What Is Germany Known For

Who is known as Iron Man of Germany?

I used to live in Germany and I do not know a person named iron man. But there is a triathalon called the IronMan in Germany for charity, each year.
The event starts with a 2.4 mile lake swim followed by 112 mile cycle followed by a full marathon. All this is to be achieved in amere 12 hours

Herr Otto Von Bismarcks was known as having an iron-man image, not the nickname. The unique personality was the crucial factor in the unification of Germany. His skill as a diplomat was unrivalled during his reign as chancellor of Prussia and Germany. The mastery he showed in foreign policy was such that he was able to outwit all other powers and make their leaders look pathetic.
Otto Von Bismarcks nickname was "The Iron Chancellor"

Are Germans known for being talkative?

I haven't met too many people from Germany, but the ones I have met talk non-stop. They never shut up. I know there are talkative people from every country, so have I just met only the talkative Germans and not the non-talkative ones? Maybe I have met quiet Germans and I just didn't know it because they didn't say anything. Is there a stereotype about Germans talking a lot?

What are three products Germany is best known for?

I guess the three most famous will be

1) German cars: Mercedes, Porsche, BMW, Volkswagen

2) German beer

3) Bratwurst

Allthough there are a lot more things I could name but you asked for the best known..