What Are Natural Ways Of Detoxing From Marijuana

Natural marijuana detox?

Tiime is the only thing that will get thc out of your system

Marijuana has a half-life in your system. How long it takes to leave your system depends on how much you smoke. But the time maxes out at around 45 days. One smoking session for someone with a clean system takes about 3-4 days to be clean. Smoke 2 days later and then have to wait about a week, and so on. The time it will take roughly doubles every time you smoke until it maxes at about 45 days to be clean. So if you are maxed out and you wait about 2 weeks and then smoke again, you're basically back to 45 days.
Marijuana can be detected in urine for nearly a week after smoking. Blood tests can be more accurate, and it might take a month to be totally clear. Hair tests show every drug ever taken when that hair was growing - this is why you see so many drug addicts with shaved heads or buzz cuts, by the way. Also by the way: taking laxatives and drinking wacky chemicals won't "cheat" a drug test. It will just make you go to the bathroom! These drug tests are designed by experts who anticipate what the drug user might do.

Be very careful of "remedies" for getting around drug tests. They flat out do not work and could do damage to your body.

How can I naturally detox my body from Marijuana?

The Marijuana Drug Test detection time-urinalysis
Light smoker or acute dosage 1-3 days
Moderate use (4x / week) 3-5 days
Heavy smoker (daily) 10 days
Heavy, chronic use (5+ joints/day) 10-21+ days
Oral ingestion 1-5 days

What is the best way to naturally detox your body of THC (marijuana). No pills or expensive potions. Thanks!

WOW!!! you have enough time but start now! Drink a lot of water! how much? i will say that more than a gallon and less than three gallons a day! When your urine is white then you know your drinking plenty of water. And just to be on the safe side drink a monster drink one day before! And remember to drink water during the whole day not all at once!

How do you detox marijuana from your system in 24 hours?

No way, Fact is THC are in your stationary fat cells, first stored in brown fat, later as the consumption increased, body start store cannabis compounds in subcutaneous and white fat, when some one sweat smell like marijuana, probably it's sign to take some break.If you have keeping consume it for long enough,  your body will try to store as much as it can, then slow releasing related content back to your system over the time, so you don't suffer from sudden withdraw symptoms like many other type drugs.So body fat ratio will effect how long marijuana going to detoxed out your body, higher the body fat, longer it takes, for daily consuming person over 200 lb at heights 5, if without increased consistent physical activity and exceed amount of water drinking to speed up the metabolism. He probably going to take 70 to 90 days off to be completely detoxed, before urine drug test. A lean gym trainer who works almost everyday, may take up to 30 days to detoxed himself thoughtfully in comparison.Urine test are most effective way to bust cannabis users, even very casual uses can be detected by this method, any one who try to pass the test should practice aerobic exercise also drink a lot water, thus reduce body fat ratio and replace old THC infused fat with new fat. After 2 weeks exercise, Average cannabis enthusiast can take their shots to see if they can pass, the chance is very good. Unfortunately, for cannabis zealot, it might take full month designate heavy work out to be safe to pass.

How long does it take to detox from marijuana?

Too many variables to give a definitive answer. To detox quicker than naturally, understanding these variables can help greatly.  Here are some I can think of;1. 60% thc is excreted by bowel movements. 2. The other 40% is divided between urine and sweat.3. Body fat. The more you have the longer it can be stored.4. How much have you smoked.5. what delivery system did you use?  you get 90% of thc concentration from a vaporizer, 70% from a bong, 30%to 40% from a blunt.6. Genetics.7. Metabolism. Understanding all this and I'm sure I've missed some will help you in detoxing fast because some of this can be manipulated. Drink more water, have a few more bowel mvmts, exercise a bit more, can really help speed things up.  The average is 30 days for heavy smokers. If you took a few hits it definitely is not 30 days. Also keep in my mind some tests don't fail you off the presence of thc but by the amount, I believe 50nanograms for some. Hope this helps.

Thc/marijuana! helpp!!!?

Okay, calm down about it. It really isn't that big a deal. You have 12 days, I suggest you work out as much as possible for the next week or so (no longer than 7 days, i'll explain in a min). Then stop, working out will cause the thc to leave your system (thc is held in fat, thus the reason for exercise). For the last couple days don't exercise as much (so the thc leaving slows). If you have a detox kit, go ahead and use it on the day of the test.

Many people might argue with me but I'm going to tell you like it is. Don't waste your time taking viniger shots everyday, or drinking tons and tons of fluid for the next 12 days (it will just leave you feeling really bloated). Since the thc is held mainly in fat, the next day thc is just going to fill your system again, thus the idea occurs to drink more water. Just make sure (especially if you don't get a detox kit) to drink about a gallon of fluids in a 1-2 hour period before your test. If your lucky they won't do it right in the morning, and you might have a chance to make this all work out (2 points for optimisum). Then after the gallon of fluids, take a vitimin b-12 (your detox kit should have one/two). This will give you piss color back. Unless you take vitimins daily though, I suggest you drink another cup or two of liquid and take a piss, so the color isn't such a neon piss color.

It would help if you stated how often you smoke (since your a "kid" I assume daily, although you don't have to be a kid to do that). If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Edit: Also, one more thing. In case you are wondering how lond it stays in your system, it depends on how often you smoke, your height/weight. HOWEVER, marijuana won't stay in your system longer than 45 days (It's either 45 or 30, can't remember. No weed tonight so I'm not thinkin straight XD). I'll save you the long scientific explaination about it though, just FYI though, if you don't wait the 45 days, and smoke, however many days you have left to wait, just doubled (stopping at 45). From what I've found, this is the explaination of marijuana's "half-life". If you haven't taken Biology yet you'll learn about half-life soon enough.

Edit: Wow... that's a long answer. Sorry, I hope this helps you though, the people here are incompetent.