Sociology Questions Help Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice questions for sociology?

First, you aren't asking a question.

Second, I am not going to do your homework for you.

Sociology Multiple Choice Question?

I will be voting for best answer. Thanks to anyone that leaves a thought.

1. The case study of Jack and Oskar, identical twins reared separately, provides support for which of the following explanations of behavior?

a. Identical twins will always exhibit similar behavior because their gene complement is identical.

b. Environment has a significant influence on behavior, regardless of gene complement.

c. All behavior is the result of genetic influences.

d. The father's genetic influence is greater than the mother's as a determinant of behavior.

A multiple choice sociology question?

What is an economic system where the industries can manufacture and sell poison, bombs, and weapons of any type as long as there are consumers to buy them?

a.) welfare capitalism
b.) corporate capitalism
c.) socialist capitalism
d.) laissez-faire capitalism

I think it's d, but I'm not 100% sure. Help and explanation would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)

Sociology questions help multiple choice?

1. Which of the following is true concerning deviant behavior?
A. Primary deviance usually leads to secondary deviance.
B. What is considered deviant in one culture may not be considered deviant in another culture.
C. Deviant behavior is always illegal behavior
D. Adults learn deviant behavior more quickly than children.

2. The fact that you could be traveling at 1-5 miles over the posted speed limit and not get pulled over when you pass a police car with a radar detector, is an example of
A. Conformity
B. Ritualism
C. Range of Tolerance
D. Underconformity

3. The theory that suggests that people who commit deviant acts have weak ties to society is
A. Labeling Theory
B. Differential Association Theory
C. Social Bond Theory
D. Strain Theory

4. You are participating in a secondary group when you:
A. Eat in a restaurant
B. Go to Class
C. Go to Church
D. All of the above

Multiple-choice about sociology?

Luke is a young child living in a rural area. His family is on welfare, as are his grandparents. His chances of getting out of poverty are considered to be fifty-fifty. Based on this information, Luke and his family are most likely members of the:
a. underclass.
b. lower middle class.
c. underachievers.
d. working poor.

Multiple-choice about sociology?

5. At his 2009 U.N. trial, Kaing Guek Eav, Chief Jailer for the Khmer Rouge, described the children used as prison guards by the Khmer Rouge were “Like clean pieces of paper that can be easily written or painted on.” This reflects the _________ perspective of human development.
a. Nature
b. Nurture
c. Feral

Three confusing multiple choice sociology questions? Any help appreciated!?

Three confusing multiple choice sociology questions? Any help appreciated!?
I just need help with a few questions, any help or sources would be great. I'm not getting credit for it; he's going to put like half of the questions from the study guide on the test so I want to make sure I'm right or my answers sound good.

1. Rosie Q Riveter is about to retire from the No-Pop Tire company where she has been the only female supervisor for over twenty years. Rosie just found out that all this time she has been paid much less than any other supervisor at No-Pop. Rosie argues that this is discrimination. Assuming she's right this would mean her workplace was NOT:
A. Gender Biased
B. A Bureaucracy
C. Aware of the law
D. A Meritocracy
E. Class Conscious

I think maybe class conscious, but I'm not too sure...

2. Sandra just got a grant to conduct social research to prevent the spread of STD's. She has some good interviews with people who have STD's but she's worried a lot of her subjects aren't really being honest with her about their social lives. How could Sandra attempt to deal with this problem?¬
A. She could threaten to tell their employer that they have an STD if they don't answer her questions truthfully.
B. She could ask each question in different ways to trap respondents into confessing to unsafe sex practices
C. She could secretly interview her subjects' doctors to see if they are telling the truth.
D. She could observe some respondents as they go about their lives to see if their actions match their answers.
E. She could confront her subjects when they give answers that seem untrue

I was between B and D. "D" just seems a little unrealistic to follow someone around to observe their sexual behaviors...

Betty is starting a big research project for her Sociology class. What is the first thing Betty needs to do before she begins?
A. Define her variables clearly
B. Review the literature to become familiar with the earlier research that relates to her topic
C. Use the scientific method to evaluate her survey questions
D. Make sure her correlations aren't spurious ones
E. Form her hypothesis

I put D, but I just would like a second opinion

Thanks for your time! It's much appreciated :)

Please help multiple choice Sociology?

Interpretative Sociolgy is interested in discovering:
1.The final answers as to the meaning of human behavior
2.How people attach meaning to their lives
3.The fixed laws of human behavior
4.The fixed laws of human interaction

The sociologist, Erving Goffman, was interested in analyzing
1.The possibility of antisocial rehabilitation
2.How people can determine precise behavior as a science
3.Human roles
4.The causes and laws of conflict

"Conflict" sociologist explore
1.Theories of government imperfection
2.The narrow field of social class
3.Sexual harassment
4.Race, sex, social class, age

It can be said that the "Father of modern Sociology was

7.Experimental Sociology depends on
2.What happens in certain situations
4.Mind control

The research process in Sociology depends on
1.Developed theory
4.Further examination of variables

Sociological Perspective Multiple Choice Question (Expert only heh!)?

Sociological Perspective Multiple Choice Question (Expert only heh!)?
If marginality encourages sociological thinking, we would expect people in which category listed below should to make the most use of the sociological perspective:
a. the wealthy
b. disabled persons or people who are a racial minority
c. politicians
d. the middle class

Imagine that you were going to measure the age of a number of respondents taking in a survey. As you record the data, you are using the concept "age" as"
a. a theory
b. a hypothesis
c. a variable
d. an axiom

If you were trying to measure the "social class" of various people, you would have to keep in mind that:
a. it is neccessary to specify exactly what you are measuring
b. you must measure this in every way possible
c. there is no way to measure "social class"
d. everyone agress on what "social class" means

Two variables are said to display correlation if:
a. they are caused by the same factor
b. one occurs before the other
c. both measure the same thing
d. they vary together

Which of the following is true about cause-and-effects relationships in the social world?
a. Most patterns of behavior have a single cause
b. Most patterns of behavior have no cause at all
c. Most patterns of behavior are caused by many factors

Which of the following is a way in which people can mislead others with statistics?
a People select the they present
b. People interpret the data to lead their readers to a desired conclusion
c. People use graphs to "spin" the truth
d. All of the above are correct

Extra True and False =P
1. The variable that causes change in another variable is called the "dependent variable"
2. The very fact of observing people may affect their behavior