Weight Loss Pills What Ones Are The Most Successful

Has anyone tried the weight loss pill metabodrene 356? And did it work like the original metabolife 356?

that sh*t doesn't work

The best weight loss pills and the side effects please?

Hey Alexandra,

I've tried just about every diet pill under the sun, and I can tell you that the only things I've ever had success with were natural supplements like acai berry. I tried a lot of the products like Hydroxycut, but they only made me dizzy and nauseous, not skinny! :) lol

I'd recommend you check out things like acai berry or colon cleanse products that help to boost energy levels and speed up metabolism naturally. Add them to a strictly healthy diet and a lot of exercise, and you should start to see results pretty quickly. Remember - there are no miracle pills, so if you want to lose weight, you can't just sit around on your butt all day eating pizza!

Anyways, let me know if you have any other questions. I'd be happy to talk to you about the plan that worked for me.


Does the weight loss pill hydroxycut work?

I'm 16 and taking the Hydroxycut weight loss pill
I work out every day for about 40 mins and have been starting to eat less.

How many pills of Hydroxycut should I be taking a day?
One or two?

And does anyone have a good weight loss video on how to loose love handles?


B12 injections for weight loss.?

I'm a 19 year old female, I'm 5'4" and 182 lbs. I've been thinking of getting B12 injections to help me with my weight loss. I've already lost about 20 lbs. but now i'm pretty sure I've hit a plateau. I read that B12 increases your metabolism which can help in weight loss. Does anyone have any experience with this at all? And if I do get the shots and lose weight will I gain it back once I stop the B12? Or will it be fine if I slowly minimize the amount of B12 I get.

Also if you do know a good amount about this how much would I need and how often, I was thinking of doing self injections because it would be a lot cheaper. And yes I know I should talk to my doctor about this, but I don't want to spend money to talk to my doctor when I can try and get some info on here.