What Are Some Of The Things The Sumerians Did To Keep Their Many Hods Happy

Has anyone understood the true meaning of Adam and Eve story?

What I mean by my question is that ... dose anyone see the significance of the forbidden fruit? Or why did God hated the fact that humans should have knowledge... after all the forbidden fruit is knowledge and knowledge is compared with serpent (satin). I mean why? would God kick Adam and Eve out for gaining knowledge. If God wanted something to worship it then it could have created some robo kind of thing that obeys its command.
Hopefully this will clarify my question

How did humans come to be on planet Earth?

this question will bring the BIBLE THUMP'ERS OUT IN FORCE

-------------evolution is the answer---------------

Evil gods in mythology?

I asked this question not too long ago, because just like you, I wanted to write a novel about how there are good gods, and evil ones. It's pretty difficult to say which gods are evil or not, since some are good some point in their life--or immortal life--yet they have their evil moments. For example, Zeus was the greatest Greek god, the King of the Gods, but you know what he did? On several accounts he killed mortals such as Apollo's son for trivial reasons, and cheated on his wife countless time. I think his wife and son see him as evil there, right?

Try to stick to the way older gods, like the ancient Sumerian and Egyptian ones because back then the people who worshiped the gods feared those gods. Then again, you can play around with them like I did and start assuming. For example, Loki may not necessarily be completely evil, but he was probably the worst from all the Norse gods, so I used him as one of the evil gods. The Titans weren't evil either, but since they were against the supposedly correct ones, the Olympians, they were seen as evil by the younger Greek gods. In the Titans' perspective, the Olympians were evil; for example, Selene was worshiped as the Moon Deity, but once the Olympians won, they forgot her and Artemis was worshiped.
Keep playing around until you get it right!

Is there a difference between a humanist and an atheist?

Absolutely.  They're not even remotely equivalent.Think of it like this.  "Atheist" and "Theist" are categories of belief systems.  Under "theism", we have all belief systems that believe in some kind of god -- Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc.  Under "atheism", we have all belief systems that reject the existence of some kind of god -- Secular Humanism, Marxist Communism, Social Darwinism, etc.Neither atheism nor theism are, in and of themselves, a belief system.  They hold no values, no tenets, no philosophy, etc.  Just as Christians and Hindus are both theist, but hold radically different beliefs and values, so too Secular Humanists and Marxist Communists are both atheist, but hold radically different beliefs and values.You may notice that I keep saying "Secular Humanist" rather than just "Humanist".  That is because just as Christianity has many different branches, so too does Humanism.  Secular Humanism overtly rejects the existence of a god.  But there is also Christian Humanism, Jewish Humanism, and a wide variety of other forms of Humanism.  Religious forms of Humanism don't reject the existence of a god, but will tend to argue that rather that moral and ethical values must still be examined and questioned, rather than just mindlessly accepted because "that's what god said."  Religious Humanism would say that we must still listen to god, but that man is the ultimate arbiter of what is moral and immoral, not god.Hope this helps!

Why is there a myth associated with chicken pox in India? What are those myths?

Yes Chicken pox is associated with Mata or Devi. But the rules to be followed by those affected by it as per tradition is same as what modern science says, so I will not call them mythsAlso please remember chickenpox vaccine was not available till 90sAs per tradition Mata gets.cured by itself in a week...TrueThe rules are1. No mediciations - there are no medicines, only treatment for symptoms with an histamine or paracetamol some anti Virals are now being used2. Person should be kept alone - quarantine is a must as it is airborne and contagious3. Hang neem leaves outside the house - to warn others there is chicken pox and hence shud not come4. Sleep on neem leaves preferably on the floor - better for rashes. Neem is anti with no spice or oil - liver function is poor during the infections, spicy or oily food will stress out the liver6. Don't take bath - as toweling after bath will break the blisters and lead to scarring7. Mata visits only once in a lifetime, once she goes away will never come back to bother you - true chicken pox infection once it happens gives.lifetime immunityThis I don't feel is superstition rather science covered by religion to ensure compliance. becuase chicken pox is indeed very virulent and contagious. And in a large population if you want to make people follow quarantine like rules religion is the best tool

How can I start Living for god.?

Begin by prayer. If you have accepted Jesus, He has accepted you. Perhaps there are things He wants to teach you on your own before getting too connected.
I think nothing is more important than that you begin to read the Bible, especially the New Testament to begin with, and ask God to teach you and show you from His Word how He wants you to live.
I have been a Christian many years, and although I would encourage everyone to be connected to a local body of believers, I have often found in Church they tend to major on the minors and neglect the things God is most interested in. God alone can teach you what these things are, and He will teach you through His Word.

May I recommend a few websites for your encouragement;

For sound teaching:

for evangelistic vision:

for an amazing testimony:



for some inspiring music:;_ylt=A0geutyhogxLj5MAaENXNyoA?ei=UTF-8&p=macalmon&fr2=tab-web&fr=ush-mail