What Is My Gpa If I Have 4 A

What is my GPA if I have 4 A's and 2 B's ?

you get your gpa by knowing what "A"'s and "B"'s are worth:


Therefore you do what you were taught in school and find the mean of your grades......
4 x 4= 16
2 x 3= 6


Take this and divide by your six classes

which gives you the total of a 3. 666666666667

What would my GPA be if I got B, B, A and C?

Are they all normal B's and A's? If so:You would have a 3.0 GPA, fairly decent. Not Harvard-worth grades, but good to at least go to college.The thing is though, how can you not figure this yourself?Here's a website to help: of course I think what you know to do the rest, shouldn't you know this?(In a nutshell, 3.0 GPA)

What is my GPA with 4 A's, 3 B's, and 1 C?

If all the courses are the same number of credits, everyone else except Chan is correct.

If not, everyone else is WRONG except for F M's link to York U's formula. A GPA is a WEIGHTED average, proportioned to the number of credits per course.

For example, suppose you got the A's in 3 credit courses and the others were 4 credits.

Grade….. Value of ...Credits per ...Credits x
….. ….. Grade….. course…..Grade
A ….. ….. 4 ….. ….. 3 ….. ….. 12
A ….. ….. 4 ….. ….. 3 ….. ….. 12
A ….. ….. 4 ….. ….. 3 ….. ….. 12
A ….. ….. 4 ….. ….. 3 ….. ….. 12
B ….. ….. 3 ….. ….. 4 ….. ….. 12
B ….. ….. 3 ….. ….. 4 ….. ….. 12
B ….. ….. 3 ….. ….. 4 ….. ….. 12
C ….. ….. 2 ….. ….. 4 ….. ….. 8

Total ….. ….. ….. ….. 28 ….. ….. 92

92/28 = 3.285714286 or 3.29

What is my GPA if I have 3 A’s, 3 B’s, 1 C and 1 D?

I hope you are from ANNA UNIVERSITYInitially assume every subject grade to be E…(no matter what your actual grade is)so the basic GPA assuming that for all the Subject grade to be E is 5.00now for every increase in Grade ,keep adding the points corresponding to the credits for the corresponding Subject.for a credit 2 - add 0.0833for a credit 3 - add 0.125for a credit 4 - add 0.1666 and so on….Eg: If u got 5 E’s and 1 A(assuming Credit for that Subject to be 3),then GPA is 5.00 + (0.125*4) = 5.50(from A to E grade the Gap is 4 that’s why the “points” is multiplied by the Gap.)Now it is easy to calculate your GPAif you find it difficultThen use GPA calculator Anna university it will directly provide you your GPA.All the Best for 8+ GPA.. Share and UPVOTE :)

What would my GPA be if I have All A's and one B??

Your GPA would be 3.875

A = 4 points
B = 3 Points
C= 2 points etc.

7 A's (28 points) + one B (3 points) = 31 points total.

Divide 31 points by total number of classes you are attempting (8) and you haveyour gpa of 3.875

If i have a 2.0 gpa and I get 4 A's, what will my gpa be?

Normally, in schools the grade point system corresponds to this:

A = 4 points
B = 3
C = 2
D = 1
F = 0

To find your grade point average, you calculate the average of all your grade points:

Start with 0, then add 4 points for every A, 3 for every B, etc until you go through every grade. You should end up with a fairly large number. Then divide this total by the number of grades in the data.

Let's say your grades are C, B, B, and A
or, with the grade points, 2, 3, 3, and 4.


Then take twelve and divide it by the number of grades (in this case 4)

12/4 = 3.0 GPA

So, using your other grades, you can figure it out yourself!


Can I still get a 4.0 GPA if I have one B?

If a 94% is an A then that is a 4.0 on the grading scale. It doesn't matter if you get a 94 -100 % is all considered A's and A's are converted to a 4.0 unless you have A- , and that is considered a numerical grade of say 3.7. If that is the case, you won't be able to get a pure 4.0. But as long as your B's are 3.0 and your C's are 2.0, you should be able to get a 4.0 GPA . But this only works on single courses. If you get 4 A's and a B on your tests, and you average 94% then you will get a 4.0 for that class. But if your FINAL grade for that class is a 3.0, then you won't be able to average together for a 4.0 GPA. Anyway congrats on your high grades!!

If your GPA Is a 3.4 how many B’s and A’s are you getting?

In the US, an institution on a 4.0 scale offers quality points for each grade earned (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) that is multiplied times the credit hours for each class. For example, in a 3 credit English class one earns the grade of A or 12 quality points (4 quality points/credit x 3 credits=12 quality points for the class).For the purpose of this illustration, let's make the math easy. You take five classes this semester for a total of 15 credits (each class is 3 credits), we will use this so that the average comes out to your desired point and can also be used for high school where the unweighted classes all have the same credit. You earn 2 A's and 3B's for the semester. Your GPA is determined as follows:Class 1– 4 pts. x 3 credits =12 quality pointsClass 2– 4 pts. x 3 credits = 12 quality pointsClass 3– 3 pts x 3 credits = 9 quality pointsClass 4– 3 pts. x 3 credits= 9 quality pointsClass 4– 3 pts.. x 3 credits = 9 quality pointsTotal Quality pts.= (12 + 12 +9+9+9) 51Total Credit hours = (3+3+3+3+3) 15GPA= Total Quality pts. divided by Total Credit hours (51÷15) 3.4 on a 4.0 scale unweighted.I hope this helps. Good luck!

How can I find out my GPA on a 4.0 scale?

Hey Maria,

The main difference between GPA and an average is that GPA looks at your mark in each individual class whereas with the average you just look at the total average... let me explain.

In most 4.0 GPA systems for each course, here is the value of each mark:

A = 4.0
A- = 3.7
B+ = 3.3
B = 3.0
B- = 2.7
C+ = 2.3
C = 2.0
D = 1.0
F = 0.0

The way you determine A-F is often different from school to school but the one I've seen is the following:

A = 85 - 100
A- = 80 - 84
B+ = 75 - 79
B = 70 - 74
B- = 65 - 69
C+ = 60 - 64
C = 55 - 59
D = 50 - 54
F = 0 - 49

If you want more information about different 4.0 GPA formats and different representations of A-F... check out wikipedia:

The GPA is quite different from an average. The main difference is that with an Average you can "offset" a bad course with a good one... for example if you got 100% in a course and 70% in another course they average out to the same thing as 85% in two courses which are 2 A's. But in GPA format they would be 4.0 for the 100% and 3.0 for the 70%,

so using the GPA format you get an average of (4+3)/2 = 3.5,
whereas using pure avg converting to GPA format you get 85% = 4.0

So unfortunately you can't just straight up convert your overall average.

You would need to look at your mark in each course for each year and designate them A-F letter grades, and then for each letter grade you designate the corresponding GPA value, and then finally average them all.

for example:
58%, 75%, 95%, 80%

Pure Avg = 77% = B+ = 3.3 GPA <== without calculating individually

58% = C = 2.0
75% = B+ = 3.3
95% = A = 4.0
80% = A- = 3.7

GPA = (2.0 + 3.3 + 4.0 + 3.7)/4 = 3.25 GPA

In this case they are quite close, but as you can see not identical. I'm going to guess your GPA would be around 3.7 - 4.0, that would mean you are getting mostly A's but a few A-'s and a few B's etc.

If I get four A's and a C what will my gpa be?

3.6 if none of the classes are more weighted than the rest.

Colleges (if you're in college) will often weight a class with a higher number of credits more than a lower credit class, though. So, it could be higher or lower depending on which classes were the A and which was the C.