What Do You Think Of Putin

What do Russians think about Putin?

How can we not? Oligarchs fall and grovel under that fish-like, dull stare on his silicon-enhanced face. His vulgar and sexist jokes have our entire nation rolling in the aisles. World leaders sit up and listen when they hear his feeble voice utter the words of simple, unadulterated truth.Just kiddin’.Putin is the best leader Russia has ever had.He’s the first since Stalin who knows how to run the country. And in comparison with Stalin, he does the job with immensely less blood and suffering, and to a much better result. At last, we have a competent leader who doesn’t kill and torment people at an industrial scale.He’s not a sadist, or power maniac, or a simple thief, or conqueror. With the power he has amassed, he could be Ivan the Terrible, or Caligula, or Lenin—and he chooses not to. What a welcome, wonderful change.He has little time for liberal niceties like the rule of law, or civil rights, or human dignity. But he is very legalistic. "To my friends, everything; to my enemies, the law." He wants to win elections, not abolish them, tweak and change the law, not ignore it. That’s very fresh, very new, very empowering.He has a sense of fairness, and he values loyalty. His enemies die or disappear, often in a horrible way, but not before they had declared themselves to be his enemies. He doesn’t betray. As long as he thinks you honestly hold your end of bargain, he doesn’t lie or cheat. Totally out of character for someone who spent formative years in the twilight world of Soviet secret services.He’s not tormented by inner demons that he lets act out onto other people, like many in his entourage do. He’s pragmatic, calculating, and rational. “Why kill when you can make a deal? Why steal when you can buy? Why make a scene when you can sit down and have a talk?” He’s a rock of reason in the neurotic sea of post-Soviet politics.He realizes his power mandate comes from people, not from brute force, or God, or ideological sophistry. He’s obsessed by polls figures and popular acclaim. He says what people like to hear, and he knows how to cater to his power base. He shares. He and his friends stole billions from the oil-fueled bonanza, but down here, we got many fat morsels, too. We’ve never been that well off. That’s so new. We’re amazed. Simply amazed.Russia is a declining power. For many different reasons, it seems to be impossible to reverse. But I believe Putin is the best to make it a rather smooth, long, uneventful decline.

What do you think of Putin?

As an American, I'm horrified by any national leader who rules through fear, intimidation and violence. No free press, no equivalent to our Bill of Rights and no electoral accountability is a recipe for tyranny. Russians are a great people, but they tolerate a corrupt Oligarch who puts them at odds with the world rather than in harmony with it. His plans to recreate the Russian empire have put crippling sanctions on the Russian economy and banking system, and the weak patent and trademark protections there stifle innovation. Over reliance on petro dollars make Russia something of a one trick pony, even though it could be a manufacturing powerhouse given the right environment. Most of all, by fueling Iran's drive for WMD's and the missiles to deliver them across the globe, he has helped to sew the seeds of a potential nuclear holocaust in the Middle East. Russia can do MUCH better…

What do communists think about Putin?

Communists, all Communists everywhere, have a lifetime of experience with the mendacity of the governments and press of the capitalist countries. They can unspin the spin, they can deconstruct the misdirections. They are also much more knowledgeable about Russia and its history than the average person and understand it in ways non-Communists will never do.For these reasons alone, they are immune to the major driver of anti-Putin sentiment in the world and start from a reality-based view of Russia and Putin. They are simply not propagandized.I don’t know how they feel about the so-called Communist Party of Russia, which has converted to Democratic Socialism. I suspect their feelings are not fraternal. Its on my to-do list to window shop some of their websites and see what I find. I wonder how they reacted to the 1995 election being stolen from the Communist Party. Probably “a pox on both their houses.”They are against Putin’s politics and most of what he stands for: his economic theories, his nationalism, his isolationism.

As expert, what do you think about Russia and Putin?

West is the lab, Europe is luxury, China is factory, South Asia is consumer, Africa is mine.Russia is a large country , to enable it's economy it may become one of these. No one will stop Russia but they need to ask everyone for help. People with ego and superiority complex never gain anything.So, Mr Putin is doing a great job feeding the people , giving them proud time but he should now give them a long term vision from the above or a completely new one. Like Khrushchev said “we'll surpass you”. Of course, I loved it. Because he took a challenge, he failed miserably but he tried.Now like Brezhnev you can feed your people for thousand more years, but it doesn't add anything Russian to the humanity.

What do Americans think about Putin?

Putin threw the Nazi George Soros out of Russia to protect his country from the open-border, protest funding, riot inciting terrorist George Soros, which is exactly when the United States started their hate campaign against Putin. Vladimir Putin has restored his country from bankruptcy using some of his own money, he loves his people and his country, id trust Putin with my life over Clintons, Bushes and Obamas any day

What do British people think of Putin?

Personally, I consider him an extremely competent criminal, more interested in power for himself and his cronies than he is in delivering positive outcomes for Russia and the world.The British as a whole don’t trust him, according to survey data, and are even less confident in him doing the right thing than they are in Donald Trump. The distinction is that people don’t doubt Putin’s ability, just his motives.3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders