What Does It Mean When My Baby Bearded Dragon Closes It

Why does my bearded dragon go to my hair and close his eyes? worried he might be sick!?

you beardie is completely fine mine like to snuggle in the folds of a blanket and closes his eyes(falls to sleep) and also climbs near my neck

my beardies dont tend to really eat their greens

Why Does My Bearded Dragon Close Its Eyes When I Go Near Her?

Hello, im just wondering because I just got my bearded dragon (female) and sometimes when I put my hand near her she closes one eye or sometimes two. Is this normal?. And even when im not putting my hand in the cage her eyes close?.

My bearded dragon closes her eyes when i pet her head does this mean she likes it?

she has done that ever since she was a baby. she doesn't puff out her beard or hiss or anything, she just lays her head down and closes her eyes. i don't pet by her eyes or anything. i just pet her head and the sides of her head.
does she like it or is that a sign that i should stop?

How often should my bearded dragon's eyes close while basking?

I brought my baby dragon home from the reptile store 2 days ago and, as the question describes, I'm wondering how often my beardie's eyes should be closing. They only close while he basks, unless he's relaxed in my hands or 'winking' to focus on one side better. He usually keeps his eyes closed (while basking) but often (few times every minute) opens them for 2-5 seconds and closes them again, opens them to stare at me for 4-5 seconds, or (most often) 'winks' while looking around with the other eye (he uses both eyes equally). He can open them and doesn't seem distressed doing so for longer periods of time if I'm being entertaining.

He's between 4-5 months old in a 50g tank (36" x 18" x 25"). The light is a 150W Retpisun Basking Spot Lamp, his basking spot is approximately 16" from the bulb, the thermometer (about 3" away) reads 94.5 F, though I know it to be hot enough as it's humid (which the thermo cannot read) and periodically he'll open his mouth to regulate his temperature (but not too often or in any other areas of the tank). (During the winter I intend to raise the basking area higher to account for the humidity.) He's eating (both crickets, which he catches easily, and veggies), pooping, sleeping and active both in the tank and when I hold him (though he also relaxes and stays put for a while).

Is he just relaxing while I'm being paranoid? Or could the light somehow be hurting his eyes? I don't know enough about dragon behaviour to determined myself, and search results yield beardie's with their eyes always closed. Opinions?

Is my baby bearded dragon fat?

No, his weight looks okay.  The real concern with superworms and mealworms is that they have a LOT of chitin.  Baby bearded dragons have a digestive tract that winds perilously close to their spinal cord.  Oversized prey or lots of chitinous prey can create a lump moving through the intestines which can damage their spinal cord and even cause permanent paralysis of the hind limbs - so it's very dangerous to feed insects larger than the space between the bearded dragon's eyes, or too many insects with a lot of strong chitin at once.  Baby bearded dragons eat insects at least twice a day, in addition to a mixed green salad (there are plenty of instructions on which greens can be used - no lettuce or spinach).  Their incredibly high metabolism and super fast growth rate means that proper nutrition is absolutely essential - proper UVB light and calcium supplements, sufficient insect meals and greens are needed for them to grow properly.  They will not get fat.  That's an issue you have to watch for in adult beardies, but not fast-growing babies.

Is it bad that my baby bearded dragon alternates closing his eyes like he is winking at me?

Can be normal. Just make sure you aren't using any kind of sand in the often causes eye problems (among a lot of other problems).

My Bearded Dragon is closing its eyes when I hold him is that normal?



This is usually a sign that it is calm with your presence. If it was scared of you it eyes would not close and it would be either trying to get out of your hands and back into the cage or bite you.

Reptiles or any creature for that matter dont like to close their eyes around or near something they would consider a predator.

You will also notice your beardie do this when it is basking or cat napping.

Again this is completely normal, and your beardie is not scared of you.

Why is my bearded dragon eating sand?

I don't recommend ever using sand for a captive bearded dragons substrate, they often eat it accidentally when looking for or going after their food.You should remove the sand immediately and use paper towel, newspaper, reptile carpet, tile, or some other substrate that isn't loose material.Keep a very close eye on your dragon, as they may become impacted (can't digest the sand), which is lethal. Also review the diet and feeding schedule, your dragon may not be eating enough or getting proper nutrients.Recommended diet for dragons is protein such as crickets, dubia roaches, mealworms, superworms, locusts, etc (limit fatty insects like waxworms) and veggies like endive, collard greens, mustard greens, carrots, bell peppers, squash, etc (never lettuce, avoid high oxalate foods like spinach). Always put calcium powder on insects, and use multivitamin powder once per week. 80% protein, 20% veggies for juvenile, opposite ratio for over 1 year old. Some fruits can be fed as treats on occasion. They should be fed every day.