What Is A Good Outlet For Stress

What are some positive outlets for stress?

Exercise, good nutrition, rest, and a positive outlook on life. Realizing you have a purpose in life and you are going to accomplish it.

What's your outlet for your stress?

stress about anything, just be true to yourself, like if you don't smile a lot, you vent and laugh

if you have stress over heartbreak over a girl, you turn her into literature lol and stuff like that =p

What are some good creative writing outlets/websites on the internet?

So, I am in the need of a creative writing outlet to channel my eustress/distress and would like to instead of writing journal entries like some madman with no point or no story to tell, I would like to submit articles, entries, and work to a creative writing website and put all my stress to good use.

Are there any good websites for this?

I know of,, but I am looking for a place to write more substantive material in a creative way.

I have a strong background in writing and I need a release!!

Is crying a healthy outlet to releave stress?

Some people cry, some yell, some meditate, etc. Everyone has their own way of relieving stress. As long as your not harming yourself or others in any way, (physically or verbally), whatever works best for you is perfectly fine.

Would boxing be a good way to release anger?

i think kickboxing would be great for you. you can work off steam on the bag, and when you go up against someone else, even just light practice, that will force you to get your adrenaline in check.

either you calm down and get through the round with a sense of accomplishment, or you let the adrenaline get the best of you and you finish tired and beat up. getting beat up gets old quick.