So According To Liberals The Only People Who Should Be Allowed To Earn A Living In America Are The

What would America look like in 50 years under liberal policies only?

The wealthy would be forced to pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes, good paying jobs would be available, with college education being priced very cheaply due to online schooling.Laws and protections would be broad, and workable, so food and product safety would be top notch. everyone would have reasonably priced health care.Instead of being stomped down, the common working man would have a chance to earn a good living with a decent retirement.sesame street and other educational shows would be aiding preschoolers in learning. Social programs (social workers) would aid the poor and sick and those needing an education.without GOP handouts for moving jobs overseas unemployment would be at near 0.EDITED TO ADD:I was asked about guns and gun control. I would like to think that most people would be similar to my own mindset, and here it is:I grew up with guns in the house (in Massachusetts) due to one of my brothers going hunting and shooting while I was a kid. I respect but do not fear guns. I now live in an open carry state and a concealed carry state and I am quite comfortable as long as a gun owner is 1- not a criminal and 2- not insane (schizophrenia or paranoia or similar).I believe most people fear guns because they have never been around them. I would personally (I am quite sure most will think this weird) like to see everyone take a gun safety course so they know what guns do and do not do.(I would also like to see everyone required to earn their driver's license being required to learn to ride/drive first on a scooter/motorcycle/trike so they know how to share the road with motorcycles but that's probably something for another discussion.)

Do liberals hate the American tradition of self-sufficiency because they are incapable of it?

Liberals suffer from a number of maladies and delusions, but a couple are painfully obvious:

First, it seems that not only are they incapable of taking care of themselves, they cannot comprehend why they should be FORCED to take care of themselves. They are terrified of everything that is not pre-processed, homogenized and approved by an official governmental entity.

Then there's guns. Guns terrify many of them. That someone might actually own a gun sends them running to the therapist for Prozac and grief-counseling - it propels them into a state of hysteria. So, according to liberal logic, because they themselves are incapable of handling firearms, so too must every other American be incapable - therefore, the only sensible thing is to ban them and hope the police (who can't be everywhere at once) will save you

I personally don't care that liberals want to live under these false delusions. What bothers me is when they project their psychosis onto the rest of the nation.

Why do liberals want to take my hard earned money? ?

Why do liberals feel like people should do their part and pay more taxes to support entitlement programs? I think I should be allowed to keep the money I earn. If liberals have such bleeding hearts why don't they pay more taxes. It is not right that the top 1% in California pays 50% of the states taxes. It is not right to make me pay 36% of my income to a government that spends irresponsibly. Why don't liberals want you to keep the money you earned?
Any liberals who respond to this, please actually answer the question. Don't dodge it and call names.
Why can't I keep the money I worked hard for? Am I not doing my part by already paying taxes, shouldn't I get to chose how I want to spend my money?
And if we drug tested people on welfare I'd be extremely happy.