What Drug Did Friar Laurance Give Juliet

What is the Name of the Drug That Friar Lawrence Gave to Juliet?

If it ACTUALLY stopped respiration, heart beat and other bodily functions it would THEREBY be fatal. Nobody can live 42 hours without oxygen. But average physicians in past centuries were even less competent and even more superstitious than their modern (also average) counterparts. Death could easily be misdiagnosed. ANY drug that merely REDUCED bodily functions below the level detectable in the most perfunctory examination would have sufficed.

Lacking expert knowledge, I can not name any such drug (nor am I certain that I should make its name public if I DID know one). It seems likely, that Shakespeare did not have such information, either. In that sense, the drug is most probably a literary device, but not an implausible one contrary to scientific knowledge at the time.

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What Drug Did Friar Lawrence Give Juliet?

In the play, "Romeo and Juliet," Friar Lawrence gives Juliet a sleeping potion that gives the appearance of death for "two and forty hours." It was so effective that everyone thought she was dead, and they put her in the family crypt. Such a drug would have to be very powerful, as it would need to cause a cessation of breathing and respiration, heartbeat, and everything else, and yet not kill the patient. Is there such a drug? What was its name?

What did the friar give juliet to make her seem dead?

It was a sleeping potion which drugged her out for a couple of hours.

What Drug Did Friar Lawrence Give to Juliet?

In the Shakespeare play, "Romeo & Juliet," Friar Lawrence gives Juliet a potion that makes her appear dead for "two and forty hours." Is there a drug that makes a person appear dead? Such a drug would have to cause a cessation of heartbeat, breathing, and other bodily functions, yet somehow keep the person alive? Does anyone know if there is such a drug, and, if so, its name?

Why is Juliet afraid that Friar Lawrence may have given her real poison?

she thought that friar lawrence might just kill her because he wanted to cover up the fact that he married Romeo and her. she thought that the friar might be affraid because romeo was just banished for murder and that he didnt want anyone to know he was involved in anything.

How do surgeons use Curare. (like the one in Romeo and Juliet)?

"Curare is still used in many chronic situations, such as for muscle trauma or spasms, acute arthritis, poliomyelitis, as well as in the interesting cases of patients who must be completely immobilized during extremely delicate surgery, kept alive by machines."

Name me a reason why Friar Lawrence was bad to give Juliet the vile!?

- Friar Lawrence married Romeo and Juliet, this was the first mistake that would lead to their deaths. A bond between them was created through marriage: "For, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone Till holy church incorporate two in one." (2.6.36-37).None of any of the tragedies would have occurred if Romeo and Juliet were not married.

- And if Friar Lawrence had followed the original agreement he made with Romeo: "Sojourn in Mantua ; I'll find out your man, Every good hap to you that chances have. If, in thy wisdom thou canst give no help, Do but call my resolution wise, And with this knife I'll help it presently. Instead he continues to attempt to keep Romeo and Juliet together. It would have been better if Romeo and Juliet had not known Friar Lawrence at all.

- He began the catastrophe added to it, and allowed its completion. The plan he comes up with however, is shortsighted, poorly thought out, and risky.

What did Juliet in, "Romeo and Juliet" die from? We're being told to make Romeo's suicide note, but he doesn't know how Juliet dies. What was the reason for her fake death?

She dies from stabbing herself in the heart (“O happy dagger! This is thy sheath”). She appears to die by taking a mystery potion supplied by Friar Lawrence for that purpose, the idea being that she should be laid in a tomb whence Romeo could liberate her and they could both run off into the sunset. Unfortunately they forget to tell Romeo that she’s only pretending to be dead, so he kills himself and then she wakes up, finds him dead, and kills herself. Very poor planning. She definitely dies by stabbing herself though.

Romeo and Juliet help please?

How does Mercutio feel about Romeo's witty insults?
a) He is insulted.
b) He is hurt and asks Benvolio to intercede.
c) He is angered and continues to challenge Romeo.
d) He is delighted to have his lively friend back.

Friar Laurence agrees to participate in Romeo's plan to elope. What does this say about his character?
a) He is a hopeless romantic; he is happy to see love blossom as he has never been in love.
b) He cares more for the happiness of Romeo than for how he appears in public.
c) He is well-meaning and optimistic but probably a little short-sighted and impractical.
d) He is selfish and only wants the money that Romeo promises him in return for his assistance.

Why is Nurse so upset?
a) She thinks Juliet should marry Paris.
b) She does not like to do "errands" like this for Juliet.
c) Mercutio infuriated her with his lewd insults.
d) Romeo is not what she expected him to be.

How will Romeo and Juliet elope?
a) Juliet will sneak off her balcony using a rope ladder and elope with Romeo at midnight.
b) Juliet will tell her parents she is going to confession, confess lying to her parents, and then marry Romeo.
c) Romeo's friends will create a diversion to confuse Juliet's parents.
d) No information about a plan is given in these scenes.

What is Friar Laurence saying?
""Within the infant rind of this weak flower
Poison hath residence and medicine power;
For this, being smelt, with that part cheers each part;
Being tasted, stays all senses with the heart."" (II, iii, 25-28)
a) Children are fragile and weak like flowers, especially Romeo and his fickle love.
b) Depending on the use, a single drug can heal or kill; in the same way, all things can serve a good or bad purpose
c) The best poison will always resist the most powerful medicine; in the same way, evil (death) will always triumph over good (life) in the end
d) The flower has the power to make people think with their heart instead of their head; likewise, emotions are genuine and thoughts are often artificial.