What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Dad Getting Out Of Jail

I had a dream about my dad being alive. What does this mean? He’s been dead for 9 months.

To dream of your father represents your conscience, your ability to make positive choices, or choose between right and wrong. Dreaming of your father may also reflect your feelings about a decision you've already made or are considering. Fathers in dreams can also symbolize your current feelings about him if you have issues with him that need to be dealt with.Positively, dreaming of your father may reflect the decision to make a moral or positive decision. Deciding to stand up for yourself. Feeling that a problem has gotten out of control and deciding to do something about it. Deciding to be realistic or practical.Negatively, dreaming of your father may reflect decisions you don't like having to make. Feeling that you need to make a choice that doesn't feel good at all. Feeling that you need to make a choice that will not benefit you at all or cause long term problems. A decision to keep doing something that isn't a good idea. Letting someone with authority make decisions for you or that aren't in your best interest. Feeling that you've made a terrible decision or horrible mistake.

What does it mean if you dream about your dad getting out of prison?

To me it depends on what it was for. life in prison had to be something big. I also know courts are very unfair and i don't believe they really care about anyone or anything but the money they can make. Hopefully your dad knows you was trying to help him and i'm sure he loves you. As for the dreams.... its possiable your really hoping your dad wins his case and gets out to be in your life again. If its not a really bad crime i hope he wins. Some really good people do wrong things and make mistakes and if thats the case i'm sorry you and him has to go though that. plus u don't have to testify if you don't want to. that's why we have a 5th amendment. Sounds to me they took that right away from u,and that statement that u made should be deleted and not used to help convict him. I hope this helps you some and i hope you get to be with your dad again. As a dad myself i wish you both the best. Good luck.

What does it mean if you dream your dad died?

Death in dream implies change. On the bright side, death dreams usually have positive symbolism.Seeing your dad die in dream may imply a change in your understanding level with your dad. Perhaps your dad is going to accept some new facts about you that would bring a change in the relationship with your dad.Dream is a reflection of our own self. When you see a person in your dream, you actually see an aspect of your own self. Your mind projects the impression of that person that is registered in your memory. So, death of your dad may imply change in certain qualities like your beliefs, judgements & attitude - that are influenced by your dad.If you are anxious about the well being of your dad, dreaming of death of your parents is just a reaction to your fear. It doesn't necessarily mean your dad is going to die.Few people among us sometimes get a glimpse of their probable future in their dreams. Since you've asked this question, you are not one of them. So, again no worries.Sometimes, what you see in dream is exactly the opposite of what happens in reality. That too implies your dad is fine.Don't worry. Don't take your dreams too seriously. Have a good day!

What does this dream mean? Going to jail? Ten points?

Wow, that's a scary dream. I can't even consider that a dream, more like a nightmare!

This is just a theory, but you may be depressed or something. Dreams are usually based on what's in your mind. If you're sad, depressed, stressed, angry, ect., then you are likely to have nightmares such as this. Since dreams, like I said, are usually based on what your thinking about, that dream could also be based on any fears you might have. If you fear being away/losing your family, being alone, or anything that has to do with jail(or if you have had any experiences with jail), that may have something to do with your nightmare as well. Most likely, this is why you dreamed that.

Here's my advice, don't think about this kind of stuff before you go to bed. In fact, try not to think about it at all. Before you go to sleep, picture something happy or relaxing. Don't think about anything bad and don't watch anything that will make you dream about it.

Although it is normal to have dreams like this once in a while, if you have bad dreams similar to this often, talk to your parents.

Ave's answer could be the case as well.

Really hope this helps.

I dream alot about being in prison, does this mean anything??

To dream that you are in prison, signifies that you are being censored and not allowed to express yourself.

Why do I dream about my dead father suddenly being alive again and again?

The Dream Moods Dictionary is a very comprehensive site where you can look up and discover the meaning to just about anything. Below is their section on Death, but check it out for yourself: Dream Moods A-Z Dream DictionaryDeadTo see or talk to the dead in your dream forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. This dream may also be a way for you to resolve your feelings with those who have passed on. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes material loss.If you dream of a person who has died a long time ago, then it suggests that a current situation or relationship in your life resembles the quality of that deceased person. The dream may depict how you need to let this situation or relationship die and end it.If you dream of someone who has recently passed away, then it means that their death is still freshly in your mind. Dreams can also be a way for you to keep loved ones who have past away alive and still be in some aspect of your life. You are still trying to grasp the notion that he or she is really gone. If the dead is trying to get you to go somewhere with him or her, then it signifies that you are trying to understand their death. You also don't want to be alone.To see and talk with your dead parents in your dreams represent your fears of losing them or your way of coping with the loss. You are using your dream as a last opportunity to say your final good-byes to them.To see your dead sibling, relative, or friend alive in your dream indicates that you miss them and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with them. In trying to keep up with the pace of your daily waking life, your dreams may serve as your only outlet in coping and coming to terms with the loss of a loved one.To dream of your dead child is a way for you to keep your child alive through your dreams. For a parent to lose a child is extremely difficult. Such dreams occur because you still cannot accept or understand how or why your child was taken from you so soon.Dreaming of a dead person who passes away again in your dream means that you wished they were still around to experience and share certain aspects of your life with you. Such dreams are more likely to occur during happy times or during important milestones in your life.*Please see also Death

What does it mean if u dream of someone who is not alive?

What does it mean if u dream of someone from your immediate family who is not alive? Like u dream that they were in prison and have come home and you feel so happy for that and things like that..

I dream every night, i'm quite aware of that. Usually the dreams are long. But I dont remember them exactly when I wake up. Why is it so?