What Are Katydids Where Can I Find Them

Where can i find katydids candies?

Katydids Candy Resources

Can katydids hurt you ?

Both me and my girlfriend are scared of katydids. She's been afraid of them for a while. I've had a fear since I was little. I use to be scared of leaves when I was a kid so looking at them makes me have a huge fear of them since they're look like leaves. I know it's normal for girls to be scared of bugs I don't know about guys but I'm terrifide of bugs except for fireflies they're the only bug I like. I don't trust any other bug. Not even butterflies. They remind me of moths I hate moths. They freak me out too. Even looking at pictures of katydids scare me. I always get confused on what month they come out. I haven't seen any yet but when I do see them I run and scream like a girl. I had one in my room last year my worst nightmare I had to wake up my ex who was sleeping on the couch to get it out for me. Now I don't feel comfortable in my room I'm worried it laid eggs. I doubt if it did but I'm still scared. I think they're ugly looking things. I hate any kind of green bug. Especially those big green moths I hate those things. Katydids are what scare me the most. It especially scares me if they jump or fly at you I always have that problem. I don't go outside at night in summer or fall unless I have to. I don't want them on me I really don't want one in my room again. I heard that some can bite and sting but I don't trust them. Can they really hurt you ? How can I get over this fear ?

Where can we find Kathryn Beich katydids to use as a fundraiser?

At the Great American Opportunities fund raising web site.

What should I know before getting a pet katydid?

One important point: some katydids are nocturnal feeders - you will need to make sure that they have plenty of the right kind of food plants (research their species before buying them, to make sure you’ll be able to feed them year-round!) and that their enclosure has sufficient lighting to give them a “daytime” as well as switching it off at night.

CAn Katydids hurt you if you touch them or pick them up?

Katydids are related to grasshoppers and crickets. It feeds up plant parts. Which means it has biting mandibles. While katydids are not harmful to people, it will use those mandibles for defensive purposes. Which means you could get a small, hopefully not very painful bite.

So, if you are gonna handle a katydid, do it carefully.

What does it mean when you keep seeing the insect Katydids everywhere?

I'm a very spiritual person. I for the past few months I've been seeing the insect Katydids every! It's getting to the point where it is an obvious sign.
I've done my own research but all I keep finding is the meaning of them.
I want to know what does it mean when you keep seeing them?

Are they a spiritual animal for me? A guide? A sign? A message? Any one have any clue?

Katydids? Anyone know anything about them?

Anyone know anything about the Katydid?
We caught one & I think it laid eggs (no, it's not poop). They look like seeds. Do they have to be fertilized, etc.? I've been googling, but can't really find what I'm looking for. We've been feeding it small tender leaves, seems to like those, water & grass. I've seen her eat. What about these eggs? Am I going to have babies here?
Here's what she looks like A "leaf bug" if you will. Looking for someone who knows their insects. I've googled, don't wasteyour time googling for me, I've been looking. Thanks.

Where can I find Kathryn Beich, Katydids and Golden Crunch Candy?

Try here,but im not sure its what you are looking for...

How does evolution result with things like katydids and stickbugs?

Natural selection selected organisms who could survive in their environment due to heritable traits, which are passed from parent to offspring. Stick bugs, for example, look like twigs or leaves, which allows then to hide from predation. This trait increases the organism's overall fitness, so it stuck. No pun intended.

Are katydid bites harmful to humans? Why or why not?

Katydids, also known as bush crickets, are not harmful to humans, although it would seem that their bite can be quite strong.These critters are found all over the world except in Antarctica.They are best known for their ability to chirp just like other crickets. The thing which distinguishes them from other crickets is the fact that some of them sound as though they are saying “katy-did, katy-didn’t”. Hence their name, Katydid.Whilst some species do have the ability to secrete harmful chemicals as a defence mechanism, their bite is not harmful in that regards. The worst they can do is leave a mark on the skin and possibly draw blood.Sources:katydid | Description, Facts, & SoundGerardo Cañedo's answer to Do leaf bugs bite or sting? How can you treat a leaf bug injury?