Should The Constitution Be Amended To Permit Three-term Presidencies

Can a president serve a non-consecutive 3 terms?

no, just a two term limit

In the original constitution, what was the president’s term of office?

A.The president was limited to three four-year terms
B.The president was limited to two six-year terms
C.The president was limited to two four-year terms
D.The constitution placed no limit on the number of terms a president could serve.
E.The president was limited to one six-year term.

I know its not C

Is the length of a president's term set by the constitution?

The original term (four years) was set by the constitution; the two-term limit came much later as an amendment

Can Obama run for a third term as president?

The current candidates Trump and Clinton would be terrible leaders. Trump a racist clown and Clinton a massive liar. If both say ran into serious legal trouble or if one of them did and could not run for president. Would that then allow Obama another term. Or could someone like Joe Biden, John Kerry or even Josh Earnest to be president.
Could the constitution be changed in a political crisis like in this case when there is no suitable person to take the top job?

Term limits for Senators and Representatives?

Since congress has set term limits for US Presidents, I think we should set term limits for US Senators and Representatives. Just like the office of president, a term limit of 8 years for senators and representatives needs to be set with an hiatus of 8 years before they can run for office again. This would allow fresh new blood and ideas to be considered in leading our country, but would also allow us to get the dead wood and fat cats out of congress.

Along with that, congressmen should pay for their own SSI and not make non-congressional taxpayers foot the bill for them. They don't pay for ours, so why should we pay for theirs, but they also expect us to foot the bill for the illigal aliens in our country.

Our country is out of control. We're attempting to fix the world, but we cannot fix our own country.