What Happened In British History In The Periods Of 1550-1650

British History: What were the people during 1550-1650 concerned about?

Succession to the throne.

World History 1550-1650.What was going on in the rest of the world (besides britain) during this period?

Spain was exploring and conquering much of the Americas. All the wealth and gold from its New World colonies were making Spain the wealthiest kingdom in Europe. Spain reached its height as the most powerful kingdom in Europe under Philip II, then began its decline under his son, Philip III.

France was racked by turmoil from the religious conflicts of the reformation. The kingdom was divided by Huegenot Protestant forces and Catholic loyalists. The ruling House of Valois became extinct when Queen Margaret died in 1615. Her ex-husband, Henri de Navarre, founded the Bourbon Dynasty when he succeeded to the throne of France as Henri IV in 1589 after the death of his brother-in-law, Henry III.

In Italy, the country became dominated by the Spanish Hapsburg royal family, which came into possession of the Duchy of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples through marriage/inheritance and the Hapsburg/Valois War (1551-1559). Most of Italy would remain as Spanish Hapsburg domains until the death of Charles II in 1700.

Germany and Scandinavia
The Holy Roman Empire and Scandinavia fell into various religious conflicts brought about by the Protestant Reformation. The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) was not resolved until the Peace of Westphalia, which recognized the Lutheran Religion and allowed German Princes to choose between the Catholic or Protestant faiths.

In India, the Classical Period of the Mughal Empire began in 1556, with the accession of Emperor Akbar the Great. Mughal India reached it's wealthiest and powerful period during the Classical Period, and began it's decline with the death of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707.

In China, the Ming Dynasty had started its decline. Internal intrigues, corruption, and conflicts within the royal family lead to the Ming Dynasty's collapse in 1644, when the Manchus invaded northern China, overthrew the Ming Dynasty, and established the Ch'ing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Hope all this helped,

American History, between 1550-1650?

1) Religious freedom (puritans / quakers / methodists / catholics)
2) Gold (the way countries measured their amount of wealth in this time period was by how much Gold and Silver they had). Gold also let some countries gain dominance over others (namely the Spanish until the British defeated the Spanish Armada).

Why is the period from 1550 to 1650 considered Spain's golden age?

Because that was the time at which Spain was the dominate power on the European continent, if not possibly the world. It was ruled by the powerful and still rising house of Hapsburg, which also had family connections to other powers on the continent that gave Spain instant allies and wouldn't go to war against it. It had possessions everywhere: Sicily, Sardinia, Naples, Milan, the Netherlands, and the riches they brought. Not to mention it also had great territory and wealth flowing in from it's new world claims that seemed to grow every year. Also, even Portugal during that time (and its colonies) by way of royal blood connections also came under the Spanish-Hapsburg thumb.

Plus, it had pretty competent rulers early on in Charles V and Phillip II. But Spain, being the staunch Catholic state that is was, was part of its undoing. With the reformation, its vast empire to try to defend, and incompetent rulers after Phillip II, with additional corruption in government eventually led to Spain going down hill. It lost the Netherlands during the reformation, the religious wars there after drained Spain (since it was expected as the Catholic power to fight for Catholic power where it was threatened), which led to its losses in Italy, and eventually its American colonies.

Also France at that time, ruled by the Hapsburg's main rivals for European power the Valois', did much.....even going out of its way in wars against, or supporting the opposition of Spain to weaken its hold as a European power. That way with Spain and the Hapsburgs weakend, France could step right in and fill the power vaccum.....which really, is exactly what happend.

What were people concerned about in britain 1550-1650?

being burned at the stake for being any religion other than Catholic or for being perceived as being anything other than Catholic during Mary I's reign. Civil war because of the religion issue, possible war with France because of the Spanish king consort Phillip during Mary I's reign, and then war with France and Scotland during Elizabeth I's because of Mary Stewart's claim to the English crown as well as with Spain because of English piracy among other things. Illness such as plague. And of course money because the coins they used at the time were near to worthless.

What were the reasons for the rise of the Netherlands as a leading commercial power in the period 1550 to 1650?

1- Technologically more advanced:
Ships: the "fluit" could be run more economically than competitors.
Windmills: the Zaan area was the most industrialized area in the world.
Mass production: in the same Zaan area, shipyards could build & launch ships 4x times than anywhere else.
Infra-structure: an extensive network of canals, rivers and lakes made local transportation of people and especially goods attractive.
Better banking system: The Amsterdam bank charged the lowest interest in Europe. It was also the most reliable bank.
Financial system: the VOC was the first stock company in the world, but most big enterprise (whaling, shipping) were somehow based on the same system.
Insurance: cargoes could be insured for economically reasonable prices, the lowest in Europe.

2- Political:
The three biggest competitors were Spain, England and France:
Spain was (first) bogged down in a Vietnam type of independence war (Dutch 80 years war), (later) went bankrupt several times.
France was bogged down by a civil war, same as England.

The Dutch didn't do it better than anybody else, they just happened to have the good luck everybody else was busy fighting themselves or went bust. Once England and France settled their civil war issues, they surpased quickly.

3: For the time, the most advanced and modern civil system in the word. The US constitution was designed with the Dutch Republic as an example.
The Dutch navy operated in 5 independent admiralties.
The Dutch army (Maurits, Frederick Hendrik) was the best in the world.

1550 -1650 who were the rulers of Britain?

i hate lazy students. they should be failed. with the technology nowadays, they dont need to go to library but still they are soooo damn lazy. glad i know.

1547-1553 edward vi
1553-1558 mary i
1558-1603 elizabeth i
1603-1625 james I
1625-1649 charles i
1649-1660 oliver cromwell ( republic)