What Do You Think About People With Taurus Sun With Sagittarius Moon

Taurus sun, sagittarius moon, leo rising?

LOL I am Taurus Sun & Sagittarius Moon & Rising : )

If you were to think of your Sun sign as your soul -- your inner personality and potential -- and your Moon sign as your heart -- your emotional core -- then you could say that your Rising sign is your physical self or the face mask you present to the world.

Sun (to integrate) in Taurus (Enduring and Possessive).

Like a heavy rock, you are hard to move, but once to start moving you are hard to stop (fixed). You tend to stick with what you have, being reluctant to change. You tend to accumulate wealth, etc (possessive). In your life, you tend to be practical (earth). Your thinking is usually down-to-earth (earth). You are a good listener and are slow to react. You may have a tendency to act because of others, rather than to be be self-caused (passive).

Moon (to react to) in Sagittarius (Free and Tolerant)

To feel good about yourself, you may need to travel in search of freedom and to show tolerance. You are versatile and adaptable with emotional expression (mutable) and you follow your own feelings (active). You may lose your temper (fire) and express unexpected, by others, emotions. This may not be consistent with your public orientation.

Rising in Leo (Impressive and Creative)

You put up a very confident front. You appear as proud and sure of yourself as can be. People expect drama from you, and they will be disappointed if you don't deliver the spirited-ness one counts on with the Lion-hearted. You carry yourself with distinction, and you catch everyone's eye whether you like it or not. If others see these regal Leo qualities, they may pick up on the some negative Leo vibes -- like smugness or over-the-top vanity. Despite that perceived self-interest, you're bound to be popular in whatever clique you find yourself.

Love & Blessings

Sun: Sagittarius, Rising: Libra, Moon: Taurus?

Sun: Sagittarius
Rising: Libra
Moon: Taurus

What does this mean about me? Thanks.

Natal Chart:

Sun Sagittarius 7.50 Ascendant Libra 15.53
Moon Taurus 9.13 II Scorpio 12.57
Mercury Sagittarius 27.51 III Sagittarius 14.20
Venus Sagittarius 14.57 IV Capricorn 18.48
Mars Gemini 4.27 R V Aquarius 22.23
Jupiter Leo 13.36 R VI Pisces 21.41
Saturn Capricorn 22.16 VII Aries 15.53
Uranus Capricorn 7.54 VIII Taurus 12.57
Neptune Capricorn 12.59 IX Gemini 14.20
Pluto Scorpio 18.32 Midheaven Cancer 18.48
Lilith Sagittarius 13.35 XI Leo 22.23
Asc node Capricorn 29.20 XII Virgo 21.41

Libra sun, Taurus rising, Sagittarius moon?

I CAN!!!!!!!! I got very good at this. I finally have it all figured out. Do you know your Mars and Venus signs? Those are very important too. Basically, I've noticed that your rising sign is your true sign. People go by their sun signs because that's the one that gets marketed, but it's only a bluff. It's your dominant sign, but that doesn't mean it's your sign. It's only your dominant sign because it's just dominant. It just is. It's how you are when you're around people naturally, and that's why it dominates, but it isn't really you. You find out who you really are mostly with your moon, Venus, and Mars signs because your moon sign is your self-identity, your Venus sign is your attitude towards relationship, and your Mars sign is your attitude towards work. I've noticed that people's Venus and Mars signs are generally the same or at least the same elements. That makes it very interesting. With a Sagittarius moon, that's pretty cool because I love that sign. It's a very sexy sign. Then what happens is your Mars and Venus signs balance out your moon sign. It's pretty cool because you find out your rising sign is just a combination of three signs. Like Taurus can be seen as a combination of Sagittarius and two other signs. Like I'm an Aries rising which for me is a combination of my Capricorn moon, Leo Venus, and Leo Mars. Notice how my rising and moon signs are both goats pretty much. Aries is the ram and Capricorn is the goat, but you need the Leo or the lion to give the goat the aggression to become the ram. Sagittarius is pretty intense and emotional, so you need something in your Mars and Venus signs to calm it down to become Taurus. I'm just not sure what. Possibly some water signs? Water will help put out some of the fire from Sagittarius to make it the more conservative Taurus. That's my guess. Air would cool down fire too but it wouldn't make a conservative rising sign. Anyhoo, you can pretty much see yourself as a Taurus at this point. The role of the sun sign is to just get in your way of who you truly are. Have you ever noticed that you're a completely different person alone than when you're around people? That reason is the sun sign.

Sun taurus rising sagittarius moon cancer?

Sagi rising - Expansive, jovial, optimistic, noble, kind-hearted; philosophical, extravagant, excessive

The Taurus Sun/Cancer Moon combination produces a rather contradictory and confusing personality. The placement of the Moon suggests a sensitive person who is easily hurt and, on occasion, very resentful. Conversely, however, the Sun in Taurus indicates an individual who is not very easily pushed around and, at times, can be downright stubborn. The Taurus Sun/Cancer Moon subject can usually hide personal dislikes very well and relies heavily on diplomacy. Thus, others are often somewhat unclear as to where this Taurus individual stands or what this Taurus individual is thinking. Taurus natives ruled by a Cancer Moon have a way of changing their tactics to suit their purposes and there is often a tendency to avoid conflicts. In business, this will be a shrewd tactical planner who can formulate the right strategy in a given situation. However, this is also a person who is often influenced more by feelings than by reason. This blend provides a sensitive nature, endowed with an emotional side which can be easily aroused. The foundation of the Taurus Sun/Cancer Moon personality is based in the home and with the family. These are also the stabilizing factors. Self-assurance gives the impression of strength, but it is truly only skin deep. The capacity here for conciliating different views is remarkable, but it can appear to others as a lack of real personal conviction, which is not usually the case. The Taurus Sun/Cancer Moon person tends to hide his or her light "under a bushel" when the need arises for decision-making and affirmative action. Such individuals need to learn not to be such a "pushover," since their ideas are normally very sound and extremely well-constructed. The ambitions associated with this combination are strong and a Taurus influenced by the Cancer Moon will never give up on a job. However, there is a distinct tendency to be a little on the negative side and pessimism can easily surface when things fail to go the way this individual believes that they should.

Sagittarius people are said to be religious,?

Hi Eden

Sagittarius is a dual sign....part animal and part human. The animal side tends to alchol, gambling, while the higher level, tends to philosophy, religion, law etc...The higher qualities of the Sag nature allow man to createcivil, legal and theological codes of behaviour for the masses to follow and observe.

Let's not forget also the position of Jupiter and Neptune. If afflicted, I doubt that religion will be important and actually, quite the contrary.
The straightforward and bold becomes loud-mouthed and coarse.
The teacher and judge become dictators and propagandist under affliction.
The good Sagittarius sees the larger issue at hand while the afflicted one tends to false exageration.

How is Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon and Sagittarius Rising?

You're wicked charming right now, but that might not be enough to move a certain relationship forward. Today, you're going to have to go in deep and let yourself be a little bit more vulnerable. Share a story with this person that is embarrassing -- show them that you trust them with the things that you wouldn't entrust to just anybody. They'll be flattered -- and it's a kind of flattery that means much more than a compliment on their looks or intelligence could ever mean.