Should I Email My Former Co-worker

A coworker logged into my email account and bank account after guessing my password since I used a similar one at work - what to do?

My passwords are changed. I like this coworker so I will not go to the police or report the matter to HR. My coworker needs to understand my privacy was massively invaded and I was aware the entire time therefore I was looking for other jobs.

This person should make sure I get what I very recently asked for and I will forget this ever happened. I will never mention it again. I like working for my employer but I also don't want my privacy invaded, I have nothing to hide.

How do I write an email to my boss to inform on a coworker's critical shortcomings without sounding like a snitch and requesting anonymity?

You don’t get to do that. You stand up, talk to the coworker about the issues FIRST so they are aware of them, help them to correct these wrongdoings, and THEN if nothing changes, you go to the boss in person and leave any personal problem you have with the employee out of it and voice your concerns and how it affects the workplace.

How can I tell my former co-worker that I have feelings for him? I no longer work for the company but I still want to tell him how I feel.

Call or email him. Tell him that you’ve been thinking about him because he’s the only former coworker whose friendship you miss and you’d like to know if he’d like to meet you for lunch or a drink. If he makes excuses then tell him to give you a call when he’s available and say goodbye. If he does accept then play it by ear and wait for him to make the next move. If he doesn’t then let it go. He just doesn’t feel the same way you do. Of course if he’s married or has a girlfriend don’t contact him at all. You’re just asking for trouble.

If you got an e-mail from a former co-worker apologizing about something from 2017, would it be weird?

From just two years ago? How about 46 years ago! It is never too late! Here is a poignant condolence letter written in 2011 by a Pakistani Air Force fighter pilot who, during the Indian/Pakistani war of 1965 shot down an Indian airplane (he was devastated that night when he heard on the news that he had inadvertently shot down a civilian aircraft that had drifted offcourse into Pakistani airspace). Qais Hussain apologized to all 8 families for his action, and wrote to the Indian pilot, Jehangir Engineer’s daughter. He said he was duty bound because his superiors suspected that the aircraft was on a reconnaissance mission to open a new war front. He wrote how the two pilots made eye contact (the other pilot pleaded for mercy) during an unexpected benign encounter and how four minutes later he had to follow orders from his HQ to shoot down the unknown plane. It led to the death of the pilot and seven civilians. Here is the man’s apology. in this link you can read how the how the Indian pilot Jehangir Engineer’s daughter Farida Singh graciously accepted the Indian pilot’s apology. Indian pilot’s daughter accepts Pakistan pilot’s ‘apology’

How to ask an ex coworker out?

I used to work with this girl during the summer of 2006. At the time we were both in a relationship. I heard from friends that she thought I was attractive. And I always had feelings for her that were beyond physical attraction. We both ended our relationships about 1 year ago. Yesterday we run into each other in the subway, got off the same stop and walked together for 10 minutes. She was happy to see me and talk to me but she was also in a hurry to go back home and complete some work she was doing. Basically she is very busy. I told her that next time I was in her area I was going to let her know and also I was going to email her work related links. Now... I know that I will go see a concert in her area 10 days from today. I want to invite her but not sure if I should wait a couple of days or email her today. Basically if she is really busy and into her work, I don't want her to perceive me as a person that will take a lot of her time. What do you think I should do? We are 32 and 30.

I attended a keynote speech whose speaker was a former coworker. He lied on stage about why he left our organization, making our company look like the bad guy. Should I have called him out on it in public?

are you a spokes person / PR officer of your company?even if you were you shouldn't do that in public because it was his personal decision to leave the company for whatever reasons were. nobody knows what is in his heart. company can sue him for defaming. but again its company’s decision. not yours. be loyal to yourself and your social circle. dont ruin it for organizations. they arent loyal to you. whenever they dont need you. they would fire you. they will not even pay one month salary for your cool sir. :)

How do I ask a former colleague out on a date? I have an insanely huge crush on her and I'd like to know her more. We’re not that close though, more like acquaintances.

Schedule an event such as a barbecue or ice skating party and invite her along with at least one other former coworker so it seems like a normal gathering with people from work. Reconnect at the gathering and then ask her to something else, but make it casual and not romantic. Just get to know her as a friend. After a few get togethers, tell her you’ve always admired her and would love to take her out to dinner on a real date. Ask her if she’d go with you. Just create a natural transition before you do it. She might not have thought of you that way, so by creating a transition, you can show her who you are away from work and give her a chance to get to know you and you her without pressure. You may still want to date her or you might not. She might be dating someone else. Just establish a friendship to start and then take it from there if it seems to be going in that direction.

How do I tell coworkers I'm quitting?

Funny, I just googled this question as I put my notice in today and my boss asked me if I wanted to send an email out to my co workers rather than him telling them. If you are in good standing, as I am, it is an absolute respect email to co workers thanking them for the help (if any) they provided you and how much you appreciated them during your employment. This is not abusing the email ethics and I think you are a good person for doing so. Especially if you are staying in the same career and may see them again in the future. Write it = ) Congrats on the job!!