Quick Basic Math Question Help

Quick chem/basic math question please help!?

you have to look up the atomic masses of the elements on a periodic table
iron 56
nickel 59
chromium 52
if mass of iron is 50g then nickel would be 50/56*59/72*10=7.32 (2dp)
and chromium would be 50/56*52/72*18=11.61 (2dp)
You have to divide by atomic mass of iron then times by the element and then divide by percentage of iron and times by percentage of element.

So total stainless steel would be 50+7.32+11.61=68.93

btw i used for calculations coz its awesome

Quick Simple Math Question??

ok im stuck and i dont know how to do this problem. It seems like its really easy if u actually know the steps and how to solve it:

Joe buys a computer for 1,187.20$
This includes a 6% sales tax.
How much was the computer originally (minus the sales tax)

can u give me the answer and how u got it?

Quick simple maths questions?

1) -3t
2) -60
3) -g² + 8g - 15
4) x ≤ -6

A quick simple math Q can u help me?

Japhus Moore’s credit card statement showed a previous balance of $921.07, a finance charge of $13.80, new purchases of $962.01, and a payment of $990.37. What is his new balance?

hw do i figgure this out these are the choices


Basic Mathematical Arithmetic Reasoning Question?

It costs $0.50 per square yard to waterproof canvas. What will it cost to waterproof a canvas truck cover that is 15'x24'?

The answer is $20.00. But I just need someone to explain to me how to reach that answer. Thank you.

Quick Math Help! Solve Each Inequality!?

1a. x - 1 < (2x + 1) / 3
multiply 3 to both sides:
(x - 1) 3 < 2x + 1
3x - 3 < 2x + 1
add three and subtract 2x to/from both sides:
3x - 2x < 1 + 3
x < 4

1b. try to do this by yourself first, but here is the answer
(4x - 1) / 3 ≥ x - 1
multiply 3 to both sides:
4x - 1 ≥ 3 (x - 1)
4x - 1 ≥ 3x - 3
subtract 3x and add 1 from/to both sides:
4x - 3x ≥ 1 - 3
x ≥ -2

2. 650 ≤ 5/9(f -32) ≤ 700
hmmm, this seems like pretty introductury stuff, so I suggest dividing this in two different parts before solving for f:
a. 650 ≤ 5/9(f -32)
b. 5/9(f -32) ≤ 700

2a. there are many ways of organizing your steps to solve this problem, but here is one:
650 ≤ 5/9 (f - 32)
650 ≤ [5 (f - 32)] / 9
650 ≤ (5f - 160) / 9
multiply 9 to both sides:
650 * 9 ≤ 5f - 160
5850 ≤ 5f - 160
add 160 to both sides:
5850 + 160 ≤ 5f
6010 ≤ 5f
now divide 5 by both sides:
1202 ≤ f OR f ≥ 1202

2b. 5/9 (f - 32) ≤ 700
do the same thing with 2a, and you will get:
1292 ≥ f OR f ≤ 1292

Final Answers:
1. x < 4
& x ≥ -2
therefore, -2 ≤ x < 4

2. f ≥ 1202
& f ≤ 1292
therefore, 1202 ≤ f ≤ 1292

Refer to this graph for the graphing answers:
1. -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2. 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
+ = closed dot (≤ or ≥ symbols)
o = opened dot (< or > symbols)
----- = enclosed line

. +---------------------------------o

. +--------------------------------------+

sorry, the graphing may be off, as it's hard to display graphs online.... :P

hope this helps! (:

Quick factoristion question please help additional maths GCSE 2moro!!!!!?

y=x(3x^2 + 2x -5)
now take the quadratic part itself

thin of two numbers which shall give product as -15 (3*-5 =15) and sum 2.

we can guess them as 5 and -3

now rewrite the equation with the factors

3x^2 -3x + 5x -5

3x(x-1) +5(x-1)




y= x(3x+5)(x-1)

Math simple questions help DUE WENSDAY?

326 494.469

To the nearest 100 = 326 500
To the nearest 1000 = 326 000

3 and a half (3.5) - 2 = 1.5

Hope that helped