Should I Tell My Best Friend I Have A Crush On His Crush

How do I tell my best friend I like her crush...?

Well, my friend, you do have to tell, her, because you do like this guy. If you don't want to tell her, that's up to you, but if you don't tell her, chances are this guy may move on. There are no guarantees. And come on, you shouldn't lie to your best friend. If you tell her, you guys will be able to deal with it, and she will get over it eventually. And if she's really your friend, then she should understand, and that if he really makes you happy and that's who you want to be with, then you should be with him.
If you don't like my method, well, I don't know what else to tell you. You could keep it a secret, but then this whole situation gets a little more complicated. You'll have to sneak around ,and if she ever found out, you might lose your best friend,
Or, here's one last thing you could do....drop the guy. If you know this guy isn't worth losing your very best friend, you shouldn't risk it. I know it may hurt, but it's your decision.
Well, good luck with everything. I hope one of these options with help you a lot! :)

Should I tell my crush's best friend about my crush?

I really like this girl, but i'm not sure if she likes me back, or what she thinks of me. I'm friends with her best friend. Should I ask her to help me out?

Should I tell my best friend that I like her crush?

So basically me and my best friend have a crush on the same guy but she doesn t know I have a crush on him. He knows she likes him but he keeps rejecting her I don t know if I should tell her or if I should move on te we are really best friends

How do I tell my best friend I have a crush on him?

I’d say tell him how you feel. I had a similar situation once myself. Where I really liked this person but I wasn’t sure if they liked me back. We were pretty good friends, but than I told him how I felt. Turns out he didn’t feel the same. In fact he ignored me entirely. It hurt but not all friendships are made to last. Later I found a wonderful guy who was so much better than my friend, I was glad we didn’t end up going out. So it worked out in the end. I’d say go for it. Don’t beat around the bush when you tell him either, say something like, “I have something important I’ve been meaning to tell you for awhile.” And then tell him. If he doesn’t feel the same and is mature enough to move past it you may still be friends. If not that’s okay not all friendships are meant to last, and you’ll find someone better.

Should I tell my best friends who my crush is?

aw i think it's sweet you like someone, but part of the fun of liking someone is telling your best friend and having a big chat about it! You might not want your whole friendship group knowing, but i tell my bestfriend everything and it makes me feel better, plus then they get to mock you for it a bit ;)

I have a crush on my best friend. What should I do?

You’ve caught feelings for your best friend. Now what? Do you ignore it to preserve the fridship? Or do you take a chance and tell them? Growing romantic feelings often become hard to ignore if not addressed head-on, and when a friendship is involved, a crush can feel like nothing but an inconvenience. Telling your long-time friend that you have feelings for them is risky business, so here are some questions to consider:If you do tell him/her, do you have legitimate reason to believe that your long standing friendship will be ruined?Will not telling him/her continue to eat you alive?If you tell him/her and you’re rejected, will you be able to accept it and move on with the friendship as is? Will they?If you tell him/her, hey admit mutual feelings and want to start a relationship, are you both willing to accept the risk that if something goes wrong, your friendship will likely face permanent damage?If you and your friend have a long history, you probably have very little to lose by telling them, even if the outcome is not what you hope for. After many years, you both probably value the friendship enough to not let a little crush ruin it. However, be prepared for anything. If you know the risks and decide to spill the beans, remember that they are first and foremost your best friend. Don’t back them into a corner. Don’t pressure them. Don’t give ultimatums. If they don’t share your feelings, respect it, and accept that there is little to nothing you can do to change their mind. Make sure they know that no matter what, you will still value their companionship just as it is.

What should you do if your best friend has a crush on your crush?

A2A.In short: Nothing. As Gwen nailed it rightfully as well as in her typical laconic way: It's the crush that will in the end decide or not decide... All you can do is present yourself and communicate with your crush as well as possible. Be friendly, but don't lick boots. Be approachable, but don't stalk. Be authentic, but don't fear being rejected. Because you won't be respected if you can't risk being rejected. Whatever will be decided, don't take it personal. It IS a lottery. You can only do your best. In the end, it's out of your hands because love can't really be forced. Therefore you should consider a rejection NOT as a decision AGAINST you, but FOR the other one.And who knows? That crush of yours might even find BOTH of you adorable.Then what?Anyways: Good luck! ;)

Would you tell your friend if you had a crush? Why?

Yes, of course. I believe in transparency. If I have a crush on someone, I generally say so. After all, what do you gain by hiding it? What possible good thing can be accomplished by having a crush on someone but concealing it?This week, I was in New York City for a Quora meetup. I stayed at the apartment of a lovely woman I met via Facebook. She turned out to be an amazing person—smart, lovely, engaging, interesting, outgoing, with many interests in common with me. Yesterday, we were talking about relationships and attraction and I said “in the interests of full disclosure, I've developed a crush on you.” She was pleased, and the conversation continued.The key is this:You must understand that a crush on your part is never, ever an obligation on someone else’s part. Ever.If you have a crush on someone, it does not mean they have to reciprocate. It does not mean they have to be interested in any way in you. It does not mean nobody else can flirt with them. It does not mean they can't date your best friend. It does not mean anything has to change.People say things like “my friend asked my crush out on a date—can’t my friend understand how much that hurts me?”No. Sorry. What is hurting you is your desire to possess your crush. “I want! I want! I want! Me! Me! Mine!” That is the source of pain.Yes, by all means, if you have a crush on someone, say so. There is absolutely nothing to gain by hiding it. But don't assume that your crush means you own the object of your crush. You don't. And don't assume that your crush entitles you to anything from the other person. It doesn't.

Should I tell my friend that her crush likes me?

In this situation I would tell Bob that Anne likes him and let things go from there. He could deal with it himself and just tell her that he's not interested and that he likes you. You never know, she could get over it and be fine with you guys going out.

Hope this helped.