What Do You Call The Disease Where You Remember Things When You Were Only A Child But Forgot About

What diseases would you most like to see a cure for?

Any and all autoimmune disease.

I don't think there's enough recognition about these conditions. There are over 100 different autoimmune diseases and they are pretty common. Basically an autoimmune disease is when your immune system begins to attack itself and your own healthy tissue. Some autoimmune diseases are organ specific, so they affect just one organ, like Hashimoto's affects the thyroid, Celiac Disease affects the small intestine, Psoriasis affects the skin. But there are systemic autoimmune diseases that affect the whole body, like Lupus.

When you have one autoimmune disease, you're more likely to have another. Autoimmune diseases can affect infants, children, adults, old people. The treatments used to treat autoimmune diseases are usually immunosuppressants, which leave you at risk of developing infections. Other drugs used are chemotherapy medications, steroids, anti-rejection organ transplant medications and other drugs that were used to treat other conditions.

I've been having symptoms of an autoimmune disease since I was 8 years old. My immune system attacks my joints causing arthritis, my tear ducts causing dry eyes, my saliva glands causing dry mouth and recently my liver, causing hepatitis. I also have other symptoms like fatigue, Raynaud's, nail pitting, hair loss, nose and mouth ulcers and I also have Celiac Disease. I'm in my early 20s and have doctors appointments weekly, blood tests sometimes twice weekly, scans and my day is about planning my food and working out what medications I need to take. I've been in hospital three times in the past month because of my liver.


Alzheimers, what can and cant you forget?

I know you forget people you used to know. But can you forget how to count, turn on tv, or even how to sit. What separates the memory of knowing someone to knowing how to use the tv? or can you even forget your face, and get a shock looking in mirror?

Is it wrong to question Grandparents about forgetting a grandchilds birthday?

Next time that you see them, bring up what a wonderful time that you had at your daughter's birthday. Tell them you're sorry that they missed that special time (yes, she is just turning one, but that is a huge deal). If they remember next year, don't worry about this year. However, if it becomes a chronic problem, bring it up. Ask them if they want to be remembered being there for her birthday, or if they want to be remembered as constantly forgetting it. (Not exactally in those words-words of your own of course.) When your daughter grows older, she will remember them being there, or not.

What is the worse illness that your child had .. and what happened ?

I am so pleased to say that the worst my kids have had is asthma attacks - they are otherwise very healthy children and I thank god for that.

My lovely boys have asthma and when they have been admitted into hospital with attacks it has been terrifying. I don't know how I would cope with anything any worse.

Alexis - I would call an ambulance if my child was having fits and convulsions. Any parent would. Perhaps you need to look up what it is to be a parent before you start preaching others - do it for the sake of your unborn child.