Quote About Controlling The Media

What is your opinion on this quote?

It sounds stupid and anti-semitic.

But, wait, who is "Frank Weltner" Oh right...

Jew Watch is an antisemitic[1] website that promotes Holocaust denial,[3] and makes many negative claims about Jews, which include allegations of a conspiracy that Jews control the media and banking industries,[4] and accusations of Jewish involvement in terrorist groups. The site contains a large amount of propaganda, according to Sam Varghese of The Age, similar to that used in Nazi Germany.[5] It is widely considered a hate site.[1] Jew Watch has received support from Stormfront, a neo-Nazi site.[6]

Established in 1998,[8] the website was formerly owned and maintained by Frank Weltner, a member of the National Alliance, a white nationalist organization.[9][10][11]

68-year-old Frank Weltner arrested for child pornography, JewWatch, National Alliance,
Frank R Weltner, the owner of the racist anti-Semitic website has been arrested for child pornography, and may face 10 years in jail. Below is the newspaper article from the St. Louis Today:

When/where did Malcolm X say this quote: "The media is the most powerful entity on earth..." ?

“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses"

I quoted it in a research paper but I won't get credit unless I cite it, and I have no idea how to... where he said it or when, I have no idea! HELP?!

"whoever controls the media -the images- controls the culture"?

Which is why Minorities alway have a hard time breaking into popular media as oppose to all the worthy talentless white actor/actresses out there. They also dictate popular views, Birth of a nation, shown the KKK as heroes and is a reflection of the time it was made.

What does this MALCOLM X quote mean to you ?

A great number of people will listen to ,without hesitation, anything the media says.
I think he's using it in a negative way.
Like, don't just listen to the media.
Find out the truth on your own because what they say isn't always accurate.

What did Rockefeller mean when he said "Control everything. Own nothing."?

I believe the quote actually comes from John's great-grandson, Nelson.  The full quote is:"The secret to success is to own nothing, but control everything."He is referring to protecting assets via asset management.  A wealthy person should put their assets in something like an LLC (Limited Liability Company).  This way, the assets legally belong to the LLC and a creditor or lawsuit that is seeking compensation from the individual can't pursue those assets.

Why does the media always quote Tinu Cherian's tweets only?

Because of his followers count on twitter. Once he sees himself quoted, he will tweet or RT the link to post which will reach his 150k+ followers.

What does this quote mean?

That our media is completely manipulated and follows the marching orders of a few corporate elitists.

Is the Amchel Rothschild quote, "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws," used out of context by opponents of central banking and conspiracists?

Of course the quote - or misquote - is used by "conspiracist;" because if you aren't a "conspiracist" you are a fool. It's really quite simple. Another name for "conspiracy" is "planning." Does anyone doubt that people with barely limited resources and who are often brilliant chess players, plan their work and work their plan. Accompanying their often psycho-sociopathic personalities, "conspiracy" is all they do - principally to maintain their power of control. You don't believe this is the way of the world? (lmao)