before I make the commitment of owning one I would just like to get owner's opinions of what they are like to keep? Are they affectionate? Do they need to be wormed? Anything else I should know?

How big do hedgehogs get?

Why should only hedgehog owners answer?

The size of a fully grown hedgehog will partly depend on its sex (males tend to be bigger - at least in the European Hedgehog), but will mainly depend on which species you have (there are 14 different species of hedgehog).
If you have been told that it will weigh 9-19 ounces when fully grown, which is roughly 250-550 grams, it is likely that you don't have one of the larger species so it will get to be about 6-10 inches (15-25 cm) long.

See the link for weight/size details of different species - and if you don't want it to be big you should have checked the species before buying! European Hedgehogs are a foot or longer when fully grown.

I want to be a hedgehog owner, but I live in Pennsylvania. What should I do?

There is a reason why your state has banned hedgehogs from being pets. It might be because they are rodents and carry parasites (but really, they are no different than guinea pigs and hamsters if they're bred and not wild) or because they are considered wild, which is true in Europe for instance, but they are NOT indigenous here. Unfortunately, in this type of situation, if they find out (for whatever reason) that you own one, they'll take it away. They don't deport animals. Animal Control will destroy it. The other thing to consider, other than the possibility of getting the hedgehog taken away is that no vet in PA can take it. You would have to drive out of state whenever you wanted to get him checked out, or had an emergency. I live in Chicago, and the regular Emergency vet couldn't take mine when he got some string wrapped around his legs because he's an "exotic." I had to drive a half hour outside of the city to the emergency exotic clinic to get him help. The same thing for you, only no vet in PA at all can help you. They'd have to report that you have one and it would be a huge mess. I wouldn't risk it. See what other animals you're allowed to have in your area.

Someone said that they are "amazingly worth it." They are NOT. Please consider that the animal's life is in danger if you acquire one and it's not legal in your area.

Can hedgehogs eat grass?

Hedgehogs do not eat grass. For the best hedgehog diet information please see this page:

Be aware that there is a lot of outdated and downright dangerous care information out there, including recommendations to use wood bedding and water bottles, both of which are dangerous to hedgehogs as the experience of hedgehog owners has shown.