Was My Friend Being Rude Or Am I Overdoing It

Is it rude if I speak with a British accent even though I'm not British?

I love it when non-native speakers have a British accent!Firstly, non-native speakers have a choice whether to speak with British RP or with a standard American accent: I am proud and flattered if they prefer the British.Beyond that, if they go on to acquire a regionalised accent (not always a choice - if you learn English from someone with a strong accent you can only copy that accent in learning the pronouncitation) I recognise a greater affinity with them. My extended family has a Birmingham accent, and a recent immigrant with a recognisable Birmingham sing-song intonation immediately becomes “one of us”.The worst it could be is funny, never rude! My French friend, who is so correct in French she vouvoyers her own parents, speaks English with a strong East End of London accent she has picked up from the children she teaches. She doesn’t quite say “innit’, but she drops her ‘t’ and uses very inappropriate slang. Its wonderful, hilarious, and a thing of joy. How could it be rude? She has acquired the language naturally from those around her and, as a learner, would not be in a position to make linguistic choices about either her accent or her vocabulary.

Is it rude for men to burp/fart around one another?

My new roommate is something of a slob. He is constantly ripping these huge burps without even saying excuse me. The same with his farts. The other day I got sick his bodily functions and asked him to at the very least excuse himself, but he just laughed it off and told me I should accept it and even join in, as it is the "manly" thing to do. We were friends before and he would occasionally belch when we would hang out with friends and stuff but never to this extent. It is getting so annoying to come into the living room and find him laying on the couch in his boxers and when I ask him to scooch over he replies with his monster belch in face and then bursts out laughing. Am I just overly proper/sensitive for a man, or is he actually a pig?

My boyfriend always talks about other girls?

I just started dating this guy about 3 weeks ago. We have a really good time together, but the only bad thing about him is that he talks alot about how hot other girls are. I really wouldnt care if it was just once in a while, but I seriously think he's overdoing it, and it's starting to make me feel like i'm not good enough. I mean, I totally notice other hot guys, but I wouldn't let him know about it. Do you guys think he's being rude? or am I totally overreacting? what would u do?

Is it rude to say "I told you so!"?

now, my friend always says this. it gets really annoying because she says "I told you!" or "I told you so!" when it's only about little things. i don't even argue with her in the first place. she even says this about stupid things like when i said that i thought the maths test was going to be double sided and she says, no it's only one sided. then later, when we had our maths test (and found out), she yells at me "I TOLD YOU SO!".
i feel intimidated when she says this. what can i do to tell her to stop? or am i just over reacting?

Is it rude to call someone "Chief"?

Sometimes people who are supposed to be polite will call me "Chief". This, to me, comes off as rude and condescending. It's as though they're trying to tell me that they think I'm trying to be a big shot but not succeeding. It gets on my nerves, and I don't think it's appropriate at all when cashiers, waiters, or people I'm being introduced to call me that. Am I wrong to think this is behavior is inappropriate or is this some kind of regional thing and these people don't realize we don't do that in the metropolitan area?

To further clarify, I'm not a chief of any kind, and I'm not an American Indian. (I already know it's insulting to call America's indigenous peoples "Chief", but that's not the situation I'm referring to).

Also, I've read that this is common in some parts of the UK. I don't live in the UK and neither do the people calling me "Chief"?