Someone Help Question About A Sickness

Can someone help with my sick betta fish?

I purchased a betta fish months ago from a local pet store. I used to have him in a bowl, however have since upgraded to a five gallon tank that is heated and treated with water conditioner. The tank also has plenty of gravel and a plant. The betta thrived. I recently noticed a hole in his fin and a dull, grey looking spot near his head and on the side of his body. It looked like fin rot and a fungal infection. I started treating with pimafix and melafix. I noticed a new symptom recently. He trys to hide or bury himself in the rocks. This third symptom is confusing me. I know bettas will do this if they have a parasite or ich, however he does not look like he's been dusted in gold or have multiple white spots. His appetite is still strong to my surprise. None of these symptoms point to one thing and I'm losing my mind trying to figure out how to treat it. Any ideas? Thank you

Emergency! Someone please help me. Motion Sickness!?

We are on a car ride, and we cannot stop the car because we are on a traffic filled highway. My sister has vomitted two times already and she is feeling really claustrophobic. (The symptoms of Motion Sickness). Some one please give me some remedies to cure her. Please, someone help. I am really worried. It is my responsibilty to take care of her. I would be so thankfull. How can I have her stop vommiting. Any remedies for motion sickness in the car? We still have 5 hours to go....

Can someone help me find out what sickness/medical condition my 3 year old cousin sister is in?

If medical reports are normal than questions comes is someone frightening little cousin of yours. Try music therapy and laughing therapy. Laughter is best medicine. Show comedy cartoons and make environment happy.

What is the worst sickness in someone’s life that he alone can cure?

Unhappiness. It causes unwanted problems in the brain and body. Depression is a form of brain sickness and can lead to other sicknesses and problems, including suicide.Not being unhappy can lead you to not taking care of yourself, no exercise, and all sorts of bad habits. All the professionals in the world cannot help unless the person will do all the work. Pills and treatment only goes so far. In mental health there is no legal medicine solution. The useful part is guidance. You need to work it yourself.Depression. Leads to all manner of sickness. Better get a check up guys! Introspect. Everything is inside; Outside is just a mirror.

Can someone help me pls?

helpp mee,i have summer school today at 8..and i dont feel like going
my parents dont let me stay home often unless i really look sick do i fake being sick
best answer gets10 points[=

I think my guinea pig is sick. Can someone help me?

You have a very sick guinea pig that should be at the exotic vet office right now so please stop waiting for people who can not help you to give you some kind of miracle answer.

I am very love sick can someone please help?

Okay everytime I have a huge crush on a guy, I get a little lovesick (basically i have major stomach issues). Okay well i have the BIGGEST crush on this guy rite now, and I'm closer to this guy than any other guy I have been love sick about. This one is far worst. I have trouble sleeping, I feel like vomiting in the mornings, I can't eat, I usually have to force myself to eat something so I don't go hungry. And of course lots of butterflies in my stomach and I absolutely cannot stop thinking about him. So does anyone have any advice on what I can do to calm my nerves???

How do I ask about someone’s illness?

“So how have you been?” is a good conversational precedent before asking directly about a particular illness.However, please don’t expect that people would always agree to discuss their health situation. If they want to discuss it, fine. If they don’t, respect their decision and don’t press for answers.

How do I ask someone's health condition?

It depends on the person.I had a rare disease and only up until a few months ago was I able/had the desire to talk about it openly and honestly with people beyond my circle of confidantes.In my opinion it’s perfectly okay to ask how someone is or if they’re in good health as a starting point to let them then decide how much information they feel like revealing. I don’t think it’s kind or appropriate to press them further if it’s clear they would rather be vague.You have to understand there’s often an intense feeling of shame associated with being ill or having some kind of condition that you know other people are unlikely to understand. It hurts when you open yourself up to someone and they either become overwhlemed or don’t know what to say because THEY’RE uncomfortable. Yes, usually it’s the healthy people who get uncomfortable when talking about someone else’s illness. After sensing that lack of understanding enough times, people who are sick tend to refrain from revealing too much.