What Do You Feel Like Doing Right Now

How are you doing right now? Are you doing well?

Yeah, I feel fine, no worries.I got a bit depressed and cried today in the middle of the class but, again, no one noticed a thing.I am very uncomfortable about my appearance.

I feel like I'm doing business in the dark right now. I have no way to know how are my competitors doing and my sales are inconsistent. What should I do?

That's a really important insight. Learning about your competitive environment is critical to honing your own business strategy. It would be wise to find a way to learn what your competitors are doing. From the standpoint of how they approach the market, what their pricing is and how their offerings compare to yours, simple “mystery shopping” will give you that information.To learn how successful they are will take more inferential approaches. For example, you can use various tools to discover their website hits and how much traffic they are generating. It won’t give you their sales or revenue, but you can extrapolate from their traffic to get a better idea.As to your own sales, that is a very different concern. You should be tracking all of it and bench-marking yourself against targets. Also, establish a way to test the success of different approaches so that you can tell what works and what doesn’t.

I don't feel like doing anything?

When school started I loved finishing my homework before five, but now i put it off until 8. Sometimes I don't even feel like doing it and ask my friends for help. I am also really tired all the time. I never feel completely awake even when i sleep in all day. Sometimes i feel dizzy when i get up and sometimes when i sit or lie down. I also have speech problems. Sometime when i talk for a while i mess my words up and talk gibber gabber at times or ill forget peoples names for a minute. I even call my best friend mom sometimes which is really weird. I also just want to sit and listen to music all the time and do nothing else. I can't concentrate sometimes which is really annoying.

I feel so emo right now help? lol?

Let it happen, if you feel like doing it then do it. The only counterproductive thing you could ever do is suicide. Plus, i think girls with black hair are SEXY.

What do you do when you feel lazy and don't feel like doing anything the whole day?

There are many ideas to do if we don’t feel like doing anything at all. Usually I spend most of time doing unnecessary things. My mind make such things that i got confused that is it my own mind who can make such type of great things. Here are some things that is done by me in boring time.I usually count the people whose pass from me. For example I am sitting in a park then i count the person who had wear hat , coat , jeans etc. It seems silly but it is a great time killer and make you refresh.2. Another thing is that i usually lay down in bed or sofa and just look to wall where my digital clock is hanging on . I continuously see to wath for how much i can open my eyes.3. I make plan to study subjects ( physics chemistry biology math and English ) and their topics in respective days. I just plan and forgot after some time.4. Since my childhood i used to think that how we human beings come to earth. How we become advanced than other animals. We are much more advanced than other then what gonna be happen in future. We all evolve from monkey right . We are much different than monkey then how does coming generations looks. That’s all things come to my mind.And finally those things i mentioned above didn’t work then what i get sleep.after you sleep you don’t have to do anything just breath only.hope you enjoy this. Thank youimage source : Google

I don't feel like doing anything. What should I do?

You know what it happens with everyone at a point that you do not feel like doing anything. So there are two reasons for this feeling I think, first that you do not have any goal or purpose in your life and second that you are tired and this is a signal for a good break to a far off place for at least a week.For the first problem, I would suggest you to try out new things than the ones you are already doing, you might find a purpose. Come out of your comfort zone, this world has so much to offer but only if you have ask for it. Some of the things you can start with are:Exercise: This will uplift your mood every single day and you feel happier.Take up a hobby for e.g., painting, playing an musical instrument, dancing, anything you wanted to do but could not do due to whichever reason.Go out, travel and explore. If you are not travelling you are really missing out something amazing.Talk to your parents more often, they will always love you and will make you feel good about yourself.There are so many online courses like codepen, coursera, highbrow, codeschool etc. Just start learning some thing, it will benefit you in a long run.Do some meditation, it will rejuvenate your energy.Help someone who cannot give you anything in return.Teach a poor kid, you will understand what it’s like to have food, shelter, loving parents and a good Education.And do remember:Hope it helps. !!Good luck my friend.

Why does it feel so good to take a big poop?

That feeling of relief when the big log exits your stressed out rectum. Your body does not want to hold in waste, it is just that, waste and your body cannot wait to get rid of it.

The pre-poop farts are the best as they smell the worst.

If you want to get back at someone you don't like, take the dump in the upper part of their toilet (upper decker). Then next time they flush it'll come out the toilet bottom and make a big mess.

After I urinate, I feel like I have to go again. But when I do, only a little bit comes out.?

Right after I get up I feel like I have to go again. So I go, but only a little bit comes out and I still feel like I have to go. So I go again and again but nothing is better. I know I dont drink enough water, and that might be something to do with it, but I dont know what to do right now about it. I still feel the need to empty my bladder, but it wont empty. Suggestions? This has been going on since last night.