Sharp Chest Pain While Doing Push Ups

Arm & chest pain after push-ups?

I play Basketball and i am 15, i normally don't do push-ups but this time in basketball practice we did a drill which turns out it isn't my favorite. You had to shoot 3 pointers and if you missed you needed to make 5 push ups for every miss, it turns out im not the best 3 point shooter and ended missing 8 shots, so i did around 40 push-ups. I was ok at the moment and kept going on practice. The next day i woke up with a sore arm and chest. It was horrible, i couldn't move them very much. The other day which is today (2 days after workout) the pain eased a little but still hurts. Is this serious or is it normal. Im 190 lbs heavy and 6 foot tall so i lifted alot of weight on my body. What should i do? Is there any good treatment for it to heal quickly?

Chest pain after push ups?

is this normal? its not the center of my chest that hurts, its the corners, like the corner of the chest closer to the shoulder.

does this mean i over did my push ups? or does this mean its working? cause i heard u must be in pain for couple days then redo the exercise?

Would push-ups cause pain in the chest?

It depends what kind of pain you are expecting ? Push Ups , if done properly with good form, targets Pecs, Serratus Anterior and Triceps primarily with secondary focus on Anterior Deltoids and Abdominals. A person will more likely get cramps in his/her focused muscles. Cramps are generally good sign of improving strength and muscular stamina. So, if cramps is the pain you are asking about, then YES , you can get them in your pectoral region, doing Push Ups. A beginner will get cramps in his/her Triceps and Serratus Anterior too.

What causes shoulder pain after doing push ups?

Either bad form or muscular imbalance. Check the form here:And here’s how to solve the imbalance:For more fitness tips and workouts, you can reach me on my channel HELLRAISER GAINS & GAMES (HELLRAISER GAINS & GAMES (HELLRAISER GAINS & GAMES)) or my facebook page Hellraiser Fitness (Hellraiser Fitness (Hellraiser Fitness)) . I wish you all the best and hope i am of help.Regards,Personal Trainer Samy

Why does my chest (heart?) hurt when doing push-ups?

You could just be sore. Does it hurt to push on that area where you feel the discomfort? Depending on the intensity of the obstacle course and if it was something new or something harder that you've done before, your soreness can last up to 3-4 days even longer depends on how you specifically respond to resistance. The best thing to do is let your muscles recover and not do any resistance exercise of any kind. When you lift weights or doing anything in the form of resistance like push ups you are physically tearing the muscle. Not in a dangerous way but enough to notice the sore feeling you feel the days afterwards. Water and Stretching will not help the muscle heal faster. Picture it like a cut but at microscopic level. If you have a cut on your finger pouring water on it or stretching it will not help it heal faster, it needs time and needs to be away from things that aggravate it, you wouldn't keep putting your finger in your cut bothering it wondering why it's not healing would you? Your muscles are the same way they need time to heal and recover and not be stressed under any resistance whatsoever to come back stronger and to recover. If you keep pushing that muscle before it heals itself you are going to do more damage and the pain you felt will get worse.

When doing push-ups, I usually feel more pain in my shoulders as compared with chest. Am I doing it the wrong way?

No. You're just doing a different kind. Push-ups are a compound exercise. Instead of concentrating on one muscle, it helps a whole group of muscles. There are many kinds of Push-ups. But if you want to concentrate on your chest, you should place your hands wider and at the level of your chest. If you do it lower, it's for your triceps and if it is higher it generally affects your shoulders.   If you use push up bars or find a way to go lower than the height of your palms, the chest gets affected even more. Hope this helps. :)

Why do I get chest pain when doing sit ups?

First, see your doctor as soon as you can to rule out anything serious.Second, we need more context. How old are you? How long have you been working out? Do you always feel chest pain when doing sit-ups?I wouldn't recommend sit-ups as an ab exercise, anyway. Going into lumbar flexion isn't great for your spine health. Isometric ab exercises like planks, ab wheel rollouts and dragonflies or dragon flags, whatever people call them now, are better.If you want an ab exercise with a concentric contraction, hanging leg raises are ok.

Sore breast 2 days after doing 20 push-ups.?

That's a normal response to doing a push up. If you're doing the woman's style of keeping you knees on the floor that's OK too. You're only pushing up about 35% of your body weight, but that still a good movement. It sounds as if it's been a while since you've done those, if it has you'll be sore for several days. Of course it's not the breast itself that's sore it' the supporting and surrounding muscle. The soreness indicates you've done some damage to the muscle tissue, which is fine, that's how it grows, but the soreness will likely fade in a few days..
Do some flys as well to assist in the development of the tie ins between the upper chest muscles and the front deltoid of the upper arms..That pulls the chest wall muscles at a different angle.. The upper chest wall muscles are a good supporting muscle group for keeping the breast up.

I have pain in my armpit after pushups but?

When you do a push-up, the main muscle you use is the pectoralis major (chest) The pec muscle attaches to the bicipital groove of the humerous (kind of the armpit). You have several tendons and ligaments around this area, perhaps you have previously damaged a ligament or tendon in this region so when you do push-ups your aggravating them more and they react, painfully. The best thing to do I believe, go to your Doctor or a physiotherapist so they can do the appropriate test to see/figure out what is causing this pain.